[M]y Girlfriend (now ex) [F] Went To Her Company’s Christmas Party. 2 Guys [MM] & 3 Loads Later, She Came Home to Me.

See my profile for prior DECADES OF PROMISCUOUS PARTNERS true tales. This is Part 7.

On the heels of my long-term girlfriend (at the time) blowing my friend Scott, having sex with her work manager Joe and having many threesomes with me and my friend Jack, Gina and I had moved to the big city. She landed a job at a well-known financial institution which put her in the company of well to do folks from the financial sector. She’s naturally submissive so knowing she would be around aggressive guys at her new job was a great turn of events, for a pervy boyfriend like me. She was at the new job for only a month when things started getting interesting. It’s no surprise things started happening so quickly. She’s sexy as all hell. 5’4, long black hair, very cute face, 115 lbs with small but shapely tits, a tight body and an ass which is slightly exaggerated for her petite size. When she was in a room with tight pants on, every guy in the room was looking.

I [M] Left My Girlfriend [F] Alone With My Friend [M] For a Half Hour And When I Came Back, She Was On Her Knees

See my profile for prior DECADES OF PROMISCUOUS PARTNERS true tales. This is Part 6.
Much happened in the year since my girlfriend (at the time) Gina started having threesomes with my friend Jack and I. We had countless interludes which were great but right around the time when Gina and I moved an hour away to the big city, she had started to be put off by Jack’s aggro ways and even made a comment about not liking the musky smell of his balls. He would often throw in put downs when talking to her and she didn’t appreciate it. He and I were still good friends so we’d all hang out, despite her declining attitude toward him.

[M]y Ex[F] Looked Me In The Eye And Slid Him [M] In, Breaking Our Condom Rule

This is Part 5 of my true tales series, DECADES OF PROMISCUOUS PARTNERS.

After Gina had her first solo sex outside our relationship with her manager Joe, her attitude toward sex with others loosened considerably. She’d often talk about guys she met who turned her on. For a few months nothing happened but a good friend of mine who spent a lot of time at our apartment started striking her fancy. His name is Jack and he’s more aggressive than the average guy. He would say things to other people that most people wouldn’t dare say. This led to a fair amount of altercations. While Gina was initially put off by his demeanor, she came to appreciate his honesty. His brutish ways started turning her on. Some weird primal shit was at play. Jack and I would often talk about sex so I knew he shared my liking, for sharing girls. Gina, Jack and I spent a lot of time together and sex was often discussed. Jack and Gina started making sexual comments toward one another here and there. I was glad to see interest blossoming between them. Gina and I only lightly the discussed the possibility of doing something with Jack so what happened one night was unexpected.

[M]y Ex Gina [F] Gets Railed By Her Well-Endowed [M]anager, While I Wait At Home

This is Part 4 in my ongoing series of true stories, DECADES OF PROMISCUOUS PARTNERS. For more stories, see my profile.

The day after Gina got naked and sucked off Joe (her manager) and I (her long-term boyfriend, at the time) at his apartment, she asked if it was ok if she went to see him on her own, the following day. For long I’d fantasized about her becoming a total slut. Over the past few months, she was heading in that direction, having blown my friend Scott and now Joe. I really wanted her to get fucked by someone else and finally that reality was just a day away. I told her I was ok with her going, hiding most of my enthusiasm. I wanted to make sure she felt like she was going more for her own sake, than mine. She set a plan with him to meet late-afternoon, knowing that his girlfriend was busy during the day so there’s less chance of her showing up.

[M]y Ex Gina [F] Gets Naked and Works Her [M]anager’s Manhood

This is Part 3 of my ongoing series, DECADES OF PROMISCUOUS PARTNERS. See my profile for other true stories.

In the days after Gina gave my friend Scott a blow job, she showed even more enthusiasm toward getting wild with other guys. She mentioned a manager at work named Joe who had been “lightly flirting” with her. One day after work Joe, Gina and some coworkers went to a bar for drinks. They had a good time but from what she told me, there was no flirting. When they left to go home, the coworker who was giving six people a ride had only five seats. Gina ended up sitting in Joe’s lap so everyone could fit. She claimed there was no funny business but she was glowing when she got home.

In the weeks that followed, I hung out at some of her work functions and got along well with Joe. A few weeks later, he invited Gina and I to come to his apartment to have drinks and shoot the shit. In the days before we went, Gina brought up Joe several times when we were having sex. When I asked if she really wanted to have sex with him, she said no because it’s not wise to sleep with coworkers. It seemed she really believed what she was saying but I know how easily her good judgement goes out the window when she’s all worked up.

[M]y Ex Gina [F] Went Down On My Friend [M]

This is Part 2 of my DECADES OF PROMISCUOUS PARTNERS true tales. See my profile for other incidents.

Gina and I became a couple in high school about a year after I broke up with my first girlfriend Chrissy, for cheating on me with a friend in a bathroom at a concert. Her disloyalty pissed me off but deep down, excitement stirred. Gina appeared to be a good girl. She claimed to be a virgin but was raised to please and may have been telling me what she thought I wanted to hear. She was 5’4, had long dark hair, was in excellent shape with small but shapely tits and an ass that had most men swiveling their heads around to take a gander.

We started having sex shortly after getting together and I quickly figured out she absolutely loved giving head. I didn’t think of it at the time but she was so good at it, one wonders how much prior experience she had. All was going smooth until about a year into the relationship when my friend Wes told me the night prior, he was drunk at a party with her and they ended up making out. I called her to ask what happened and she immediately burst into tears, saying she regrets it and hopes that I will forgive her. I had that same feeling as when Chrissy got busy in a bathroom. I ended up forgiving Gina, wondering if anything more than a make out session happened.

[M]y First [F} Girlfriend [M} Cheated on Me

In nearly every relationship I’ve had for the past 37 years, from my first girlfriend to my current, they’ve had sex with other men, often with my encouragement. I’ve told very few people about this and the small handful who know anything, know only the smallest sliver. A few years ago I started reading true stories from Reddit groups which focus on hotwives, cheaters, cuckolds, etc. After becoming a bit obsessed with the stories, I decided to share a few of my own. I found myself excited telling the stories and hearing back from others with similar experiences. I’ve decided to write about the more memorable experiences, starting from the beginning, right up to today. I imagine it’ll take months to complete the series but I plan on staying at it until it’s complete.

I’ll start here, with the first girl I had sex with, who was my first “official” girlfriend and the girl to whom I lost my virginity. Her name is Chrissy and she was well-developed for her age. A bit tall, super tight body with big tits and a face and ass which made you want to take her on the spot. She always dressed in a way that showed off her goods. In school, she made it very obvious that she liked me and of course I took the bait.