Try Me! Part 1 [BDSM, public, MF]

It is Midnight…

She has been watching him for the last three hours. The bar is dark and the band is loud but still she watches. Something about him fascinates her. Sure he is not bad looking. Long black hair. Tall. Not a pretty face but a good one. And those eyes. They were something.

He was sitting at a table near the back wall. A very large bald man sometimes occupied the seat across from him. Other people. A lot of girls stopping by to say hello.

Angel was new. First time. Lonely. Been 6 months since her rat bastard boyfriend ran off her her best… former best friend. She was horny too. That was not helping.

She was not the kind of girl to walk up to some random guy in a bar. At least she had never been before. Bold in her own way but not that bold. But he certainly was not going to come to her.

A good looking girl she did not normally have much trouble with company. At 5' 7" she was very delicately built. Willowy was the usual term. Her very light brown hair went just past her shoulders and was streaked with red.

Deep breath.

Up and across the room. He notices her very quickly she is surprised to see. His eyes watching her as she makes her way back through the mostly seated crowd to his table.

She stops. Realizing she had not even thought about what she was going to say.

He tilts his head a little before saying, "Hello."

"Umm… Hi." she manages.

"I did not think you would ever get up the courage to come over." he says with a little smile.

"What do you mean?" she says a little flustered.

"You have been watching me for hours."

She blushes.

"I…. I'm sorry. And surprised you noticed."

"Don't be sorry. I noticed because I watch too. Would you like to sit down?"

Angel takes a seat. Now that she was here she found all her courage had vanished. And when she looks up to see his eyes looking back her knees feel a little weak. Good thing she is sitting down.

He orders her a drink and the next hour seems to fly by. His name was Nicholas. His friend was John.

Nick was charming. Funny at times. Thoughtful. Insightful. Confident right up to the point of arrogance. And single. She made sure to find out about that.

She liked him already. Trusted him a little even. And was more than ready to fuck his brains out. She found herself hoping he would ask to drive her home. Hell if he asked her back to his place she would go in a heartbeat.

"You have amazing eyes. No doubt you have heard that before." he says.

Her eyes are very light. Blue but so light they are almost grey. They give her face a unique look. Somewhat unworldly.

"I'm not the only one." she says a little embarrassed.

He smiles.

1 am…

"I am afraid I need to go. It was very nice to meet you." He says. Her hopes come crashing down. He notices.

"Did I just disappoint you?"

"Oh no. It was nice to meet you too." she covers as best she can. Forcing a smile.

"Angel you are very sweet. But… I don't think you want to know me." He says a touch sadly.

She is surprised.

"Why? You are charming and amazingly attractive." Did I just say that?

He smiles.

"You are kind. I play very rough. I doubt you do."

"Try me."

There is a very long look. He reaches behind his back for something.

"I can get away with anything in this place. One of my best friends owns it."

"That's handy."

"You have no idea." he says as he tosses a pair of handcuffs on the table.

She looks at them and then back at him.

"Put them on." he says in a very normal voice.


"Because if you wish to play with me it starts there. By putting them on you give me control over your body for tonight. I will not injure you or make you sick. But I make no other promises." he says in a very strong clear voice.

"You're kidding right?" she says.

He just looks back. She is not sure how to react. Get up and tell him to go fuck himself is the first thought. Then some more creative things he can do with those handcuffs occur. But…

"I don't even know you." she says hedging.

He nods and says, "That is right. You don't. Perhaps we will meet again."

Nick looks over and gives John a little wave. He reaches out for the cuffs. As his fingers touch them hers touch his.

"You won't hurt me?" She asks in a weaker voice than she would like.

"No I will hurt you. I just won't damage you. I will use you. I will make you scream for a lot of reasons." He says.

Dear god a shiver runs through her body. He is so sure of himself. Real. No doubts. He pulls his hand back.

Looking down she picks them up. Slipping first one and then the other around her wrists. Struggling a little to get them closed. He reaches over and makes sure both are closed but not too tight and flips a little catch on both of them.

Angel is a little scared. She is also wet. Her nipples making her tight thin top stand up from her small round breasts. As the waitress comes over she pulls her wrists down into her lap.

"Put your hands on the table." He says and she does. Blushing.

The sexy waitress looks at her and then him.

"Well I can see you have had a good night Nick. One more for the road?"

He shakes his head.

"No. Thank you. Is Ted in his office tonight?"

"Nope. Empty." she says with a wicked grin.

John appears. He says nothing. Nick gets up and reaches out to grab the chain between Angel's wrists. She gets out of her chair awkwardly until John pulls it back.

The stairs to the office are on the other side of the bar. They walk through it with him holding her wrists up and in front of her.

Everybody looks.

Angel blushes so hard she is afraid she is going to pass out. She felt like she was wearing an 'About to be fucked' sign in neon letters. When they hit the stairs she is relieved. They go up. The office is not large. Big desk. Huge leather couch. Chair next to it.

"So did you have to parade me like some trophy like that?" she asks a little hotly.

He puts his hand on her round ass and gives her a push. She goes onto the couch facing the wall.

"Yesssss. It was a test. Plus I love doing it. If you had fought me at all I would have taken off the cuffs and left." he says with that grin and a shrug.

"Hey I put them on. I meant it." she spits back.

He is directly behind her. Both hands on her skirt covered ass.

"Yes but you have no idea what 'it' meant. I was showing you."

She wants to argue. But damn that feels good. Been so long since anybody touched her she just thrusts her ass back into his hands.

"oooo I don't care what you do to me as long as you fuck me." she admits with a groan.

"Remember you said that." He says as he pulls her skirt down.

SMAck! SMAck!

Twice his hand cracks her ass. She gasps for a breath. Butt quivering. Ripples of sensation run through her straight to her crotch.

His hands go up her chest. Pushing the thin top up. Unhooking the lacy bra. His hands push the cups out of the way and he squeezes both of her soft tits. More groaning from her.

"Put your hands up on the wall." he orders.

She reaches up as far as she can. Finding a sturdy metal railing she can grab. He pulls her thong down and runs his hand between her legs. Finding her wet and hot. His fingers move and she moans softly.

"Stick that ass out and keep it out little toy." he orders.

Angel cannot help but grin. She has never minded a little rough and right now she wants more.

She gets it.


It is a leather belt that lands on her pretty ass next. And damn if it does not sting.


Her ass is swaying back and forth and up and down. She keeps it out but it dances a lot.

"ooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" she moans long and loud.

He steps closer. His hand goes to her crotch. Thumb presses inside her. Fingers across her slit and clit. He rubs. Hard. Fast. Squeezing her entire pussy in his hands.

Her eyes slam open from their half-closed state. She just purrs. Long and loud and works herself against his hand.

"Oh yes. Oh please yes." she groans.

His fingers go faster. Her breathing turns into a pant. Angel just humps against his hand.

Then he steps back. Fingers leaving her.

"noooooooooooo." She cries out.

"Tell me to give you 4 hard cracks on your ass." He says.

Her ass wavers. She hesitates. She just wants the fingers back. Wants to cum. Feels like she is burning up inside with need. Anything. Do anything to get more.

"Crack me 4 more times. Hard. Pleeeeeeeeaaasssseeeeeeeee" she begs in grand style.

He smiles.


She screams. Ass bright red across the center.

Jumping when his hands touch her. But oh yes. The fingers come back. The pleasure coming back fast fighting with the burning pain in her backside.

"Holy fuck you are a son. of. a. bitch. But please don't stop this time." she says more whimper than fire.

His fingers are going slow. But they are right where she wants them. The thumb in particular feels really good inside her. Not big enough but good.

"So. You want to cum." He says rather matter of fact.

She hisses her answer, "Yes. Do I have to beg more? Cause I will!"

Angel feels something wet and slippery run down the crack of her ass. Then she feels something firm but soft pressing between her cheeks. It moves and the tip finds the tight ring of muscles protecting her ass.

"Tell me to shove this plug up your pretty butt and I will let you cum."

What? No. Angel had not really done much with her backdoor. But the fingers. Ooooooo they are compelling. She is so close. There is a sheen of sweat on her body now.

"Do it. Stick it up my ass." she says in a rush. Shivering.

It is not as bad as she fears. It starts thin and gets thicker. It hurts. She grunts and wiggles her ass trying to help. But when it gets bad suddenly it narrows and her butt clamps down on it.

As it does his fingers move faster. Thumb plunging in and out and fingers stroking her clit directly. Strong and steady. Then faster. She feels it start at her toes. They curl against the leather of the couch. Her hands shift and grip the metal tight. Her whole body tenses and then the waves break over her.

She cums. She screams.

Damn the girl can scream. A long amazing wail. Every bit of pleasure she feels modulating her voice. She bucks against his hand hard. Thrashing against the back of the couch.

It goes on as long as she has the energy to keep it going. When she finally crashes off the peak her body slumps. She lets go of the bar and her hands squeak down the painted walls. He moves and grabs her to lay her down on her side facing out from the couch.

Barely conscious she is like a rag doll. Hair across her face. One thick streak of red right across her eyes.

He sits in the chair. Reaching out to open a can of something.

She puffs. Nothing. Puffs again. Then she brings her bound hands up to push her hair away from her face.

"Fuck….. just…. fuck….. I mean. That…. Single most intense orgasm of my entire life. It's official. You own me now. Promise to do that to me again and you can do anything you want to me."

He laughs.

"If I did exactly that to you it would be good. But it would not be that."

She frowns.

"Why not?"

"Because that was the rush of the beginning. What I did to you would certainly ring your bells. But to match it will require new things."

She rolls a little. One shoulder and one knee against the back of the couch. Displaying herself for him completely without thinking about it. Hunger and instinct very evident.

"I like new things." she says in a sultry voice.

"Good to know." he says as he reaches for the chain again.

Pulling on it she is drawn off the couch and down onto her knees. Working her way forward between his spread knees.

When he opens his pants and slides them down she is at least on familiar ground. He gathers and twists her hair into a tail gripping it close to her head. His hand holding a bunch of her hair was not something she was really used to but it was not the first time. He had control of her head and she winces a little as he moves it around a little to prove that. His grip makes her lick from balls to tip. A few times. But when her mouth closed down over the head he mostly let her go slowly as she wished.

Angel never hated doing this. She puts her tongue to work. Suddenly possessed with the desire to make him cum. To exert some sort of power over him. To surprise him maybe.

He does groan softly as she starts to bob up and down.

'Hehe,' she laughs to herself. Bet he thought he could just get to her to warm him up. Didn't expect skills did you oh confident one? She uses her lips and tongue together. Focusing her efforts on the most sensitive part of his shaft. Going faster. Ignoring the pain of the pulling against his grip. Her hands come up to wrap low on his shaft. The clinking of the cuffs somehow makes it even hotter. Stroking in time with her lips.

He does exert some control and drives her faster. She is pleased. Nick takes one really long, really deep breath and then groans harshly. Angel feels the throb. She feels a sense of power and triumph. Then she realizes she cannot pull back. His hips are thrusting. Sucking she can do but…. she wants to pull back.

She cannot. Her mouth is filled with jets of hot cum. She swallows and tries not to choke. It seems to go on and on forever.

When he pulls her back she is gasping. His cock twitching and shiny wet. Smeared with his cum it glistens.

She wipes off her face. Cock just inches from her lips.

"I look messy. You should do something about that."

She shakes her head without looking up, "I don't do that. Just never wanted to."

Then she looks up. He looks back. He tilts his head a little like he did when she first arrived at his table. Nick looks down at his cock. His hand slowly releases her hair.

He leans back against the chair and laces his fingers in the air in front of his chest.

Okay Angel so here it is. This is what you have gotten yourself into. This is the most arrogant man you have ever met. The desire to just slap that irritating smile off his handsome face was at times almost overpowering. But you know you won't. Not because you are afraid he will hit back. He might. But that is not the real fear. He might turn away. He might ignore you. That is worse.

The realization of what she is actually afraid of scares her a little. It is so almost pure instinct driving her feelings. Logic and reason don't really play much of a part. But she felt somehow sure.

She knows the logical thing to do is stand up. Get rid of the cuffs and run for home. This was insane and dangerous. He might be both. Instead she lowers her head and sucks gently on him. Thinking of cherries to make her mouth water it was not so bad. She even ended up taking some time doing it. He was making very small pleased sounds and she really liked hearing those.

When she is done she leans back.

"Is that better?" she asks in a hopeful voice.

He reaches out to run his hand across her head. Gently through her hair.

"Yes. Well done."

He reaches into a pocket and produces a key. The cuffs come off. In what is rapidly becoming a pattern he surprises her. Pulling her into his lap and kissing her. Well. Deep. A number of times. Caressing. Passionate yet but not rough. He almost seems another person. Seems to go on just short of forever. She is a little breathless when he finally speaks again.

"This has been a wonderful evening. But it is time for me to go. Past time really."

"Will you call me?" She asks in a voice more needy than she would like.

"I don't think so." he says evenly.

"Why not? Did I do something wrong?" she asks with slightly panicked eyes.

"No you were perfect. I just do not… wish to continue." He says somewhat softly.

"Why? At least you owe me that much."

"Because you will just let me down. It is a rush now but soon it will be too much." he says somewhat sadly.

"Try me." she says with a grin.

He shakes his head. She wiggles in his lap.

"Try me!" she says with a little growl.

He tilts his head and just looks at her.

"There is a little black bag on that shelf. Put everything except your thong in that. You can wear that."

She is not all that surprised.

"So I get paraded again?"

He reaches for the cuffs.

"Yes. With John holding your chain. And make sure to smile and wave to your friends."

Ok that gets her a little. But hell they are not that close. Fuck it. And with that decision a shiver runs through her body. One she loves. Standing up she pulls on her wet thong. She extends her arms. His smile is rather small but he clicks on and then the other on her.

Life has become more than a little surreal for Angel. She notices all sorts of little details. The sounds around her seem somehow distinct. She notices how smoothly he moves to the door. The clicks and slide across the carpet.

John comes in. Big grin. He takes the chain between the cuffs in his hands. Nick goes first of course and John does not make it tough on her to go down the stairs.

People. Holy motherfucking shit! She knew. But… But…. Oh god I can just die now?

John has to pull to get her to take the first step. Not hard just enough to get her attention. The first step is a touch unsteady but the ones that follow are fine. He has her hands out and just above her waist. No protection for her bare tits.

Angel finds she does not really care about the thong displaying her ass. She had worked hard on it and it was worth looking at. The blush was because her nipples were little poles on her tits. Hard and aching. She remembers she is supposed to smile. Then she remembers how to smile and all is well. What the fuck if you are going to do it then do it girl she thinks.

So she flashes smiles to the people around her. When they turn to head for the door she can see the small group of friends. Only one of them works with her. This was the end of a little anniversary party for someone Angel barely knows. Let 'em look.

The look on Larry's face is priceless though. She blows him a kiss. Nick has turned and is watching as she does that. When she turns back to him she gets a smile and nod of approval. ooooo that feels good.

Out the door. Into a very nice car. She gets put in the back. Nick gets in the other side. John drives of course.

"wow" she says softly as the car drives away.

He turns to look at her as she leans back on the seat. Her Nipples hard. Face a little flushed visible even in the darkness. He smiles.

"Liked it?"

"I… Yes. Hate to admit it. Surprised to admit it. Any chance you will fuck me right now?"

He snorts and laughs.

"No. But…"

Nick's hands reach out. She is turned and comes across the seat to lean back against him. His arms going around her and pushing her legs apart. He pushes her crotch up into the air a little and his hand squeezes it.

She groans and rotates her hips. Flexing them to press and grind against his hand. He just lets her do that for a while. Not really helping much but letting her use his hand. She feels like a horny dog grinding on her master's leg up she just does not care. She likes the feeling and keeps doing for the next 10 minutes or so until he takes his hand away.

His hand is damp now and her panties soaked through.

"More….. please." she whimpers. A rather world-class whimper at that.

His hand slides up and into her hair. Getting a lot of it before clamping down on the back of her neck.

"No. I like you like this." he says as he runs one finger down her wet crotch.

She arches and tries to follow his hand and then cries out in frustration. She also shifts and struggles a little bit causing her hair to be pulled. She gets worse for a moment longer before just slumping down.

"You are an evil bastard. Do you know that?" she says with more than a little heat.

He laughs. John laughs. Not a great belly laugh but it does go on long enough to piss her off more.

"Actually…. yes I do know that. It is half of what makes me me."

When he touches her aching nipple she does jump a little but she does nothing else. Angel fights to suppress the moan that could have produced. She did not want to give him that satisfaction.

Her voice is low and throaty when she says, "So is that why I cannot decided if I want to fuck you or kill you?"

"Yes that would be exactly why. It is also why you walked through a crowded bar topless and in handcuffs."

She has to agree with that. Whoever this guy was she wanted him. Wanted this. All of it. She had never felt more alive in her life. Never wanted this much.

Shivering in a delightful way she rests against him. His hand has never left her tits and she is loving the hell out of that. The cuffs are cold around her wrists and the feeling of danger they bring makes her shiver again.

"So what are you going to do to me next?" she asks in a cute curious voice.

She turns to see his face in profile. Lights from outside the car flashing colors across it. Part of him seems elsewhere. His eyes barely flicker to notice her looking. She has to wait for a long moment.

"Find your limits. See what you really want from me."

"I know what I want from you. Lots of hot sticky sex. I want to have to take spare panties to work because just thinking about you gets me wet." She says with a sigh.

The smile is very subtle but his eyes don't turn to her.

"That part is easy. You can find a man for that back at the bar." he says somewhat abstractedly.

She shakes her head, "No. I can't. It. This… You…" Angel sputters out not able to put it all into words.

"Yes. I'm special. It's a blessing and a curse." how can he sound so sad saying that?

"I want it. I just do. I… I'm tired of walking through life. Surviving just to survive. There is supposed to be more. Show me and I'll do anything you ever ask of me." she promises.

Still he does not look at her.

"Words are easy. So easy. Points for knowing what I want to hear." there is a hint of a smile.

"Anything. I mean it." with passion.

Nick's head slowly turns. His eyes leading the way to lock onto hers. She keeps her gaze steady.

"We shall see." he says softly.



  1. Thank you. It is the first thing I have posted here. This is part 1 of 2 and part 2 is written. It will follow in a day or so.

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