[FM] Swimming Pool Changing Room Lust

When I was younger, my family decided to cross a few trips off the bucket list together. My sister and I were already adults and my brother getting there, so this period of time was one of the last in which the whole family could easily get together. Thankfully, my parents paid for my boyfriend to come along as we were already living together and it would feel unfair to leave him behind while I got to go have fun.

One of our destinations was Centre Parcs in England. Centre Parcs is a resort type getaway hidden in a forest. Its main attraction is a large but tasteful indoor/outdoor swimming area, with slides, a lazy river, wavepool, etc. The evening after we arrived, we decided it was time to have some fun. I slipped on a one-piece, then jeans and a sweater over and threw some underwear in a bag to change into after the swim. We headed out as a family, rushing the long walk through the trees to the pools. As we got nearer, we could hear the shouts and screams of enjoyment, smell the chlorine, and see the steam rising above the warm water of the outside sections. We entered the building and made our way to the changing rooms.

Accepting Requests [META]

Hey all, I hope this is within the rules of the subreddit.

I want to start writing more and I thought a great way to help with that would be to take a request or two from you guys.

I am not asking for anything in return at all. I will not be asking (nor accepting) payment of any kind to write a story or scene for you.

So with that being said, if anyone is interested in having a scene or short story written out for them, give me the details and/or a short summary that I can work with! Unfortunately, the caveat is that it is not first come first serve. I will choose which (if there are multiple requests) I’ll write. Some requests may include subject matter that is too much for me, which I will not write. Some may instantly spark an idea in me and I’ll begin writing almost immediately. Unfortunately that’s just how it is.

Kate Watches a Sexy Couple at Work [F]

Kate sighed and sat back in her chair, idly turning it side to side as she stared out the window. The rain streaking down the glass and the reflection of the lights below distorted her view of the evening city. Still, her eyes appreciated the change from the computer screen.

She glanced back at the monitor to check the time and shook her head in annoyance at the late hour, turning back to the large office windows. Like always, she was one of the last few employees staying after hours. Thanks to a new shift in management, her branch was understaffed and quite frankly, Kate’s boss had no idea how to do her job.

“I know that feeling.”

Kate jumped in her chair and turned towards the voice.

“Shit, my bad.” The slim-suited man laughed.

“You scared the shit out of me!” She shook her head and lowered her hand from her heart. “You clocking out?”

“Nah.” He lifted his mug. “Gonna refill. Came to see if you wanted anything too.”

“No thanks. It’ll just make me crash. Thanks though, Joey.”