The start of [M]y wild week with a close [F]riend

Here’s one from a few years ago, just after university.

This one is a little long if you want to skip to the sex look for the dividing line ————————.

I was working on a project with my old supervisor and was heading back to my old university town for a week. I‘d put out a message on socials to let folks know I would be in town if they fancied meeting up. A short while later I get a message from “Lorna” saying she’d love to catch up and offered to put me up whilst I was in town rather than stay in a hotel.

Now, I’d known Lorna for about 5 years, she was a tall German girl, blue eyes, dyed red hair, a dancer’s physique, and D Cup breasts. She and her boyfriend Pete were part of my usual social circle, we’d had parties, birthdays, graduations, and days out together quite often over my time there and as a psychology student she was fascinated by my sensory processing disorder, we’d gotten to know each other quite well. There had always been a spark with us – we got on like a house on fire, but as Lorna was in a relationship it never went further than a friendly flirtation.

An Experiment Gone Wrong, Part 1

This is part 1 of a short story i’ve had in my head for a while. I’ll post part 2 soon but in the mean while i hope people enjoy reading this. Comments and critiques very welcome :)

I wake in a generic medical bed, unsure of where I am and how I got here, I am completely naked. Sitting up I find that I‘m in a lab, separated from the rest of the room by a see thru glass wall, I can see a range of monitoring equipment, medical supplies and glass cylindrical tanks filled with off-white fluid and an unusual looking chair, much like you‘d find at the doctors or dentist, with a multitude of pipes, pumps and clamps folded under the arm and back rests.

[MF] The first of multiple dirty encounters with a girl from work I was coaching in the gym.

So I thought I’d contribute to the fun. This is a bit long in the set up so skip to paragraph 6 where it gets interesting ?.

(Names changed for privacy)
Backstory: I’d seen Brittany around college occasionally, We studied in the same department and had a few mutual friends, she was hard not to notice, tall blue eyed and blonde,pretty fun and extremely sexy but I considered her totally out of my league and didn’t really give her a second thought.

That was until a fateful morning when we saw each other in the gym before a conference we were both attending. So I’m in there doing my thing (I was prepping for a powerlifting competition at the time) and glance across from the bench and see Brittany on the machines across the platforms. I’ve not seen her in the gym or in gym kit before so I was a little intrigued. she noticed me, we both smiled in acknowledgment and carried on with our sessions.