Plugged for Sunday Service [MF]

I had a fantastic Sunday. Yesterday started out as picturesque as could be. When I woke next to my lady acquaintance, The blanket was covering just half of her butt, She laid on her stomach and I watched as the sun touched her white skin. It was early in the morning the sun was just rising, but already I was beginning to stir.

She had come over the previous evening for some sushi and Netflix. However she had a bit too much wine to drink and fell asleep quite early. My intentions of fantastic sex would be halted, until the morning. Her shoulder length red hair smelled fresh, and I began laying on her shoulder blades as I rubbed her back. I used my hand to remove the blanket revealing from her hamstrings up, her nude body. As I scratched her back slightly and kissed her neck she began to stir. She typically doesn’t stay over on Saturdays because she has to be to church early on Sunday.

A creampie for independence.

I never heard the door open. It had taken me longer to fall asleep than normal. My roommate Kailey was throwing a 4th of July party and unfortunately I had to work in the morning.

Kailey had invited her friends over for fireworks and drinks, Erika was invited over. Erika was a good friend of both of ours and on a few occasions Erika and i hooked up. Erika was a petite short little thing. At barely five feet tall, I towered over her. Erika was awesome, but she had a few kids and I was not about that in terms of dating as I am kid free.

Erika twisted the knob door of my room very slightly, creeping in. My fan covering her movements. She found me on my stomach, sprawled out under my covers. Before moving my covers to join me, she stripped nude. As Erika got into my bed, she took a hand and began rubbing my back, waking me from my sleep.

Ava in Aruba

The island of Aruba holds a special place in my heart. From the clear warm blue waters and endless sandy beaches, to the amazing food and hospitality, I have come to love traveling to this wonderful Island in the south Caribbean. In the fall of 2017 I found myself traveling again to Aruba, a family vacation made the destination an easy choice.

The trip was supposed to be a family trip, with the parents, siblings and other close family members. We rented out a nice bungalow AirBnb house, with little privacy for myself, and near zero percent chance to have any fun. I was mistaken.

Ava was on vacation with her parents and younger siblings, staying in a hotel. Ava was from England, 24, and curvy in the right area’s. She was staying at a local hotel with family, and was sharing a room with one sibling. Ava was a short brunette woman, with an accent that would make a choir boy steal from the church till. 

Robert’s Salty Snack [MFM]

I was first introduced to Heather and Robert on Fet Life, a kink positive site. They had messaged me regarding a picture I had posted to my page. I had creampies a fellow play partner, and they loved the amount. Robert was the first to introduce himself to me. Robert was a large man, 300lbs plus, goatee and balding. He had erection problems and enjoyed his wife being pleasured by other men. His wife Heather was your average soccer mom build. She had a few kids, a few extra pounds and for the most part was still very much a beautiful and attractive woman.

Robert had a question for me, he wanted to set up an arrangement. He needed someone who was clean, available and could host. I met all three of those. We chit chatted back and forth, exchanging kinks, stories and desires. It was not long before the three of us were talking and flirting away. Heather loved to send erotic and mysterious photos to our group chat. Whether at work, at the store or just after a shower at home, my inbox was flooded. It was not long before just Heather and I began talking.

The Dope Man Is Up To Something. [MF]

The house on Ashbury St looked as if it didn’t belong. The house sat in a nice development, in a nice part of town. But the house in question was not like the others. The grass rose up tall and overpowering, a mixture of weeds and dead grass. The driveway had vehicles parked that had not moved in ages. The garage door sat slightly open, and crooked, with a food and water dish out for the local strays. The house’s around the house in question on Ashbury St were newer build cookie-cutter homes with manicured yards and suburban white families.

I had gotten to this peculiar house on Ashbury St looking to find some dope, hash, weed, mary-jane, or whatever you call it in your neck of the world. I had graduated from college and quit weed, I had gotten my big boy job and was done with it. Flashforward a year and a half later, my company closed shop and I was left jobless and girlfriend less. When I texted my old dealer looking for an ounce, he told me he had moved off to California in search for greener pastures, or legal weed pastures. However, he had a friend who could hook me up but warned me he was a bit weird. My old dealer checked with his hookup if it was good for him to give me his number, within 15 minutes I had received a text from my new dealer.

Handling a “Karen” at a wedding. [MF]

I have a dear friend who runs a wedding catering business. Before the pandemic I would help him out on busy weekends. I would bartend and handle small jobs on the day of the wedding. I enjoyed the job immensely, made good money and met some great people.

The wedding in particular was over fourth of July weekend a few years back. I was bartending for a rather large gathering, 250 people for the wedding and 350 for the reception. The family paying for the wedding was your typical rich family in the area, no expenses spared for the bride. 

The wedding was held at a restaurant/hotel resort on a local popular lake. The day was gorgeous as the skies were blue and the sun was shining. The temperature was in the high eighties which made for some more provocative wedding guest attire. The resort was breathtaking and the hotel on site was one I could never afford to stay at.

Formal Night Fuckery

It was my third night on Royal Caribbeans Oasis Of The Sea, it was late in the evening around eleven. That evening had been formal night, the guests dressed thier best and ate fancier food than normal. It was a warm night with no clouds in the sky. The moon was bright and full over the caribbean.

My lady aquantence had long gone to bed after drinking too much. I threw on my wireless ear buds and decided to roam the boat. I checked out the comedy clubs, got a few more drinks, and saw some trivia. I people watched as I typically do on a cruise Eventually I needed to get some air up on the top deck.

A movie was playing on the Lido deck, it was loud and busy so I avoided that area. I made myself up top to the adult section of the boat. The area was two levels and was in the front of the ship. The bars and sunbathers were long gone and few people remained. During the day it was packed full, tonight was empty.

Getting Some Booty While On Duty.

A few years back I picked up some overtime at my security company. It was for an apartment complex that was having issues with vehicles getting broken into. They hired our company to watch the lot.
Typically you would work 2 to a car for safety, but due to a call in, I was alone that night. It was a Thursday evening and it was a beautiful fall night

I started my shift at 6pm that night, expecting to work till 6am. I was in a company vehicle, had my music on and was just driving around.

With some Joe Rogan Podcast on, I fired up tinder for shits and giggles. I wasn’t really expecting much to happen as I was in a rougher part of town as well as I stuck out like a sore thumb. I was the only white dude around and a damn security guard, but I said fuck it.

A few random messages were sent my way throughout the night, but nothing of significance. The night dragged on, I would drive and then sit in a spot just watching. The hours dragged on and by 1am I was bored out of my mind.

Helping Out My Sore Co-worker

I met Sara while I was working security for a local banking enterprise. She worked in the customer service department, and I did security for the bank.

Sara was a curvy girl with a fantastic smile and eyes. She dressed stylish and fashionable. In the summer she would wear beautiful colorful dresses that flowed down just past her knees. I found Sara beautiful in her own unique way, and she had interested me for a minute.

Our friendship started very casual. I would be at my desk as she got to work, left for lunch, and went home. Usually a head knod, then a hello, then small talk. As the days went on, and we grew used to seeing each other, we got much friendlier. She would stop at my desk regularly to talk, ask if I wanted lunch and to see how I was.

Our flirting intensified over the months. We became very friendly. I remember the events leading up to our wonderful night together. Sara had been complaining of some back pain for a few days, a injury that was caused from sitting at her desk all day.