The queen’s guards

A sort of sequel to this story:

Queen Deigratia sat on her golden throne, staring down at her chalice, half filled with wine. She was twirling the liquid inside its cup. Next to her, two guards flanked her sides, stoically staring ahead and holding spears. The queen was dressed in elegant white robes.

“How dreadfully dull,” the queen said as she continued staring into her cup. “It’s so quiet around here with all those pesky elves gone.”

She turned her head, staring at one of the guards.

“You there,” she said in a commanding voice. “Entertain me.”

The guard looked to the queen, his head tilted. “My lady?”

“Entertain me,” she said again, this time slower.

“Would the lady like me to summon a minstrel? Or a jester?”

“No. I want you to entertain me,” the queen said. “Do you not understand a simple request? Entertain me now, or you will be punished.”

The guard continued to look at her, his face confused. “Lady, please … I don’t understand … .”

“Oh, fine. I’ll make it so simple that even a grunt like you can comprehend it.”

The elf prisoner

I'm kind of new to all this, so let me know what you think!

Tevin sat in his stone cell, dearly missing the moonlight as he awaited his fate. The elf was tall, slender, and looked mostly how you’d imagine an elf, minus a new cut that swept across his cheek and down to his chin. His armor was taken from him, and he was now dressed only in a simple loincloth. Far from the elegant drapings he was used to.

Soon he heard footsteps coming from the dark hallway outside his cell. Torchlight slowly crept into sight as he was able to make out three figures. Two were normal guards, completely covered in armor. Behind them was Deigratia, the human warrior queen, dressed in white robes with a metal belt, chest protector, and shoulder coverings.

The three humans turned toward Tevin’s cell. Deigratia smiled wickedly at him as the guards opened the door. Confused, Tevin backed away, until he was in the corner of the stoney room.

Once inside, the queen motioned for her guards to leave. They did so as after closing the cell. Now Deigratia was alone with Tevin.