Control [MF]

I am bigger than her. Stronger than her. Faster than her. I’m more stubborn. More impulsive. Willing to take things further.

She knows this.

She makes her choices anyways.

The subtle, side eye glances. The devious smiles playing at the corner of her lips. The wink. The lip bite. The subtle wiggle of her hips when she leans over the bar.

I don’t miss a thing.

She’s the butterfly, fluttering around all night, from one conversation to another. Talking. Laughing. Mingling.

And I only have eyes for her. I make small talk with a few people that approach, but I hardly know what they are saying. I respond to the girl at the bar, but I don’t even remember her name. I’m focused on the woman across the room.

She sits at a table with some people we know. Her dress slides up – just an inch – when she crosses her legs. She catches me staring. Another cruel little smile.

Someone said something funny, I guess. She laughs, her head thrown back. Her hand lightly touches his arm.

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Confessions of a Manipulator [Dubious Consent] [Gentle] [M30sF20s]

It was almost too easy.

It usually is. It’s not hard when you know what to look for. The insecure ones. The ones looking for approval from an authority figure; desperate for approval, attention, acceptance.

Speak kindly to them. Show interest – but not too much interest. Don’t make it look like you want anything from them. You want to give the appearance that you’re casually surprised to see her again but you can’t hide the flash of excitement – the physical confession of how impressive she is – that crosses your face.

Then slowly insert moments of intense attention. A couple minutes of utter focus, like you’re hanging on her every word. Nothing in the world is more interesting to you than what she will say next.

Then move on. Have a few days where you’re just so busy. Smile and wave but keep walking. You’re not giving her the cold shoulder, you’re not an incel trying to “neg” her. You’ve got a life, you’re busy, you’re focused on other things.

Make her crave your attention. Make her obsess over what she can do to get more of it.

The Hidden Slut [NonCon]

Call me an asshole, a bastard. Tell me I’m a terrible person, manipulative and conniving. I don’t care.

I saw what I wanted and I found a way to get it.

I’d seen her around the office for a couple years. It was impossible to have not noticed her. She had kind eyes and a bright smile. Her body was just a little soft after a kid or two but that only served to accentuate some incredible curves. She had these tight, pinstriped pair of black pants that shaped her hips …

I’m digressing. The point is that I noticed her. So I quickly noticed the change in her, it was obvious if you were just paying attention.

Her clothes started getting a little tighter. Her skirts started getting a little shorter. And her shirts started dipping just a little lower.

She was looking for attention.

I knew from the few conversations we’d had that she was married and was happy. She loved her life, her kids, her friends. She loved her husband.

A Simple, Gentle, Lovely Start to the Morning [M30sF30s] [Gentle]

“You’re such a pretty little thing,”

“Thank you, Sir,” she replied.

“Come here.”

She stepped to me quickly, her head held high, eyes bright and eager. I placed my hand on her cheek, stroking her chin softly with my thumb. “What should I do with you today?” I asked, a smile playing on my lips.

She pressed her face into my hand and closed her eyes, “Hmm, what ever you want, Sir.”

“Mhm, good girl,” I murmured. I let my fingers trail down her cheek and over her jaw. I slid a finger beneath the collar around her neck, brushing her skin lightly. “How are you feeling about our arrangement?” I asked.

“I am very happy with it, Sir.”

“And you would tell me if there was a problem …” I prompted.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good. How are you feeling this morning? Are you sore?”

A wicked little smile crossed her lips as she looked me in the eye, “Yes Sir, wonderfully so.”

Categorized as Erotica

The Taking [NC] [Kidnapping] [Gentle] [MF]

Taking her body was the easy part.

Several off us had gone out for drinks after work. She wasn’t a big drinker, but she agreed to come along. A little talking, some joking, some flirting … and I talked her into a second drink – the one I’d slippped a little something in.

Pretend to be the concerned friend, offer to take her home, and that was it. She was home. My home … our home now.

No, taking her body was easy. It was taking her mind that was going to take some work.

She was so goddamn innocent. Never caused any problems at work. Blushed when someone made the slightest inappropriate joke. Rarely cursed. Never showed too much shin. Never went home with the guys that tried to talk her up.

Oh, I’m not saying she was a virgin, the “waiting for marriage” type. She’d probably been with a guy or two – probably in college, probably guys she thought she loved. But, she was the type to have only ever “made love”, and to have never really been fucked.

How My Little Brother Ended Up Raising My Child [MF] [Cheating] [Long]

I cursed under my breath when I saw her come out of their room in the middle of the night wearing those boy shorts underwear and a tshirt short enough to show just a hint of skin.

She looked a little embarrassed when she saw me, she must have forgotten I keep odd hours because of my job. But instead of stepping back into their room to put on more clothes she just smiled and waved sleepily.

“I’m just grabbing a glass of water,” she whispered, obviously trying to not wake Samual, my brother.

I didn’t even say anything. Of all the things running through my head, none of them could be said out loud.

Three weeks. It had been three long weeks of the two of them living in my house. They’d decided to move to the city and needed a place to stay while house hunting. Of course I said they could stay with me – he’s my brother after all.

But I hadn’t considered what it would be like having *her* stay with me.

Office Tease [Dubious Consent]

I warned her.

I told her, “I know what you’re doing. All the coy looks and ‘innocent’ flirting. The skirt an inch too short. One more button undone on your shirt than you should.

“I’ve seen how you swing your hips when you walk by. How you bend your desk and wiggle your ass when you know I’m looking.

“I’ve heard every giggle. Caught every innuendo. I haven’t missed a single thing.”

I stepped in real close, pinning her between my body and the office door. Her eyes went wide. Her mouth dropped open, speechless, and her face began to turn a bright pink.

“I see right through you,” I said. “You’re a little tease. You love the thrill of it, crave the chase. You like to see how close you can push someone until they crash over the line.

“Your problem is that you’ve never faced a real consequence for your actions. You still think the world is safe and civilized. That societal standards will keep people in check.

Madness [Egregious NonCon] [M30sF20s]

It had gotten to the point where if I didn’t have her I was going to lose my fucking mind.

I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t eat. I was falling behind at work. Every minute I spent away from my front window was a chance I’d miss her coming or going. I’d mesmerized her schedule and made sure I was around at her regular times, but no one sticks to a schedule 100 percent and I couldn’t stand the chance I’d miss an opportunity.

It’d gone way past the point of obsession. She was fucking up my life. Not having her was fucking up my life.

Judge me all you want. You haven’t seen this girl. You haven’t seen what she does to me.

You haven’t seen how tight she wears her clothes, how she flaunts her curves in front of me.

You haven’t seen how short she wears her cute summer dresses, how she swung her hips when she walked just so her dress would flutter in front of me.

An Intense Seduction [Cheating]

She stood just inside the door, refusing to look me in the eye. “I can’t,” she said.

I narrowed my eyes. I knew what she meant, but I didn’t like it and I’d be damned before I’d let her off with a half-assed comment. “Can’t what?” I demanded.

“I can’t do this anymore,” she said still refusing to meet my eyes.

I felt the blood rushing to my head, the pressure building behind my eyes. “Can’t do what?”

“I can’t … can’t sleep with you anymore.”

The anticipation had built up pressure through out the day and the potential disappointment was threatening to push my temper past its limit. I stepped in close, blocking her in between my body and the door. “You can’t?” I asked, it came out angrier than I intended. “Or don’t want to?”

“I … I …” she stuttered.

I think the fact that she still refused to look me in the eye is what really tipped me over the edge. I grabbed her by the throat and shoved her against the door. I didn’t squeeze hard enough to cut off her air – just enough that I had control of her body. I lifted her chin and brought my face inches from hers.

Personal Truth [Gentle NonCon]

“You’re so stressed.” I gently brushed the hair from her face and cupped her cheek in my hand.

“You get so caught up in worrying if you’re good enough, smart enough, talented enough. You let yourself get overwhelmed with all the parts of life that don’t really matter.

“Who cares if your boss really likes you? Who cares if your parents respect your life choices? Who cares if the other women in the office respect you?

“None of that really matters. What matters is who you are, deep down inside. Your heart. The very core of who you are. Accepting and loving yourself for who you are is what matters.

“But you worry and stress over being something for other people. You make yourself sick trying to be successful, accomplished, worthy. Rather than embracing the beauty of who you are, you wear yourself out uselessly struggling over things that aren’t worth the energy it takes to fight.”

I held her chin between my finger and thumb and gently lifted her face. I wanted her to look me in the eye. I wanted her to see the sincerity in my face, to believe the truth in my words.

Categorized as Erotica