Office Tease [Dubious Consent]

I warned her.

I told her, “I know what you’re doing. All the coy looks and ‘innocent’ flirting. The skirt an inch too short. One more button undone on your shirt than you should.

“I’ve seen how you swing your hips when you walk by. How you bend your desk and wiggle your ass when you know I’m looking.

“I’ve heard every giggle. Caught every innuendo. I haven’t missed a single thing.”

I stepped in real close, pinning her between my body and the office door. Her eyes went wide. Her mouth dropped open, speechless, and her face began to turn a bright pink.

“I see right through you,” I said. “You’re a little tease. You love the thrill of it, crave the chase. You like to see how close you can push someone until they crash over the line.

“Your problem is that you’ve never faced a real consequence for your actions. You still think the world is safe and civilized. That societal standards will keep people in check.

“What you fail to understand is that I don’t care about that shit anymore. I played those games when I was younger. I let little teases like you drive me mad. I played the fawning, simping man-child.

“I’ve passed that part of my life and I don’t play those games anymore. You dangle that bait in front of my face and I will snatch it right off the hook – consequences be damned.

“Understand this: This is your single warning. The next time you flaunt that ass in my office, I’m taking it. And there won’t be a single thing you can do to stop me.”

Her face was almost a complete mask of shock and horror – almost. I saw it flash in her eyes – excitement. Daring. Craving.

Behind her carefully constructed mask of righteous indignation was the need, a barely constrained craving to push someone until they snap, until they take from her what she was so desperate to give.

And that’s when I knew … she wanted it. Needed it, really.

That’s what really pushed me over the edge.

I grabbed her face with both hands and kissed her. Hard. She tried to push me off her but either her heart wasn’t really into it or she was just that weak, because I barely noticed.

I pushed my body into her and pressed her into the door. I wrapped my fingers in her hair to hold her head still with one hand and slid the other down her body. I grabbed her ass and pulled her tight against me.

“Tell me you don’t want this. Go ahead and try to stop me,” I growled.

I kissed down her cheek, down to her neck, sucking and biting at her flesh. She gasped when I reached the crook where her neck met her shoulder.

I pushed her skirt up over her hips, wrapped a hand under her thigh and lifted her leg to wrap around my waist. I started grinding against her as I said, “But you won’t, will you? You won’t even try to fight, because deep down you know you need this.”

I leaned back enough to grab the collar of her shirt and rip it open – popping several buttons in the process. I ran both my hands up her stomach and groped her tits through her bra.

She was wearing one of those front clasped bra, and I popped the clasp open and pushed the bra back off her shoulders. I clamped my mouth in her breast, sucking her tit between my lips, flicking my tongue over her nipple.

I grabbed her ass with one hand and her breast with the other – rolling her nipple between my thumb and finger.

She let out a heavy moan and dug her fingers into my hair. At first it seemed like she was trying to pull me head away but after a moment she pulled me harder against her.

I kissed a line between her tits, up her sternum, back to her neck. “I knew you wanted it,” I murmured into her skin.

I kept her pressed against the door, and my mouth clamped on her neck, as I started fumbling at my belt. It took an excruciatingly long time to get my pants undone and pull my throbbing cock free. I didn’t even wait to get her panties off. I just pushed them to the side and shoved myself inside her.

She took all of me in a single thrust, moaning and digging her nails into my back.

“This is what you need, isn’t it?” I said as I thrust into her again.

I held her leg up with one hand and growled into her ear as I thrust into her again and again. “All that teasing. Flaunting your ass at me day after day. This is what you wanted. This pussy was just begging for some hard dick.”

I pulled myself from her and spun her around my her shoulders. I pushed her face into the door and pushed her skirt higher up her waist.

“Stick your ass out,” I demanded. When she hesitated I slapped her ass a couple times and repeated, “I said stick it out.”

This time she did. She arched her back, stuck out her ass, and took a half step to spread her legs for me.

“That’s right. Show me what a good little whore you can be,” I said. I cursed as I pushed myself back into her holding her head against the door and pulling her hips back with my other hand.

I slammed into her again and again, cursing and grunting as I took her body.

“Fucking take it. Fucking give me that pussy you little slut. This is what you were after isn’t it? A hard dick pounding this desperate pussy. You just needed someone to take it, didn’t you?”

I grabbed her head with both hands, pulling her head back by her hair. I slammed into her violently, brutally. “Just a cock hungry slut. Dick brained and cum drunk. Just a needy pussy and a pair of tits, begging to be used the way you were meant to.”

“Fuck,” I groaned as I felt myself reaching the edge. I slammed into her harder, shoving her body flat against the door. I wrapped both arms around her neck and lifted her onto her top toes as I buried myself deep inside her.

“Fuck that’s a good pussy,” I growled into her ear. “Take it. Take it like a good slut.”

I exploded inside her, thrusting and grinding as I relieved all my tension and frustration. I pulled her head back into my shoulder and filled her tight pussy with my cum.

My dick aches for more as I pulled myself from her pussy. As quickly as it left that frustrating built back up. The little whimpering sounds she made was driving me crazy.

I grabbed her arm and spun her around to my desk. Shit when flying when I lifted her ass and sat her down on the desk. I pushed her down so she was laying flat. I started kissing her stomach and ran my hand between her legs. I could feel my own cum lubing my finger as I slid it inside her. I kissed my way down her body, over her hips and pelvis.

“I’m going to fuck you again,” I murmured. “But first you’re going to cum for me. You’re going to moan my name like a whore before I make you take my dick again.”
