This Good Girl Sucks [F/M, Age Gap, BDSM]

Whenever I️ visit Mister he lets me work for him. He runs his own business so tasks and responsibilities cloud him constantly. The majority of his time is spent bossing others around, handling clients, and ordering inventory. He doesn’t make me do any of that boring stuff.

I’m not his secretary; he has one of those already. My job is way easier than that. My sole task is to sit underneath his desk and suck him off while he’s seated there. I have to keep sucking him no matter who or what is in his office. I am only allowed to stop when he says so.

His desk is custom made with hooks for handcuffing submissive girls like me. They aren’t noticeable but once you’ve seen them they stick out. The legroom down there is spacious enough to hide a slut. I️ enjoy being there, underneath his desk, licking his cock and balls while he handles business. My favorite part is when he’s talking on the phone or to clients. That’s when I️ try to make him moan or groan with my wet lips. I️ like to see him keep his cool during conversations even though I️ am slobbering on his cock. It’s fun watching him try to keep calm.

Sir and His Sneaky Submissive P1 [MF][Age Gap][BDSM]

Sunlight peeked through the frosty bedroom windows. The fireplace crackled on as snores continued filling the bedroom. Fudge, the trusted pup, laid curled up on her pillow beside the bed. Mari rolled over onto her side to stare at the clock.

“7:14, he should be waking up soon,” Mari thought to herself as she stared at the body beside her. 

Her body gracefully rolled back underneath his warm arms. Like vines on a fence, the thick arms squeezed then coiled around her body. Mari could not move. The snores continued in her ear. The wind from his snoring blew her hair inward then outward. It was the only thing she could see. Light radiated from the fireplace but it wasn’t bright enough to brighten the full room. Mari’s hair was all she had to entertain herself until Sir woke up.

“37…38….39…” she counted as her curls floated then sank back down.

Unknown to Mari, Sir was already awake. He wanted to see what Mari does when she thinks he’s sleeping. Since Sir is a heavy sleeper, the only option was spying on her. Anytime Sir asks Mari what she’s up to she replies the same, “nothing.” It’s hard to imagine a girl as curious and mischievous as Mari doing nothing. The naughty tease was lying. 

She Shares Her Husband. He Makes Me Squirt [FM]

One of the guys I’ve been playing with is an older white gentleman named Mr. D. He is well educated, sharply dressed, the face of his company, and a great family man. His wife knows about me. She even encourages our relationship; they are poly. When I first met Mr. D I wasn’t sure of his capabilities. Being older either gives you a bonus or a setback. Either you’ve learned how to fuck or can’t last long enough to fuck. I even explained this fact to Mr. D boldly on our first date. He reassured me he would “try his best” in the sweetest softest tone. This did not assure me but our attraction was what kept me interested in him. 

For our first meet, he suggested a hotel that we both agreed on. I arrived at the hotel anxious about the meet. For me, if the sex doesn’t satisfy me then you have to leave my life. Yes, you have to leave my entire life; we can’t be friends. Bad sex leaves the worse taste in my mouth.

Cum on Food [MF]

The idea for cum on food came from a younger lover but he never acted on it. The lucky contestant for the strudel extravaganza was a long time and still is a long-time friend of mine. He started as a mentor to me when I was a freshman. An older Russian man, early 50s, nice thick beard, and a complete badass.

At the time I was solely focused on what I was told to like: young bachelors my age. I listened to that advice until about two years ago. That’s when I ran into my mentor and he looked better than ever.

This man went from 230 plus to a smooth 160 lean muscle machine. I couldn’t believe my eyes! He told me his name when I didn’t initially recognize him. He didn’t even have to say his name. I knew who he was once I hear his voice but didn’t comprehend the physically fit man in front of me. He reached his hand out for a handshake. I denied it with a hug. I wanted to feel his warmth. There was always energy about him. Now that he felt confident about his outward appearance it only radiated brighter. Needless to say, this was no stranger but a dear dear friend and now a lover of mine.

[F]irst Time Camming

*Timeline: 2013-2014*

I started camming partly for money but more importantly for the experience, weird I know.

You see, I am from a smallish city in a state that doesn’t matter. When I say small I mean like, you have to ask “who’s your grandma” before fucking someone. For me, the likelihood a guy was related to me was even higher because my grandma birthed damn near half the town. For example, the cute boy who ushers near the pulpit on youth Sundays; he’s my cousin. That dreamy guy who helps with landscaping at school; he’s my uncle’s cousin. If that wasn’t enough to fuck over my sex life I was given one more “fuck you” from life. I am also the minister’s daughter.

Now, don’t get me wrong; the saying about church girls is pretty spot on. Church girls are some of the freakiest girls out but in my case, there was no one I could experiment with. My dad knew all the men and boys in our town. I had a double whammy. I had no choice but to wait for the opportunity to present its self. It was the waiting that turned me so rotten. All that time I spent rubbing off under sheets and fucking shower heads just drove me deeper into lust. By the time I was able to graduate and go away to college I was a soaking horny mess.

My Anal Plug [F]ully Went inside

Weeks ago I had my first Hip Hop spin class. I️ wasn’t sure if I️ was ready for it to be honest. I was encouraged to go by a previous Dom. Fitness is important to me. I have taken spin classes before but never danced while riding a bike. My previous Dom liked to be kinky when he couldn’t be around me. I enjoyed his company but often had to settle for Skype because of his schedule. We are no longer together.


My Dom enjoys it when I write filthy things on my body. It shows others it belongs to him. He likes branding his little slut. Last time it was his initials with the actual word “slut” underneath my boobs. Besides branding, we also enjoy a bit of exhibitionism, often the two mix. The invitation to the spin class not only provided me an extra opportunity to burn calories but also a new play place for my Dom.

My instructions for my new “spin tattoo” were it had to be visible, legible, and it needed to surprise him. I️ thought long and hard. I decided on “Sweat for Daddy” across my wrist. If I was feeling shy I could just pull my watch band over my new ink.

[FM] Fucking my BF in the Furniture Store

My first apartment was with a boyfriend I had my freshmen year of college. We both were students that also worked on the side. Shortly after moving into our new place we decided to journey to the Home store. Once inside we were greeted by a salesman then shown around the sales floor. We had already picked out our bigger pieces for the apartment so we were only focused on finding accent pieces. After the associate grew tired of overselling us we moved to the back of the store to a room where they kept the rugs.

Beautiful rugs hung from the ceiling while the generic ones were rolled in plastic. After a few minutes searching we both realized how little we were being bothered back in the rug room. My boyfriend, Trevor, came behind me while I shuffled through the rug bin. His hands coiled around my body as he placed kisses on the back of my neck. I attempted to ignore him so I could keep browsing through the rugs. Trevor thought my challenge was cute so he entertained it. Like kids we hid around bins then darted across the room trying not to be seen. Trevor loved a good game of hide and seek tag.

I finally got a chance to taste her [FF] Sara Story P.2

**For the record, Sara is a full lesbian now. She’s been with her partner for a while and I expect they will marry soon. I am happy that she’s with her, honestly. Believe me, Sara and I did share a connection but in the end, we were just two right people not two people right for each other. Though this account will be passionate and seem personal there are no feelings, but only the mutual love between humans. Back then, it was so pure and full of exploration and lust. Sorry for the mush, but I wanted to put that out there just incase this reached wondering eyes. Love you Sara :3**

I taught her how to masturbate [FF]

This is the true story about my college friend who confided in me, that she’d never masturbated before. I, being the best friend ever, had to show her what she was missing out on. It didn’t surprise me that she wasn’t masturbating. We left our super religious environments to a free one. That bonded us together from the start. We both hid in our dorms the first few nights fearing what Sodom and Gomorrah would be like. She seemed to be more stressed about being social than our schoolwork. I tried lightening the mood by joking a bit.

“Listen, we don’t have to go party and fuck guys. We could just fuck ourselves. Let’s go to hell that way!”

She snorted then confessed “I’m not going to Hell. I still haven’t done either,”

“What do you mean? We both haven’t! Sure college has learning but, really it’s about the adult things. Parties and fucking boys are still on my list too.”

“No, I mean…I’ve never touched myself”

“Excuse me?”

By this time “Sara” was looking at her reflection through the mirror hanging on the brick wall. I saw she was serious.