Unleashing Jenn [MF]

I had worked with Jenn for a while. She seemed a bit vanilla but she was attractive and appeared to have a killer body, though it was hard to tell from the clothes she wore. We chatted about superficial shit, and she was always curious about my life as I liked to travel and do outdoorsy stuff and dine on the town, and she mostly stayed at home with her husband and her dogs. He seemed like a Fox News and SportsCenter type, and it appeared like she pretty much did what he wanted to do. She would describe herself as a homebody, though I did get a sense of longing when she described her life.

Categorized as sexystories

Horny Band Nerds [M/F] [Highheels]

This story is about 90% true, but I figured with the embellishments I should post it here instead of gwstories. I had a gf/ex-gf that I had great experiences with as far as exercising my high heel fetish, though I added a bit of dialogue that would emphasize a bit of light femdom, as she eventually started employing it in later experiences.

I knew I liked high heels at a pretty young age. I’m not sure how it happened, but whenever I was home alone you could often find me in my older sisters’ closets looking through their high heels, wishing to see girls in them (though not really my sisters). When I finally got around to having my first girlfriend in high school, Lucy, I was hoping I would be able to explore this more with her. Lucy was short, perhaps an inch or two above 5 feet. Not thin, a little extra but still cute, with straight dirty blonde hair down a bit past her shoulders. After seeing her for a while, I opened up about my little fetish. She responded really well, and was eager to try it out. I couldn’t believe it! What I learned from Lucy was that I also liked light domination, and she had a great time doing it.


Aarmaan keeled down upon his knees (good way to start a sex-story, no?). A string of tears ran down his face. His homosexuality has finally caught up with him and now he would pay the price for his preference, in a country where eight-year-old girls are often forced to marry moldy old men who are able to rape and beat them regularly with no worry of reproach. Why? It didn't matter. Bigotry knows no logic. All the members of 'The Exclusive Allah Fan-Club' knew was that he did not conform to the rules and regulations of Muslumism and he therefore had to be destroyed.

The executioner raised the sword above his head and Aarmann squeezed his eyes shut, anticipating the cold sting of sharpened metal to penetrate the back of his neck and slide down through cartilage and bone until his head became detached from his body (It's actually kinda gross when you think about it), but just then the unmistakable report of gunfire echoed through the hot, desert air. After a brief moment of stillness, curiosity finally got the better of Aarmaan and he opened his eyes to see what had happened.

I cheated on my husband last week, and I’m having a hard time feeling bad about it [m/f]

I do feel bad, but more so because I can't stop thinking about it…and how incredibly hot it was. That's why I'm posting. I feel like I need to try and re-live it a bit…see how it makes me feel and try to decide what to do going forward I'm a manager of a chain grocery store in a very small town in western Canada (3000ish people). My husband is a teacher in the same town. We've been together since high school, and I've never been with another guy before…with the exception of one time in university when I was kissed by a guy. We were studying together, I totally didn't see it coming and I didn't let it last very long…I was honest with my now husband about it, since it really wasn't my fault. He was still very upset with me, and I know he's had issues trusting me ever since then…he says I was naive to put myself in a situation alone with the other guy…that I "crossed a line".
I'm 29, and ever since I was a teenager, I was always on the slightly chubby side. Not fat by any means, not even really chubby, just never really in shape. About a year ago, I made the decision that I was going to change that, and really put a lot of effort into working out…and I think it's really been showing. My husband isn't exactly the most confident man in the world…I know he's proud of me, and I know he likes the changes I've made, but at the same time I can tell it makes him more insecure about himself, and worried that he won't be good enough. Honestly it's kind of a drag when I've been working so hard to feel good about myself and look good for him, and all he can worry about is how it will affect him. Anyways…enough background. Last week I had meetings and seminars all week at our headquarters in the capital city of my province (sorry, don't really want to say which one). We have them every year around this time, and it's always kind of a nice getaway for me to spend some time in the city. I'd been looking forward to spending some time shopping, so I went up a little early on Sunday. One thing about my new body is that it doesn't seem to be willing to give up by butt…well my boobs too, but that's hardly a problem :) My bum definitely got a lot more firm and round, but it definitely didn't shrink at all (if anything it got bigger!) I think I pull it off quite well though, so I decided to just embrace it…unfortunately, the area I live in doesn't exactly have a lot of selection for anything that would actually fit my proportions and look good. I found a couple stores at the mall that had an amazing selection of jeans and pants that hugged my butt perfectly! Seeing myself in the full length change room mirrors made me feel so good about myself…trying on clothes that showed off my body rather than trying to find ones that would hide it. I bought a really nice tight fitting black evening dress and strapless pushup bra to wear to a dinner they'd be taking us out to on Wednesday evening. I even ventured into Victoria's Secret for the first time in my life!

[F]ucking Another [M]an and Telling [M]y BF All About it

A little back story first: I'm 19, a sophomore in college, and sexually deviant. At 5'5" and 120 pounds, my 34D breasts look disproportionately large in comparison to my slim waist (I was somehow lucky enough to have the freshman 15 go straight to my tits). I have long dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, and an ass that still looks like it did when I ran track in high school.

For the last two months, I've been dating Daniel. He's 37, 6'2", and way out of my league. The age difference (18 years) might make it sound like some weird daddy/daughter thing, but we actually really like each other. I won't bother to defend it. We also have insanely good sex. We quickly realized that we share many of the same fantasies – most importantly for this story, Daniel really loves the idea of me fucking another man and then coming home to him, freshly fucked, to tell him all about it while he reclaims all of my holes. That's exactly what we did four days ago.

Lorie’s Awakening [f/m] – Chapter 1

Lorie's Awakening – Chapter 1


Looking out my window, the blue water shimmered in the sun as we began our initial decent to Sangster International Airport. Fortunate to have been seated in first class, I had enjoyed some minimal conversation with the gentleman seated next to me. His English was very broken, and he was rather hard to understand, but I was able to understand that his name was Shawn, he was a native of Jamaica and was very grateful to have a first class seat to fit his 6' 8” body into.

Seated across the aisle was my sister Lorie, who had a row to herself. Some would consider her “stand-offish”, but she was really just quite shy and quiet, preferring to spend time alone reading a book.

Lorie and I had never been close. At 37 years of age, she was 5 years younger than me, but would pass for someone in their mid-20's. She was barely over 5' tall with fair skin, light freckles and blond hair. That pretty much describes me to. We had both been married for 20 years.

My Alicia. [f+f]

I was still young and figuring out where I wanted to go, sexually. I met her in class and we had some mutual friends. Something just… sparked as we talked to each other. I think we talked on the phone for 12 hours in the span of three days, and I hated talking on the phone with most people. She came up to me after about three weeks and slid her fingers between mine. I looked up in total surprise, but she just smiled this knowing smile and I blushed furiously under that gaze.

I had broken up with a very short-term boyfriend from our friend circle maybe a week before she made her move, and she had just ended a friends-with-benefits situation with another guy from our group. We walked the halls hand-in-hand and word spread through our group like wildfire. My ex was still bitter about the break-up, and I’d heard through our friends that he’d said “I can’t believe Jamie’s ex is dating my ex. What the fuck is up with that?” In secret, he told me years later, he fantasized about Alicia and me.

Tales from Frank’s: The Brothers [M] [F] [M] (xpost from /r/sexystories)

Working in Frank’s is okay. Frank himself is a bit of a pain in the ass, but I’m friendly enough with the other girls. Back when Frank still had ideas of starting a franchise, the diner-come-bar was decked out in the usual family friendly reds and yellows. Some time before I started, he realised the customers he could count on weren’t mom, pop and their 2.4s but the working joes who needed to stop in before they went home.

Accordingly, he adjusted his staffing policy. Michael, who’d been tending bar since he was old enough, got tossed out on his ear. Frank made sure that every single member of staff, from the guys in the back to those waiting tables, were exactly the kind of person to being in his new target audience: we’re all relatively young – late-teens to early twenties (except for Amanda, but she still looks like she could pass for my sister) – with easy smiles. The outfits Frank makes us wear are two sizes too small and have deep v-necks, which gives the guys an eyeful whenever we bend over. The shorts are barely more than hot pants and hug snuggly around the curves. They’re the same shade of black as the knee-high socks and sneakers.

Tales from Frank’s: The Brothers [M] [F] [M]

Working in Frank’s is okay. Frank himself is a bit of a pain in the ass, but I’m friendly enough with the other girls. Back when Frank still had ideas of starting a franchise, the diner-come-bar was decked out in the usual family friendly reds and yellows. Some time before I started, he realised the customers he could count on weren’t mom, pop and their 2.4s but the working joes who needed to stop in before they went home.

Accordingly, he adjusted his staffing policy. Michael, who’d been tending bar since he was old enough, got tossed out on his ear. Frank made sure that every single member of staff, from the guys in the back to those waiting tables, were exactly the kind of person to being in his new target audience: we’re all relatively young – late-teens to early twenties (except for Amanda, but she still looks like she could pass for my sister) – with easy smiles. The outfits Frank makes us wear are two sizes too small and have deep v-necks, which gives the guys an eyeful whenever we bend over. The shorts are barely more than hot pants and hug snuggly around the curves. They’re the same shade of black as the knee-high socks and sneakers.

[M]y [F]irst experience with Tinder

A little bit about me: I’m 23 years old, around 6 feet tall and 205 pounds, athletic figure. I have dark brown hair and the same color eyes. Kind of a hairy dude, but so far haven’t heard any complaints about it. I started identifying myself as a bit of a sex addict when I was in my second year of college (We start college at 18 in Canada), after a string of romantic involvements that just didn’t lead anywhere. I got bored, as awful as it sounds, with each of the women I decided to be with. I was brought up in a rather agnostic household. It’s my dad’s second marriage and my mother had me and my sister before they were married. I was always an introverted kid, and spent a lot of time by myself. Growing older I learned how to come out of my shell a bit more, and found myself being curious about women from an early age. As I grew older, I began to become more and more comfortable with my sexuality. I jerked off maybe 3 times a day on average, and after losing my virginity I pretty much was off the leash. Now that I’ve accepted that I cannot be with any one person, my sex life has expanded immensely. I have a couple stories I feel like sharing, and the community on this board seems to be very welcoming to that, so I thought it best to post my experiences here. Hope you enjoy!