Hiking Down [mf]


I always hesitate to tell you I am going hiking. I know how much you don’t enjoy it, how you would rather stay snuggled in bed than get up and chase my crazy ass all over mountains in the dawn’s early light.  I insist that you can stay, I can go myself, but in a moment of chivalry you decide that it’s easier to go with me than to worry that I will make it back to the trailhead. It’s likely I will just keep going once I start, the mountains are my heartsong. 

This particular morning finds us in Tennessee, a long drive to the mountains from the plains where we live. I am dying to put my feet on a trail, the stars still shining as we drive to the start.  You can feel my excitement, my passion, you know well  I don’t do anything halfway. I do everything with enthusiasm.   The trail starts easily, but it is soon apparent that our destination is downhill, every step down is one we must take back up, a lesson you know all too well. I know this is a moment of dread for you, you hike only as a gift to me. 

Stairway to Heaven

This little story is from my first year at college. Enjoy!

It’s lunch time and Mia quickly walks by all the students in the quad.  She has a rendezvous she can’t be late for at the end of the athletic field, there is such a small window to be in each other’s arms.  For the last year they have been eating lunch in this favorite place,  on top of a small rise with a long single staircase down the hillside.  As Mia comes around the corner, she can just barely see the bend at the top of the rail through the trees. She is slightly disappointed to not see Justin standing in his normal place, but anticipates she won’t wait long.   

Categorized as Erotica

Stairway to Heaven [FM]

This is a sweet story from my first year in college.

Thanks for reading.

It’s lunch time and Mia quickly walks by all the students in the quad.  She has a rendezvous she can’t be late for at the end of the athletic field, there is such a small window to be in each other’s arms.  For the last year they have been eating lunch in this favorite place,  on top of a small rise with a long single staircase down the hillside.  As Mia comes around the corner, she can just barely see the bend at the top of the rail through the trees. She is slightly disappointed to not see Justin standing in his normal place, but anticipates she won’t wait long.   

Dragon Slayer

It’s quiet, the world is asleep. I spent the day fighting dragons, some real some I created myself. For the most part I know I am just tilting at windmills, problems that were never really problems at all. These dragons haunt every step in my waking hours but boldly confront me in my sleep. There is but one safe place in my day, here in the witching hours wrapped in your arms. 

I can feel each point of contact on your skin. They remind me of your sweet ministrations the night before. You began by crawling slowly to my face, following the length of me on the bed. Your height dwarfing me, your long fingers lovingly tracing from foot to breast.  I had spent the day attempting to ignore the heaviness on my heart, brave face to the world. But, in an instant you spotted it, attuned to it’s cries.  Your hands sought out pressure points of pain,  soothing them. A gentle caress, a long glide of fingers along my neck, across my shoulders to my hand, where you took my fingers and pressed them gently to your lips. My dragons are stopped at the gate. 

Categorized as Erotica

Best Friends

Thank you for reading. I have been slowly writing up episodes in my life tha I enjoyed. This is one.

It was one of those fortuitous moments in life. There had been a lot of impassioned thrashing in the car, but there wasn’t enough space for all of them to get what they needed, too many arms, legs, and lips trying to vie for better positions. The night was hot in San Diego, too sticky to have the car be still, the beach too sandy for their activities, driving around was the only way to manage the heat.   The glowing lights of the cheap chain hotel beckoned at the next exit.   They hurriedly scraped enough cash together in that way of young underemployed people and got a single room with double beds for the night.  They were a random collection, Mia, her best friend Liza, Liza’s current flame, What’s his Name? (it was ok not to remember he wouldn’t be around next week) and Jeff, the driver.  Jeff was one of a three brother/cousin combo Mia had been ambiguously dating. Mia and Liza were a mismatched pair, where Liza was long and lithe, Mia was short and curvy.  Liza had all the bravado of an experienced woman, Mia was several years younger and still new in her experiences. 

Categorized as Erotica

My Favorite Symphony [mf]

You brag about your prowess with your tongue. A gentleman doesn’t need to brag, but a lady might. You should know some things about my mouth. I am a pleaser, I love to get men off and I want to do it again as soon as I finish them.  The more you enjoy it, the more I crave pleasuring. Men can tell, they have always followed me with their eyes, something in my smile I suppose. I have never been secret about this love, this desire to create ecstasy.  It drips from my mouth without a sound. 

I am a musician. My tongue is strong, coordinated and talented. My mouth could break you  if I wanted to but I won’t. Maybe. What I will do with it, is make you beg. It’s my favorite composition. The opening strains begin as I take your cock in my mouth, running my tongue down the shaft. Gently I wrap my hand around the base and suck. I love to hear the catch in your breath the first time you feel the softness. I love to start with just the tip, and wait until I feel your hips edging forward trying to encourage me to take more. 

Road Revelations (mf, oral, fingering, strangers, affair)

It starts out so innocently. A small glance at a stoplight. A returned smile. The next few miles you slide past each other exchanging glances each one getting a little longer,  a little bolder. At the next light, he slips beside you grinning like a wolf,  his big truck dwarfing your nondescript 4 door sedan.  You know you aren’t usually the one to get noticed, a married mother, so it is a thrill that this man, in this truck chose you to smile at today. It sends hot jolts of electricity through you. A rarity.  

This continues for the next ten miles of highway escalating as much as it can in 3 second glances, trying hard to keep your eyes on the road and not stare at him. At the last moment, before the highway narrows to one lane, you muster up all your bravado, cast off the prim and proper wifely exterior you wear uncomfortably and blow him a kiss. Lights flash into your rear view mirror.  You smile wider remembering the days when you would have stopped for his number or a quick fuck. Oh, the fun you had in trucks. You spend the next few miles in this reverie of sex and abandoned inhibitions, from a time when you were a free bird. When you let yourself admit it, you miss it terribly. 


This color I wear for you, not because it shapes my lips, although it does that nicely.  I don’t wear it to be noticed, men discreetly watch my mouth without me needing to draw it the color of ripe plums. They watch, hoping that if I part my mouth just so it will become an invitation to enter, but it is a private party for one. 

I wear it to remind you of what I will do to you in the quiet hours when all the rest of our world sleeps. When all the chaos and mistakes fade into oblivion, you can just be you and let your guard down for a moment. Melting into my skin, first your fingers, then your soft lips. Mine parting with a soft gasp, encouraging, dragging fingers across your shoulder, down your arms pulling you closer to my body. There is a comfort there, a knowing. You are safe with me. You can take what you need and I will still smile at you in the morning. 

Morning Wood [MF]

I can’t get enough of your cock in the morning.  Rarely a full erection, rather just enough to curve your cock in an ever so seductive way.  I love to lift the sheets and watch it twitch ever so slightly.  I trace my fingers around your thigh, closer and closer to your balls where I cup them sweetly with my hand.  You shift ever so slightly in your sleep.  I place my head under the sheet, my breath hot against your skin. 

 I trace your beautifully lithe body with my tongue, down your happy trail, a small sidetrack to your hip bone.  I trail a series of kisses down the top of your leg.  The shift in your breath tells me that you are awake, almost.  I nestle my head in between your legs, my hands tracing up the massively strong thighs that you used to pull yourself deep inside me last night, forcing me to arch my back and scream.  I take a gentle lick, from the base of your shaft to the tip of your head.  I taste my favorite concoction; your cum and my juices that have dried on your shaft after we collapsed against each other, our orgasms melding our bodies.  

Morning Wood

I can’t get enough of your cock in the morning.  Rarely a full erection, rather just enough to curve your cock in an ever so seductive way.  I love to lift the sheets and watch it twitch ever so slightly.  I trace my fingers around your thigh, closer and closer to your balls where I cup them sweetly with my hand.  You shift ever so slightly in your sleep.  I place my head under the sheet, my breath hot against your skin. 

 I trace your beautifully lithe body with my tongue, down your happy trail, a small sidetrack to your hip bone.  I trail a series of kisses down the top of your leg.  The shift in your breath tells me that you are awake, almost.  I nestle my head in between your legs, my hands tracing up the massively strong thighs that you used to pull yourself deep inside me last night, forcing me to arch my back and scream.  I take a gentle lick, from the base of your shaft to the tip of your head.  I taste my favorite concoction; your cum and my juices that have dried on your shaft after we collapsed against each other, our orgasms melding our bodies.