The Master and his Pixies [fantasy, mdom, pixies]

The sun is setting…

I groan softly.

As it often does these days my mind wanders. My life has become so different from what it used to be that I still sometimes find it hard to believe. We are taught many things as we are growing up. Humanity has learned so much about the universe we have deluded ourselves into thinking we understand far more than we do.

Humans have progressed steadily from the beginning.


There is no magic.


The truth is that humanity has risen to peaks before. We have learned to master great forces in the past only to see destruction rage and our knowledge being lost. You doubt me. Of course you do. But as I look around at my castle the proof is rather obvious. You are wrong.

I groan again.

A small sweet little voice pulls me back to the present.

”Nooooooo…. Tooo big.”

That would be Pink. The sweetest one. She does not have a hostile or mean bone in her body. So of course she is the target for all the others. Cause while I do love them most of the rest can be nasty little bitches far too often. But being hungry can do that to a pixie.

Howls of Lust II [fantasy, werewolf, blood, force, WF]


Juliet waits.

It has been 2 months since her first encounter with the creature she now calls ‘my wolf’. In that time she has changed. Everyone has commented on it. She has become much more forceful. Juliet was never someone you would call a shrinking violet but the differences were stark. In the last month she has dumped her long-term boyfriend. Found a new job. Completely revamped the operation of her parent’s farm and more.

Her emotions were all over the place. Some days she was just giddy and filled with life. Taking joy in every little task and smiling with ease. Other days she worried. Snapped. Isolated herself from everyone and heaven help anybody who attempted to lure her out. She was intense. Everybody said so.

Juliet was aware of all of this. Only she knew why.


Some days she swore to herself that she would leave. Get on a plane and get as far away from him as possible. But no matter how many times she reached for the phone she could not bring herself to do it.

The Howls of Lust [fantasy, werewolf, blood, force, WF]

It is 6 pm…

Full moon tonight.

I can feel it already. Tugging at me. Calling to me. All these years and with everything I have learned it still feels the same. I’m edgy. Snapping at people who don’t really deserve it.

It has been nearly 10 years since my life changed. A hunting trip up north into Canada. My buddies were the kinds of guys who really loved to get away from everything so we were really north. Hunting with bows. Makes the odds a little more even. Ok so most of us carried a big pistol in case we ran into something seriously dangerous but we hunted the way man has hunted for thousands of years.

This time something was hunting us. Took its time about it too. For two full days we knew something was out there. It did not strike until the third. All I really remember are the screams, gun shots and a mouth full of teeth clamping down on my ankle. Then a huge crack as a support beam for the porch was broken. Most of the roof came down on me.

Try Me! Part 2 [BDSM, Fsub, MF]

The car slows and then goes up a long driveway. Nick gets out and walk around to her door. He opens it and takes the chain in his hands. She spins and climbs out. There are no other houses visible. A number of small to medium trees fill the very deep front yard.

John parks the car. Nods to Nick and then climbs on his Harley. Roaring down the drive.

The house is two stories. Certainly not a mansion but fairly large. It is very quiet as he leads her inside. Disarming a complex looking security system. She sees cameras and little sensors in various spots.

Inside. Hardwood floors. Entranceway. Kinda empty. Hallway. No pictures. Another room. Big one. Black leather and touches of silver. A circle of wide couch around a central umm table. A padded one. Angel feel fear touch her again.

Which gets a lot better when he stops to take off the cuffs. He takes her panties too.

"Through that door is a shower. Use it. Come back out naked and not wrapped in a towel. Wait for me on the couch." He orders in a mild voice.

"Ummm… Yes… ah… sir."

Try Me! Part 1 [BDSM, public, MF]

It is Midnight…

She has been watching him for the last three hours. The bar is dark and the band is loud but still she watches. Something about him fascinates her. Sure he is not bad looking. Long black hair. Tall. Not a pretty face but a good one. And those eyes. They were something.

He was sitting at a table near the back wall. A very large bald man sometimes occupied the seat across from him. Other people. A lot of girls stopping by to say hello.

Angel was new. First time. Lonely. Been 6 months since her rat bastard boyfriend ran off her her best… former best friend. She was horny too. That was not helping.

She was not the kind of girl to walk up to some random guy in a bar. At least she had never been before. Bold in her own way but not that bold. But he certainly was not going to come to her.

A good looking girl she did not normally have much trouble with company. At 5' 7" she was very delicately built. Willowy was the usual term. Her very light brown hair went just past her shoulders and was streaked with red.