Her First Blowjob [FMF]

Anne, the girl who would eventually become my wife, was at guy’s house. She was still pretty young. We had met, but we weren’t a couple yet. She was there with her best friend, one of the guys’ friend and the guy himself. Said guy still lived with his parents

Somehow the group decided to play strip poker. Then they realized that none of them knew how to play poker. They instead decided to cut the deck as pairs, the low card losing an item of clothing. The game moved quickly, which was the kind of the point.

The friend’s guest lost first and took off his pants. Anne’s best friend lost second and took off a sock. Anne was disappointed in her friend. Anne took of her shirt after her own loss, showing off a beautiful lacy bra. She’d just bought it and was excited to show it off.

Somehow it ended up with Anne facing off against the guest. The guest lost and was about to pull off his boxers when the parents came home. Everyone scrambled and ran out the back door.

The Wrong Threesome [MFM]

I’d been with my girlfriend, Anne, since the sixth grade and I’d known that she was bisexual almost as long. We wanted to be an extremely open and kinky couple but we were only that way with each other. Outwardly we were very reserved.

We told ourselves that things would change when we went away to college, but they didn’t. And it was frustrating. Anne had a roommate that can safely be described as insane. She was older than we were and smoked an amazing amount of pot. She was also very open about sex. Almost obnoxiously so. She would leave her sex toys out in the main room, or leave porn playing on the TV even after she’d left. Anne was quietly determined to fuck her before graduation.

We had a party at the house one weekend. A ridiculous rager where we bought a keg, then sold drinks to anyone wanted to drop by until we made enough to buy another keg. The house was trashed, it was amazing. We partied, fell asleep, woke up and partied some more. Ultimately we ended up in Anne’s bedroom. The two of us, Jim, a friend we’d both known since elementary school, and the roommate. Both Jim and Anne were flirting with the roommate. But badly, neither was good at it. Sort of randomly, the roommate got up and wandered out.

Being Seen [FFM]

Anne wanted to be seen.

In her first year at college my girlfriend, Anne, took some introductory art classes, including a figure drawing class. The class went from the basics to still life, then to drawing people and finally to nude models. The models were not, contrary to how it often appears in movies, especially attractive or sexual. The point was to teach the students, not to get them aroused. For the most part the models could be best described as “fit” and then left at that.

Still Anne found herself deeply aroused in every class. Not by the models but by the people watching. She wondered what it would be like to be the subject of such rapt attention, to have so many eyes on you. She started to dwell on the feeling of being exposed, of being unable to hide anything.

It spilled into our sex. She would get me to watch her in the shower, to watch her masturbating on the bed, even to film her. But it didn’t satiate the yearning. I saw her all the time. Nothing was revealed. Nothing was exposed. She needed something more.

The First Time We Shared Her With a Friend [MFM]

The first time I shared the woman who would become my wife, we were quite young. We were lying on my bed, making out when she looked at me with her big blue eyes and asked if she was hot.

“Of course.” I assured her. But then I continued. I don’t know why I said the words. “You are so hot that all my friends want to fuck you.”

She was taken aback. She’s never really thought that she was all that attractive and, until that moment, I don’t think she’d thought of any of my friends that way. She doubted me. I doubled down.

“No, honestly. Call up any of them and ask if they would come over right now and fuck you.”

She was shocked but then turned playful, asking if I would really allow it. She was teasing, but noticed how hard I was getting as we talked. She picked up the phone, dialed and called one of my good friends. At each stage she paused, waiting for me to stop her. I never did.

My friend was shocked at the call and what my girlfriend said. He was convinced that she was joking. But he took the opportunity. He hurried over like a man possessed.

Degrading My Wife [FFM]

“I want to be humiliated.”

Before we met my wife Anne had a strange sexual history. Her two best friends had shared a lot of her sexual firsts. They had encouraged and pushed each other, but they had also demeaned and degraded each other. It hadn’t been healthy. Anne’s first time having anal sex had been with her best friend Jane’s boyfriend, because Jane wouldn’t do it. Anne had made Jane watch. In turn Jane had once convinced Anne to masturbate while Jane took pictures with an old Polaroid. Jane had shown the pictures to a fairly large number of people. The third girl in the triangle, Emma, had been an instigator. She’d driven the other two to constantly push each other, to shame each other and to constantly escalate.

The dynamic during her sexual awakening had left its mark on Anne. Anne often switched between being very dominant and quite submissive in bed. So her pronouncement wasn’t a complete surprise. But she seemed more urgent, more strident, than she ever had before.

“You want to be dominated?” I asked cautiously. “Like a BDSM scene?”

Jacking off My Friend While He Eats My Wife [MMF]

It was cold. But Paul’s cock was incredibly hot against my back.

It had been stupid to head up to Paul’s family’s cabin in early May. Winter hadn’t given up yet and the cabin was only heated by a single wood burning stove. But we’d somehow decided that it was a great way to spend the weekend. So we’d gone, myself, my wife Anne, Paul and Anne’s friend Marion. Anne and I had shared some sexual experiences with Paul in the past. But he had been married to Kim for about a year at this point and with Marion there I assumed that sex was off the table. The cabin was very small and Marion was literally just a friend. Anne had no desire to let Marion in on that part of our lives.

We did, however, bring up a lot of liquor. We got to the cabin. Cleaned up a little, got a fire started in the stove, lay out our sleeping bags and started drinking.

An Anonymous Hatefuck for My Wife [MFM]

Anne had become obsessed. Ever since I’d arranged for one of her coworkers to anonymously fuck her, it was all she could think about.

She knew that someone she worked with had seen her bent over and exposed, had tasted her pussy, had fucked her, and had marked her face with cum. Every day she went in to work knowing that someone there had seen her at her most debased and could be picturing her that way at any moment.

The fact that she had no idea who had fucked her was what pushed her over the edge. It could have been anyone and so it was everyone. Every minute of the day she was horny, watching her coworkers for the smallest hint that they were the one. She desperately wanted to ask me, but didn’t want to break the spell. They mystery left her feeling exposed, like every nerve was raw. She was so wet from arousal that she had to bring a second pair of panties to work. She started slipping into the bathroom on her breaks to masturbate, to take the edge off her tension. She was almost caught be her teammates a couple of times, which only furthered her arousal.

Strangers Ran A Train on My Wife in a Paris Hostel [MMF]

Anne and I ended our honeymoon in Paris. Our whole trip had been amazing. We’d seen and done so much. We’d also been careful with our money, so by the time we got to Paris we had money to burn. We didn’t go insane but we didn’t hold back either. We ate a few fancy dinners, we went to the Moulin Rouge, Anne bought some sexy lingerie in Pigalle.

The hostel was a letdown, but that didn’t last long. Our first room was disgusting but we went to the concierge and asked, in our terrible French, if anything could be done. She was charmed that we even tried to hold the conversation in French. She explained that hostel was being renovated and we’d gotten stuck in one of the old rooms by mistake. She moved us to a new room and it made a world of difference. Plenty of space, sparkling clean, its own shower, everything we could hope for. It had space for six, but the concierge assured us that the entire room would be ours. And it was. Despite the fact that the hostel was at capacity no one else came to our room. It was easy to see why. Most of the other guests were pretty rude. No one tried to engage in French, in fact they barely treated the concierge as human.

Strangers Ran A Train on My Wife in a Paris Hostel [MMMMF]

Anne and I ended our honeymoon in Paris. Our whole trip had been amazing. We’d seen and done so much. We’d also been careful with our money, so by the time we got to Paris we had money to burn. We didn’t go insane but we didn’t hold back either. We ate a few fancy dinners, we went to the Moulin Rouge, Anne bought some sexy lingerie in Pigalle.

The hostel was a letdown, but that didn’t last long. Our first room was disgusting but we went to the concierge and asked, in our terrible French, if anything could be done. She was charmed that we even tried to hold the conversation in French. She explained that hostel was being renovated and we’d gotten stuck in one of the old rooms by mistake. She moved us to a new room and it made a world of difference. Plenty of space, sparkling clean, its own shower, everything we could hope for. It had space for six, but the concierge assured us that the entire room would be ours. And it was. Despite the fact that the hostel was at capacity no one else came to our room. It was easy to see why. Most of the other guests were pretty rude. No one tried to engage in French, in fact they barely treated the concierge as human.

Watching my Wife Swap Cum with a Stranger [FMF]

Budapest was hot. Unbearably so. Because the city was very cheap we’d been lucky enough to rent a massive apartment. Even luckier that it had a portable air conditioner. But we’d come to do touristy things, so we couldn’t sit inside all day. Instead we went out and were pummeled by a wall of heat. We made it to a shaded park on the river, right next to the chain bridge, and tried to survive the day by watching the boats.

The park was a popular destination and crowds of people came and went. Only one other pair stayed as long as we had. We eventually went over and talked with them. They were two of the most gorgeous women I had ever seen. Ana and Svetlana were Hungarian Americans on a tour of Eastern Europe. Ana was Svetlana’s mother, but was still very young. She must have had Svetlana when she was about twenty, the same age Svetlana was now. They were both blond and had soft round faces. They both wore their hair in intricate braids, something that they admitted they’d only done for this trip.