Strawberry [spanking, no sex]

I’m face down in bed, ass draped over the wedge pillow. Blindfolded, legs bound together, arms bound behind my back – I’m completely at your mercy. You’re nearby, I can hear you. The jingle of the lock on our box of toys gives away your position, and I can only imagine which paddle you’re pulling out. My face is turned to the side, and eventually you make your way in front of it. “Open,” you command, and I open my mouth immediately, unsure of what, exactly, will be going in my mouth. To my surprise, it’s a strawberry. What the fuck? “Don’t bite down. Close your mouth little by little.” I slowly ease my mouth shut until I eventually feel my teeth gently resting on the sides of the strawberry, holding it in place, and you tell me to stop. “Don’t bite it,” you say again. Again I think, “What the actual fuck?” Then you hit me gently across the back of my thighs with your hand. I let out a small “oof.” And then I realize why I can’t bite down. Just that little sound made my teeth sink a tiny bit into the strawberry. I’m going to have to somehow stay totally relaxed if I’m going to avoid biting this strawberry. As my predicament sets in, the spanking starts in earnest.
