Napa Valley Wedding Trip Conclusion

The drive back to their hotel was difficult. I couldn't get the feel of Courtney off of my hands and my cock. The way her body… oops, I have to stay in my own lane here. I shook my head to clear the cobwebs and looked in the rear view mirror. Both Jen and Courtney were back there, their lips locked passionately and their hands roaming over and under clothing. That wasn't helping me stay between the lines on the road either. We had a fifteen minute drive back to the hotel, and Jen was determined to make the most of it.

She kissed down Courtney's neck, both hands moving down Courtney's body to hike her dress up. Jen sat back and pulled at Courtney's panties, and Courtney obliged her, extricating her legs from them without hesitation. She lowered herself between Courtney's legs, a maneuver made slightly complicated because it was happening in the back seat of a car. I watched Courtney's face as she watched Jen… her eyes went wide as Jen's tongue experimentally traced itself up and down Courtney's pussy. She idly placed a hand on Jen's head and sighed long and hard as Jen's tongue went deeper. I watched her eyes close and her head tilt back as she pulled her knees up. I couldn't see what Jen was doing at all, I was just focused on Courtney's pleasure. I remembered how I like to watch her face while I lick her pussy, I guess I like to watch while other people do it too.

Napa Valley Wedding Trip

"Nice shot, pool shark," she taunted as the 12 ball bounced off the rails.

"Yeah yeah…" was my eloquent response. My concentration was ruined. Normally I am quite skilled at sharp-witted banter, but my mind was on other things. Like the gorgeous girl bending over to line up a shot with that evil, teasing smile on her face. Or the other cute little lady waiting her turn to the side.

The three of us were old friends who don't see much of each other anymore. All of us had families at home and had drifted apart to some degree, although we've kept in touch over the years. On this rare occasion the three of us found ourselves on a trip together to attend the wedding of another couple of friends. Their husbands were home with the kids, and my wife didn't really know the bride and groom so she stayed home as well.

The Girl Next Door, Chapter 5 [M/F]

"Do you think anybody can see us?" she asked, squinting and scanning the houses across the street.

"I doubt it, not tonight with how dark it is."

I couldn't believe where I was or how I got there. Tuesday when I came home from work there was a note slipped into the jamb of my front door with a simple invitation.

"hot tub in the park 2am"

I knew it had to be from Julie, and I knew she meant the community hot tub in the pool complex shared by our neighborhood. It was a nice pool and a nice hot tub, but I rarely visited there because it is generally crowded and loud, not really my scene. But the pool closed at 10.

But let me back up a moment. It had been almost a month since the night she came over to watch a movie. I wouldn't say things cooled down between us – because I'm not sure it was that kind of thing – but we didn't have any more time alone for those weeks. She still smiled and waved at me, and we had a few conversations in our front yards when we were both outside. Just small talk, school stuff, Summer stuff. She was a lot of fun to be around no matter what the setting was, it turned out.

The Girl Next Door, Chapter 4 [M/F]

Our neighborhood was big on block parties. During the Summer months after the sun went down on the weekends it wasn't unusual for a spontaneous BBQ or pool party to break out at somebody's house. Texts would be sent around and people would start filtering in and before you knew it there was a full-on party in progress.

On this weekend I found myself in the backyard of a neighbor, sipping on a margarita and leaning back from a paper plate that held the remnants of smoked brisket and potato salad. The conversation at the table was a lively one, apparently a few of the neighbors played in the same poker tournament earlier in the day and they all had war stories about it.

The Girl Next Door, Chapter 3 [M/F]

Since the day I touched her, things were different between Julie and I in an amazing way. We still only saw each other in passing, and we still waved. But she always took her sunglasses off when she looked at me, and she looked at me in very purposeful way. Always now with knowing narrowed eyes and a relaxed smile. I'm sure she knew what it did to me, and it was exactly what she wanted to do to me.

I kept my distance, content to admire her from my vantage point and visit her in my dreams. Plus, she had plenty of suitors. I watched a few of them rotate out as the Summer passed, but one wasn't much different from another. They would stay over when her dad was out of town, drinking and swimming in her backyard. I would look through the fence sometimes, like a regular Peeping Tom. I loved seeing her in the bikinis she wore. I think she knew I watched, or assumed that I did. I held out hope that one of these times she'd decide to go skinny dipping, but I never got so lucky. Plenty of her guy friends shed their shorts, but that wasn't the show I was after.

The Girl Next Door, Chapter 2 [M/F]

A few weeks passed after I first met Julie. I saw her from time to time, usually just a quick glimpse through my blinds of her coming or going in her Jeep Wrangler. It was Summer and she had the soft top removed and she liked to drive around in short shorts and sunglasses with her hair in a long pony tail – the very picture of a cute California girl. I'm not afraid to admit that hearing her Jeep's engine start up would get me moving to the front windows every time.

Then I remember one Summer day in particular. It was a Saturday and I had gotten up early to work on a project at home. I just happened to be near the window that had a view of their driveway when I saw her walking out to her Jeep. She must have just woken up because she was dressed only in some loose boxer shorts and a skin tight spaghetti strap top. Her long hair hadn't been brushed yet today and the loose wild strands were catching the sunlight. I watched transfixed as she opened the door to her Jeep and bent over to look for something inside.

The Girl Next Door, Chapter 1 [M/F]

"I never thought anything like this would happen to me."

Isn't that how these things always start? Where to begin… I guess it all started when my wife left me. We got married too young and discovered too late that we weren't all that good at living in the same house without making each other insane. She left, I got a new job that paid well and kept me very busy, and I've been single since then. Then the new neighbors moved in.

I still remember the first time I saw her. I was coming home from work during my lunch break one day and I saw a Uhaul truck backed into the driveway of the house next door to mine. It's one of those houses that is a perpetual rental so there have been a few tenants throughout the years, each a little more trashy than the last. This time was different though because as I turned into my driveway I saw her come out of the house heading for the Uhaul. She was young – college aged maybe – tall, slender, tanned skin, light brown hair that fell straight down her back. She was wearing a loose t-shirt and jean shorts, and she was wiping a strand of hair off of her forehead that was stuck there with sweat. Our eyes met ever so briefly before my car entered the garage, and the easy smile she flashed my way added a few beats to my heart rate.

Test drive for a new corset

This is my first submission, feedback is much appreciated.

We walked through the mall after lunch. It was a rare weekend where we both had some time to kill and neither of us were ready to end the "date" early. We talked about anything that came to mind and no topics were uncomfortable between us. That was unique to our friendship, we both knew enough about each other to know that there would never be any judgment, only honest feedback. There was a lull in the conversation as we passed a lingerie store.

"I really need to get a new corset," she remarked idly as we continued past the store. I stopped us.

"Well, let's go look."

"You want to go in there?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm interested to see your taste in corsets." Her gaze turned skeptical for a moment, then she shrugged and led me inside. I followed her as she browsed around the store. She stopped at a display of corsets in various colors and designs and a girl working there approached as she did.