[M]y Ex[F] Looked Me In The Eye And Slid Him [M] In, Breaking Our Condom Rule

This is Part 5 of my true tales series, DECADES OF PROMISCUOUS PARTNERS.

After Gina had her first solo sex outside our relationship with her manager Joe, her attitude toward sex with others loosened considerably. She’d often talk about guys she met who turned her on. For a few months nothing happened but a good friend of mine who spent a lot of time at our apartment started striking her fancy. His name is Jack and he’s more aggressive than the average guy. He would say things to other people that most people wouldn’t dare say. This led to a fair amount of altercations. While Gina was initially put off by his demeanor, she came to appreciate his honesty. His brutish ways started turning her on. Some weird primal shit was at play. Jack and I would often talk about sex so I knew he shared my liking, for sharing girls. Gina, Jack and I spent a lot of time together and sex was often discussed. Jack and Gina started making sexual comments toward one another here and there. I was glad to see interest blossoming between them. Gina and I only lightly the discussed the possibility of doing something with Jack so what happened one night was unexpected.

Jack was hanging out with Gina and I at our apartment, as he often did. We were listening to music, smoking weed, drinking and shooting the shit. At some point, Jack wanted to show us something on our computer which was in the corner of the living room. I checked it out for a few minutes but needed to pee so I headed to the bathroom, leaving Gina standing next to Jack. She was wearing a tight t-shirt and shorts that were so short, the bottom of her ridiculously sexy ass cheeks were hanging out. I caught Jack taking a look at her ass a few times earlier in the night. When I finished in the bathroom and opened the door, I had a clear view into the living room where they were. Gina, startled by the door opening jumped back from Jack. Before she jumped, I could see that Jack’s hand was up the front of her shirt and it looked like she may have had her hand in his lap. I left them alone for only a few minutes, and this is what happens? She wasn’t good at covering up bad behavior. When I walked into the room, I didn’t bring up what I saw but she was acting a bit stiff and concerned.

As the evening progressed and everyone got more drunk and high, sexual innuendos were flying. Gina was receptive to everything he said and he finally boldly made a comment about her sucking both of our dicks. She told him she already sucked her manager and I at the same time, something I hadn’t told Jack. I was bit annoyed she told him but didn’t show my annoyance. We were all sitting on the sofa. Jack got up, stood in front of her, undid his pants, let his cock out, grabbed the back of her head and slid his dick right into her open mouth. I have a big dick but his was a bit longer and thicker. He was treating her roughly, controlling her head and going deep down her throat. She got right in there and started pleasing him with no shame. It happened so quickly, I barely had time to think. I watched for a few minutes and then stood up, undid my pants and hung my hard cock next to her face. She let his dick slide out of her mouth and started blowing me. I was bursting, watching her be a total slut for us. She went back and forth between us for 20 minutes. Jack and I are both good at holding out and not cumming, which she loves. She likes to fuck and suck for long periods of time.

Finally Jack decided to elevate things and started stripping off Gina’s clothes. It’s something else to watch another man strip off your girlfriends clothes. Gina stood there totally naked, all 5’4 of her looking hot as fuck, waiting for direction. I sat on the sofa and told her to get on all 4’s and blow me. She obeyed. While she was bobbing up and down on my dick, her long black hair tickling my thighs, Jack got on his knees behind her and started rubbing his dick on her dripping pussy. Gina and I had agreed long ago that when she has sex with other men, she’d always use a condom. She was on birth control so pregnancy wasn’t a concern. We just wanted to avoid STD’s. When he went to slide into her, I figured she was going to tell him to use a condom. Instead of doing that, she reached down between her legs, grabbed his huge cock with her little hand, red fingernails, and slid the tip into her pussy. She looked me in the eye, with my dick still in her mouth and leaned back, impaling herself on his dick. I’ll never forget the look on her face. Her eyes opened wide, sort of glazed over and she moved her mouth off my dick so she could take a deep breath. I was turned on as all hell but at the same time, I thought – she absolutely promised to use condoms and now, right in front of my eyes, she slid him in bareback without even mentioning a condom. He started fucking her so hard, she couldn’t keep my dick in her mouth. I was so lost in the moment, I forgot about the condom thing and just ran with it. For 20 minutes, Jack and I traded places, using her mouth and pussy relentlessly. Eventually it all became too much for me and I came all over her face and tits. She giggled a bit along with Jack.

I went to the bathroom to pee and clean up. I stayed in there for 10 minutes or so, to gather myself. When I opened the door, I saw they were no longer on the sofa. I walked into our bedroom and there was Gina on her back, spread eagle with Jack on top plowing away. I went around the side of the bed and watched her have an orgasm and a couple of minutes later, Jack pulled out of her mangled wet pussy, moved up and started furiously jacking off in front of her face. She stared up at him with her mouth wide open and eventually he let loose. Her face was absolutely covered in thick cum. She laid there for a bit too long with it just sitting on her face before getting up and cleaning it off with a towel. Jack left a short while later. Gina and I went for round two after he left and in the days ahead, we fucked non-stop, reliving what happened that night. For some reason, after he left I remember her saying to me “he really fucked me.” I said, “I know.” She said, “no, I mean he fucked me, really hard.”

This led to a full year of Jack, Gina and I engaging in sex acts. It happened so many times, with intoxicants involved that I can’t even remember any one incident enough to put together a full story. Gina and I moved an hour away into the city about a year later which led to more interludes with Jack, and other guys. In the next story, I’ll go into one of the more memorable sessions with Jack at our new apartment.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10tp4cp/my_exf_looked_me_in_the_eye_and_slid_him_m_in