Jacking Off for An Audience in Verona [MFF]

The Youth Hostel in Verona was a terrible place to stay. Anne and I were on our honeymoon, backpacking through Europe. We were dirt poor and staying at Hostels to stretch out our dollars. They definitely varied in quality, but the one in Verona was astonishing. They had no couple’s rooms, so Anne went upstairs while I was relegated to the basement.

The men’s dorms slept 25 guys to a room. The dorm itself was cavernous and walled with tiles, so it was freezing and everything echoed. No one slept. The morning shower was a pipe stuck upright in the floor of a huge room. The water erupted upwards. You were expected to clean yourself in the spray. It was cold and it was miserable.

By the time I met Anne for breakfast in the common dining area I looked and felt terrible. Anne, however, was glowing and full of life, ready for a day of sightseeing. The women’s dorms, Anne told me, had four girls in a room and each room had its own bathroom with a full, and normal, shower. She had three roommates and they were all getting along great. My response was more than a little grumpy.

Watching Her Suck Cock in Nice [MFM]

Nice was not a place for the poor. And we, my wife Anne and I, were poor. We were backpacking across Europe on a shoestring budget. Nice was a beautiful city, but it was designed for those with money to spend. We spent the morning in the sun drenched courtyard of the youth hostel and plotted our escape to cheaper climates.

As we sat there a man ran up to use with a friendly greeting. We had first met Scott at the hostel in Marseille. Today he was returning from a trip to Monaco. He seemed desperately lonely as he raved to us about how excellent, friendly and spotlessly clean Monaco had been. Of all the people we’d met on our honeymoon, Scott seemed the most ill-suited to the life of a backpacker. Nothing, outside of Monaco, had lived up to his expectations and he complained about every person he’d met. Which was strange, since almost everyone we’d met had been extremely friendly.

The entire purpose of Scott’s trip, as far as we could tell, was to meet women who were away from home for the first time in their lives, free from all taboos and all supervision. He planned to guide these naïve young women into every aspect of their sexuality. He was failing miserably, since his only approach was to tell the women exactly that.

Fucking Her Sister Before the Wedding [FMF]

It was a day before my wedding. My girlfriend, Anne, and I had been together forever and we’d finally decided to make it formal. We’d rented a beautiful little B&B out in the countryside and the wedding party went out a few days in advance to get everything ready. We kept the wedding party very small. My brother was my best man and Anne’s sister her maid of honor. That was everyone.

Anne and I had a huge honeymoon suite with an enormous bed and great view. After a morning getting things set up I walked in to our suit and found Anne, facing away from me, trying on an incredibly sexy white corset, with matching stockings. I recognized it as the wedding lingerie she’d bought. I snuck up behind her, cupped her breasts and pulled her close to nibble on her ear.

“Excuse me?” I looked up to see Anne glaring at me from the bathroom. I spun the woman in my arms around. It was Anne’s sister, Diana. Normally the two women hardly resembled each other at all. But the previous night Diana had dyed her hair to match Anne’s exactly. I found out later that Anne was pretty angry about it.

She Stripped For My Groomsman [MFM]

This started a long time past, at a friend’s house in High School. It was late at night, we were young, David’s parents were gone and we were very drunk. Everything began with a pin toy. A bunch of pins held in a frame that retained the impression of anything pressed against them. The kind of thing that executives have on their desk to show that they are whimsical, but not too whimsical. They’re trademarked under the name “Pinscreen.”

The toy was on the desk of his father’s office when Anne found it. She became obsessed with it. Hands, Face, ears. She loved making impressions in the cold steel pins. I think they felt new and exciting against her skin. Anne escalated from her own skin to mine and eventually to David. She started with his hands, but moves up to his ears, then his face. He was obviously uncomfortable, not with the attention, but with how to handle the attention. David didn’t have a girlfriend. He’d never had a girlfriend. Having Anne this close, focusing on him, touching him, was leaving him flustered. He kept looking over at me for guidance. I was happy to just watch things unfold.

From Submissive To Dominant [FMF]

I walked into the living room to find Anne, my girlfriend, eating pussy. Her friend, Kathy, was splayed out on the couch, writhing on Anne’s tongue. Kathy was naked, Anne wore only her favorite pair of green panties. It was clear they weren’t expecting me. When Kathy noticed me she jumped and scrambled to cover herself with a cushion. She pointed imperiously at door behind me.

“Get out.”

Anne and Kathy had been fucking for about a month now. The first time they’d had sex I’d been there watching. Kathy had dominated Anne and forced her out of her comfort zone. It had been beautiful to see.

They’d had sex twice since then, just the two of them. I was happy that Anne was getting the chance to thoroughly explore a facet of her sexuality and I very much enjoyed the detailed reports I got afterwards.

Kathy wasn’t sure what to make of my role in their relationship. She once tried to convince Anne to leave me and that first time they’d fucked it had been as much about Kathy trying to show her dominance over Anne as anything else. But Anne, although enjoying being submissive, had made it clear that her relationship with me took primacy.

Watching Her Dominate My Girlfriend [FMF]

Anne met a girl and she was enthralled. Kathy was short and fit and very curvy. She had long dark curly hair and was gorgeous. They met at yoga and Anne was instantly taken with Kathy.
I wasn’t worried about my relationship with Anne. She’d been my girlfriend for a long time and I’d known she was bisexual for almost as long. Since her bisexuality aroused me as much as it did her, it would be hypocritical to try and curtail it. But I still worried. Anne tended towards powerful crushes. She wasn’t just interested in someone, she fell head over heels for them and the last time hadn’t ended well.

Anne fell for her friend Lindsay. The three of us had played together a few times. Then Anne and Lindsay had gone on a date, just the two of them. Anne had confessed her growing feelings. Lindsay had listened warmly, told Anne that she had to think about it and then ghosted her. Anne has been heartbroken and I didn’t want that to happen again.

Housewarming Gift [FMF]

One of the trigger points in my relationship with my long term girlfriend Anne came when we tried to move in together. It was stressful, for a number of reasons, and it ultimately led to us breaking up. The break up didn’t last long, but while we were apart I finally moved in to my own apartment. It was not, by any standard, a glorious place. It was a three story walk up with yellow walls, a stunning view of the parking lot and a very thin floor. My downstairs neighbor was a nice guy but he was frequently tapping the ceiling to remind me that he could hear everything.

That was usually OK. I was happy to have the place, but I didn’t usually invite too many people over. It wasn’t a great place to party. In fact, the first real guests I had, not counting the friends that helped me move, were Anne and our friend Lindsay. The three of us had recently had a couple of confusing, but ultimately very exciting threesomes. Anne and I were back together as a couple and the two girls were spending a lot of time together.

Reconciling with My Girlfriend [FMF]

My girlfriend, Anne, and I had broken up. But we kept running into each and the previous night we’d had a threesome with Anne’s friend Lindsay. It hadn’t finished the best possible way, as Lindsay had run out afterwards. She thought of herself as completely straight and had been shocked and horrified that she had an earth shattering orgasm on Anne’s tongue.

So, I was more than a little surprised when the girls came over to my house the next night. They brought some wine and some food and we set up a little picnic in front of the TV while we watched a movie. Very little was said.

When Lindsay went to find a bottle opener I asked Anne what the hell was going on.

“Lindsay and I talked. We decided that we have the potential to be really good friends and that we didn’t want last night to ruin it. But it was still awkward to hang out so we decided that, as the only person who knew what was going on, you could be a buffer.”

“Thanks a bunch.” I muttered. Lindsay came back just then and we finished the bottle in record time. I went to scrounge up some beer before the opening credits had even finished.

Breaking Up [FMF]

During our second year of college Anne and I broke up. The stress of school and work, plus trying to move in together proved too much. We had a lot of acrimonious fights and finally called it quits.

But we couldn’t stop being around each other. It was never really planned, but we just always ended up at the same places at the same times.

So, when we both ended up at party together, it was no surprise. Anne came with a new friend, a girl named Lindsay. Lindsay was tall, blond and buxom. She had spent the last four years in Japan. She was nice, but really out of touch, socially. She didn’t have any of the same cultural references and her reactions to things always seemed…just different. As a result she was very shy. Coming to the party was Anne’s attempt to socialize Lindsay.

Despite our breakup Anne seemed really happy. I was not. I put on a brave face, talked to Anne, even flirted with Lindsay to make Anne happy, and drank myself stupid.

Uncomfortable First Anal [FMF]

The first time my future wife, Anne, had anal sex it was…uncomfortable.

She was with her friends, Jane and Emma, in Jane’s basement bedroom along with Jane’s boyfriend Ed. They were gossiping about a girl they knew who’d let her boyfriend fuck her ass. Jane was disgusted. She couldn’t understand how anyone could enjoy it.

Anne, who thought of herself as kinky but who hadn’t really experienced all that much, was indignant. She defended the poor maligned girl and the entire concept of anal sex. Unfortunately for Anne Emma liked to push boundaries. She kept challenging Anne, demanding to know how far Anne had gone, why Anne thought anal sex would be nice, whether Anne herself would do it. Anne kept making bolder and bolder statements, while Jane got more and more disgusted. Finally Emma asked a question that shocked them all.

“Would you let Ed fuck you up the ass? Right now?” Emma had a huge grin on her face. Jane gasped in shock. “Jane will, obviously, never let him, so it’s not cheating. If it would be so great, prove it.”