A first attempt to write something. Hope you enjoy [mf]

As he looked across the bar, he caught sight of her. He was breathless simply at the
sight of her. There she was, just sitting and sipping on a cocktail that was
red as blood, and all of his was pumping and he was having to concentrate just
to stay calm knowing she was there.  Oh
this man was well aware that she was holding the attention of every person here
and he was going to have be on his game if he had any chance of taking her
home. Watching as man and woman approached this goddess, offering drinks and
numbers as she politely refused. Clearly, she was not entertaining any kind of
pickup tonight. It was a shame because there was no way he would be able to get
her out of his mind.

Anybody want to play? [mf]

As he looked up at her face, she was trembling with excitement and nerves. His lips were gently stroking across the naked flesh of her hips. She knew she wanted this, wanted more. Remembering how she begged and pleaded for him to take her. Trying to reach down and grab his head in order to take what she wanted, forgetting that as she moved her hands they were jerked back by the restraints he had tightly fastened around her wrists. Helpless. At his mercy. With his hands firmly grasping onto her thighs his lips were tracing every inch of her and never quite making it to her clit. She was desperate, she was dripping…

How could he stop himself, she was there to be be used. This sexy, gorgeous woman had submitted herself to him and he would be remiss in his duties as ‘Sir’ if let her go unpleasured. He wanted to feel, taste, corrupt this perfect girl. Judging by how wet she was he could only imagine she was getting as much from this as he was. She was pale, her skin smooth and that little landing strip lay there directing him where to go. It was too easy to start there. She had asked for it, and while good girls deserve to get what they want, sometimes good things come to those who wait.

Wrote this story this short [mf] story to turn on my wife, think it worked?

**disclaimer: I am in no way a good writer and understand that there are many flaws. Hope it’s fun anyway **

As he looked across the bar, he caught sight of her. He was breathless simply at the
sight of her. There she was, just sitting and sipping on a cocktail that was
red as blood, and all of his was pumping and he was having to concentrate just
to stay calm knowing she was there.  Oh
this man was well aware that she was holding the attention of every person here
and he was going to have be on his game if he had any chance of taking her
home. Watching as man and woman approached this goddess, offering drinks and
numbers as she politely refused. Clearly, she was not entertaining any kind of
pickup tonight. It was a shame because there was no way he would be able to get
her out of his mind.