Monster Office: Finale [monster girl][goblin girls][falling in love][creampie][female orgasm][multiple orgasms][blowjob]

Summer sucks.

I was sitting under the break room air conditioner sweating my ass off. The main AC of the office was on the fritz and everyone was dying in the sweltering heat.

Danica walked into the break room, missing her shirt. Her massive green breasts on display.

“It’s sooooo hot,” she said slumping into a chair beside me. “Micheal, make the sun go away.”

“Your wish is my command.” I made a gesture by snapping my fingers.

The lights in the break room went out.

“Micheal, is it the heat getting to me or did you get rid of the sun.”

“I think the power just went out.”

She pulled a cell phone out of somewhere, and made a call. After a few moments of pantomiming gestures and exaggerated, yet hateful speech.

“Heat fried the power. We get to go home.”

“You didn’t seem to be happy about the news.”

“My stupid family is at my house. God knows I don’t wanna see them.”

“Wanna come over to my place? I’ve got AC.”

She laughed. “Hell I’d come over just to get another taste of you.” She flashed a malicious smile.

I chuckled. “It has been a minute huh?”

“Yup, and I still can’t forget how good it felt.” She leaned back. Guess I should tell everyone that there’s no work today.

We both got up and walked to the main office. It was pitch black. A few people had cat-like eyes glowing creepily in the darkness.

“Days done everyone, go home.” Danni said aloud.

There was a murmur of excitement as everyone began gathering their supplies and heading out the door. I waited by Danni until we were the last ones left.

“Lemme lock up real quick and you can drive me.” She locked up her office and we headed towards the fire escape. We made our way down the car port. Ever since I started working here, I managed to get myself my own car. It was a nice midsize red coup.

I hopped into the driver’s seat and Danni got in beside me. I started the car and pulled out of the small parking deck. I drove us down towards my small apartment. A drive that used to take me nearly an hour was less than ten minutes after I learned all the best ways to get around.

I pulled into my spot. “Uh Danni, you still don’t have a shirt.”


“You’re kind of exposed.”

“They’re just boobs.” She opened the door and walked out, and caught a few stares. She walked up to the entranceway. I walked my way toward her and opened the door for us.

My apartment was okay. Simple modern foyer made of uncomfortable-looking black and white furniture. There wasn’t anyone manning the door as usual. Me and Danni got in the elevator and rode it to my floor.

The elevator opened to two long identical hallways leading off to either end. We made small talk as we walked to my place. I put in my code and we walked in.

I’ve done some decorating since the last time I brought someone home. Where my walls were barren, I now had decorations of various monster girl actresses and some memorabilia from shows I’ve gone to.

“Awesome pad Michael, cozy.”

“Thanks.” I rubbed my neck nervously.

She walked over to my old couch and sat down with a ‘pomf’ “Ooo, comfy.” she slapped the seat next to her. “Sit.”

I sat down next to her and stretched out. Without warning, she put her arms around me and pulled me into a hug.

“Oh, okay.” I accepted the hug, putting my hand on her head and giving it a rub.

She made a pleasant noise and snuggled deeper into me. “You smell nice, musky.”

I laughed a little. “Thanks? I guess.”

“Makes me feel a little frisky.” she breathed deeply. “Michael, I want you again.”

“Then take what you want.”

And she did just that. She really see the hug and went to my pants, unzipping them and realizing my cock from it’s cloth prison. She licked her plump green lips and took the shaft in her soft hand. She began rolling her tongue against the shaft, making it slick with her spit.

She slowly pumped my shaft in her tiny fist. Running her fingers up and down with a soft, agonizing pressure. Her technique was flawless, gripping softly with a varying pressure against every possible inch of my cock. She lolled her tongue out, letting a small stream of saliva dribble down, lubing me up.

As she jerked me off, she began running her tongue against my tender cockhead. She moved her tongue in small, fast circles. Ever the gentleman, I moved her hair out of her eyes as she played on me.

“Fuck that feels good.” I moaned. She made some sort of noise of affirmation, vibrating my cock.

She took me into her mouth, sucking me off in tandem with her fast hand movements. She looked amazing.

I let out a moan, as I came into her mouth. White hot cum surged down her throat. She let out a surprised gasp as she drank it down. She pumped every last drop of cum from my cock, making sure I was thoroughly wrung out.

She popped off and gave me a toothy grin. “Amazing.” she spoke softly.

My erection still stood tall, needing even more attention. She hopped off the couch and stripped the rest of her clothes, giving me full access to her adorable body.

She took a step before jumping into my lap, straddling me between her plush thighs. My cock stood at attention against her soft mound.

“Micheal, I really need you right now.” she spoke softly.

I grabbed under her arms and lifted her until her entrance was dripping over my cock. She was leaking sweet juices, anticipating me.

I looked into her beautiful eyes. She gave a nervous nod.

I lowered her down onto me, her entrance spreading over my tender cockflesh. Her wetness took me in, gripping me so tight I could feel her rapid heartbeat.

She finally bottomed out on me, she ran her arms around my neck, pulling me into a deep, loving kiss. She tasted sweet, like sugar. Her tongue explored my mouth, wrestling with my own. She began to grind her hips in a pendulum motion, forcing her muscles to massage me.

She felt amazing, like a velveteen dream. She began bouncing up and down, the sound of reverberated flesh echoing through my apartment. I met her bounces with my own thrusts, meeting her in a wet cacophony of pleasure.

I wasn’t long for this world, my orgasm rocked my body. I put my arms around my tiny green lover and held her right as I began to shoot another massive load of my love into her. As her body vibrated against mine, she whimpered into my mouth.

After a long, intense moment, our orgasms subsided. We held each other, enjoying the afterglow of our lovemaking.

She rolled off of me into the couch, her still-gushing pussy dribbling white fluid as she spread her legs.

“Wow,” she said dreamily. “I don’t think I’ve ever came that hard.”

I breathed in. “Me neither.”

“Can I be honest Micheal?”

“Always, baby girl.”

“Until I met you, no one had ever gotten me off.”

“Like, at all?”

“Nope, I’ve always been able to get myself off but no one else can..”

“That sounds horrible.”

“But not anymore, we’ve gotta keep doing this.”

I laughed, “is that an order?”

She laughed too. “Hey, Michael.”


She suddenly got very quiet. “Maybe we can, I dunno, go out sometime?”

“Like, for dinner?”


“Even with what my job is?”

“I kinda like it, knowing you could be plowing anyone at any time, I like the mystery of it all.”

I laughed. “Then let’s go to dinner right now. I know an awesome dinner down the road, they have a great philly.”

She leaned up with a gleaming smile.” you mean it?”

“Course Danni.”

[hey all, the final part of Monster Office is here! Let me know what youve thought of the series so far and if you enjoyed! And if you did enjoy, please consider checking out my profile and patreon. Love you all!]
