GRO Part 8 – Daddy/Daughter Day [Bi, Mfff, oral]

“Oh wow, daddy, that was amazing!” Jeni said as she stepped into the living room with Bella. Her dad’s eyes snapped open and he half-shoved Amber aside to stare in shock at his daughter. This is going to be fun, Jeni thought.

Jeni had heard the unmistakable sounds of fucking as soon as she and Bella walked in the backdoor. Both girls had smiled at each other and perked up, thinking it must be Bobby home after all. But then they’d heard a male voice, much deeper than Bobby’s, and cold chills crept up Jeni’s back.

They both crept around the corner to see what they could see. But they soon discovered they had no reason to be quiet – the couple fucking in the living room was making enough noise to cover up a UFO landing.

Peering in, Jeni confirmed her suspicions – it was her father in there, but she didn’t recognize the girl. Bella did, though.

“Amber!” she whispered, pointing. The girl looked young, and Jeni suspected she was Bella’s age since they knew one another. Her tits were clearly the product of GRO, but who had given it to her? Bobby clearly had some explaining to do.

The two in the living room seemed to be nearing a mutual climax and Jeni, personally, couldn’t wait to see it. She knew she should feel strange for watching her own father fuck anyone, especially anyone other than her mother, and she did – just not strange in a bad way. She felt nervous, embarrassed and very, very turned on.

Even more arousing was the tremendous size of her daddy's cock – another obvious result of the GRO cream. Man that stuff got around! But knowing where it had come from didn't dismiss its effect on Jeni's hormones. Every time the little blond took a big upstroke, her tight pink lips clung greedily to what seemed like a full mile of Daddy's hard cockmeat.

Jeni had seen just about all she could stand and was about to step in – whether to stop it or join she didn't quite know – when both her father and little Amber voiced their climax simultaneously. Jeni watched has her daddy hugged the blond slut around her tiny waist and started pumping an enormous load of his thick seed into her. Amber for her part pulled Jeni's dad's head into her cleavage and screamed as she came.

They had both been laying there, panting, when Jeni and Bella had shown themselves and torn them from their afterglow.

Jeni sauntered right up to the couple. Her dad was flubbering for a response, seemingly caught between wanting to deny what was happening and resignation that he’d been caught red-handed. Amber, to her credit, covered herself as best she could, but she the fact that she was impaled on Jeni’s dad’s prick and leaking cum from her overfilled snatch was unhideable.

“Daddy!” Jeni hastened to say, “It’s ok!” She smiled at the two on the chair. “I think we all know what happened. Her big tits… Your amazing cock…” Jeni shrugged. “Who wouldn’t?”

“I would!” Bella said beside her. Jeni’s little playmate was biting her lip, clearly hungry to join the action. She was so cute that Jeni leaned over and kissed her, open-mouthed and passionate. Turning back to her dad she relished the look of lustful surprise on his face.

But she addressed Amber first. “Come here… Amber, is it? Let’s get you cleaned up.” She took the girl’s hands and helped her climb off Jeni’s dad’s lap. She gasped and gushed cum when his cock popped out of her like a cork, making Jeni grin. “Bella, help Amber clean up, ok baby?”

“Mmmmm, definitely!” the younger girl purred and led Amber to the loveseat.

Jeni turned back to her father.

"Listen, Babygirl. It was an accident, really!"

"Wow, that's some accident," she said, laughing. She grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it off over her head. "Oops! My shirt accidentally came off."

Her dad looked like he wanted to retort, but he was struck speechless by the view of her naked tits. Amber's were unusually big and round, especially for her age, but Jeni's were headliner material. They looked like a work of art, something a surgeon had spent years perfecting. They were as big as two ripe cantaloupes and just as round. Her nipples were still smallish and pink.

“Do you like them, Daddy?” she said, inching closer to him. His long cock hovered over his lap, caught on the precipice between softening and rehardening. Jeni pinched her nipples and pulled them out, showing off for her dad. This seemed to help her dad’s cock decide, and it surged hard again, making Jeni grin.

Then she heard a moan behind her and turned. It had been Amber, laying back on the sofa while Bella, stripped naked, was licking and sucking her cum-filled pussy. Seeing it made Jeni want to join in, to make the littler blonde cum too, but she turned her attention back to her daddy.

He had stopped to watch the younger girls go at it too, and had even begun fisting his enormous cock at the sight.

Despite her undeniable arousal, Jeni felt conflicted when she looked at her dad’s naked body. When she’d be just a little younger, she’d nursed a powerful crush on her dad, her newly pubescent brain latching onto him as her first, best example of masculine love and affection. It had been innocent and natural, something a lot of girls feel, and like most of them she’d set it aside as she’d grown interested in other boys.

And of course there was the GRO-heightened sex drive they were both feeling. Could she even resist submitting to his massive cock? Could he deny himself her impossibly hot body?

But he was her father! Her daddy! He’d bounced her on his lap when she’d been little. Could she bounce on his lap again, this time with his cock inside her? Could she let him cum deep inside the body he’d helped create?

She found she was still pondering this as she was kneeling down in front of him and leaning in to kiss his balls. Oops!

Kyle couldn’t believe this wasn’t some kind of weird dream. First he finds his cock having grown to its current enormous size. Then a big-titted, young, slutty girl shows up to suck and fuck him. Now his own daughter, her body also transformed into a pornstar version of its former beauty, is on her knees licking cum off his balls.

He couldn’t believe it, because if this weren’t a dream he’d done and was going to do things he’d normally never even consider. The fact that he wasn’t pushing Jeni’s blonde head away from his crotch and scolding the three girls for their behavior and checking himself into a mental institution seemed perfect proof that this was some kind of alternate reality.

And in this reality, Kyle was free to tangle his strong hands in his uber-sexy daughter’s hair and help guide her hot little mouth from his now-clean scrotum to the tip of his eager prick. And he was able to grin into Jeni’s sparkling blue eyes as she opened wide to accept his cock, and to groan as the feeling of his own darling little girl sucking his cock overtook him.

Dream or not, Kyle had to admit that Jeni was working his cock better than any girl or woman ever had. It helped that he’d just cum twice on and inside sweet little Amber, so he was able to enjoy the incestuous blowjob for more than a few sew seconds. But as he guided Jeni’s mouth up and down his cock, teasing it further down her throat and relishing the little moans she was giving as he fucked her mouth, he regretted not starting a little fling with his young daughter sooner. If she could suck cock like this, he should have been enjoying it long ago!

Glancing over, Kyle saw the other two girls, and the sight made his cock surge and almost explode. Amber and Bella were 69ing now, each one’s little face buried in the other’s bald snatch and their tight bodies writhing against one another. Groaning with desire, Kyle untangled his hand from Jeni’s hair, slid it between then and cupped one of her full breasts. He felt his balls tighten when she moaned in response, and he wondered if playing with his daughter’s tits would produce the same effect it had on Amber.

Reaching down with the other hand, Kyle found both of Jeni’s hard nipples, and with expert movements pinched, pulled and tweaked them. As he’d suspected, Jeni’s body tensed, her mouth sucked harder, and she came hard. Her eyes flew open and found his for a moment, reflecting intense desire and frustrated accusation back at him. He almost laughed at her look, knowing that he’d interrupted her blowjob flow by forcing her to cum violently.

But when Jeni’s talented tongue and velvety throat convulsed around his cock, he lost his tentative self-control. With a louder groan this time, Kyle clutched Jeni’s tits and felt his cock explode in her warm little mouth.

For her part, Jeni did a wonderful job swallowing. Her eyes slitted lustfully, she gulped down the majority of each spurt of hot cum as it filled her mouth, only losing a little each time from the corners of her mouth. But a little each time amounted to quite a lot by the end, and Kyle watched through the fog of his orgasm as his teen daughter got filled and covered by his potent seed. By the time his flow had stopped and she leaned back, her chin was dripping into a rivulet of his seed that flowed down her cleavage, over her flat tummy and reaching her hairless pussy.

Gasping for breath, Jeni began to scoop her father’s cum off her body, feeding it up to her mouth eagerly. Kyle watched as she cleaned herself off remarkably well, massaging in the small amount she couldn’t gather and swallow. Kyle noticed the other two sluts had also paused to watch Jeni’s display of wanton lust as well.

“Mmmmm, god, Daddy!” she finally purred after she was satisfied with her cleanup job. “Your cum is so…yummy!” She giggled, and seeing her happy made him laugh as well. “I think we should do that more often!” she said, and he nodded.

“Yes, baby, but first…” Kyle leaned forward and helped Jeni stand. Her legs were shaky, which made him grin even more. Kyle held his daughter by the waist as he slid from his chair onto the floor. Leaning his head back into the seat, he pulled her to him, guiding his little girl to kneel on the chair and straddle his face.

Jeni lowered her little pussy onto her father’s mouth with a sigh and an eager little moan, and Kyle supped her firm little butt as he began eating her. Soon her moans and gasps grew louder and she writhed on Kyle’s mouth and tongue as he licked her wet slit passionately.

Kyle was concentrating on making his daughter feel good, so he didn’t notice the other two girls approach until he felt their warm hands and mouths on his cock and balls. Even when he did notice, he had no idea which little slut was doing what, since he couldn’t see past Jeni’s body. He only knew that the two younger ones were taking turns sucking his half-hard cock while they fondled his balls.

He had just begun to feel himself surge to hardness when Jeni’s noises and movements became more urgent. She swirled her hips, humping Daddy’s mouth while his soft lips and tongue teased her sensitive clit.

Kyle could sense that his little girl was close to cumming, and at the precise moment he thrust his tongue into her, triggering a gushing orgasm in his daughter’s tight teen body.

“Ohhhhh, godddddd. Uhnnnn… Daddy! Yesssssss!” the 16 year-old intoned, he voice high and strangled with pleasure and orgasmic agony. Kyle had almost never felt so proud.

With a final gasp, Jeni raised up, removing her pussy from her dad’s mouth, then sitting back in the chair with Kyle’s head in her lap. Together they looked down and watched both the younger girls sucking Kyle’s cock and balls. At that moment, Bella was swallowing half of Kyle’s cock while little Amber was dipping her head down and licking his heavy balls.

“Mmmmmm, Bella, you like my daddy’s cock?” Jeni purred. The little brunette nodded, sucking him more eagerly when she heard her girlfriend’s encouragement. Kyle groaned, feeling his aching, perpetually horny cock caressed by the little girl’s mouth.

“Hear that, Bella? Daddy likes your mouth, too. I wonder if he’d like your pussy? He sure liked Amber’s!” Jeni giggled.

“He sure did!” Amber squealed, also giggling.

Kyle had had enough teasing. “Come here, little one,” he said and pulled Bella’s mouth off his cock. He pulled the tiny preteen brunette into his lap, dimly aware of how wrong and illegal what he was about to do was. But as soon as the little girl’s porn star tits were in his face, he no longer cared. He hugged her around her skinny ribcage and pulled her light brown tits to his mouth, sucking her nipples as she positioned her pussy to slide down onto his cock.

As she did, Kyle and Bella both groaned. The little girl’s pussy was almost painfully tight. As she bottomed out her tush came to rest on his thighs, and the two were face-to-face for the first time, looking into each other’s eyes. Kyle was lost for a moment in the gaze of a girl younger than his own daughter, unable to process the emotions the feeling of her hot, tight little body squeezing his cock evoked in him.

Bella seemed similarly confused, but she seemingly came to terms with it by leaning in and tongue-kissing him. Kyle returned the kiss, using his arms to begin rocking the little girl on his massive cock as he did. Soon they were both gasping, moaning and kissing passionately, the young girl and the mature man both finding incredible pleasure and connection in their illicit coupling.

“Oh. My. God!” Jeni said. “I think they’re in love!” She giggled as Bella blushed and hid her face in Kyle’s shoulder. “Hurry and make her cum, Daddy, before she really falls for you!”

Kyle didn’t really need a reason to want to make the little Latina cum. He held her hips and started bouncing her faster on his lap, her wet snatch making squishing sounds just barely audible above her moans. Jeni slid off the chair to kneel next to Kyle, taking Bella’s face and kissing her, and Amber got behind the little brunette, squeezing the girl’s tits as she rode Kyle’s cock.

With all of this attention it was only a minute more before Bella was throwing back her head and crying out, “OH FUCKKKKK! YESSSSSS!” as her tight little cunt spasmed on Jeni’s dad’s massive cock.

See her cum, Kyle was ready to shoot off inside her, but Jeni intervened, stopping the dark-haired girl from riding him.

“Ok, Baby Bella. You got your turn. I need mine,” his daughter said as she helped Bella off his lap. Then she got on her hands and knees, wiggling her round ass back and forth in Kyle’s direction.

“How about it, Daddy? Will you fuck me too?”

Kyle hesitated. Even though he’d already cum in her mouth, fucking his own daughter seemed like such a big step. But then he glanced at her skinny thighs, pink slit and tempting ass and his cock overcame any weak objections his mind could lodge.

He positioned himself behind her and rubbed the fat head of his cock over her wet slit, making the teen purr. Putting it in position, he pressed forward, splitting her open, inching his massive hard-on into his daughter’s tight cunt. She began rocking back and forth, and he thrust to match, fucking his cock into her as she moaned, then cried out, gasping as her dad’s thick member invaded her.

Watching her lithe back writhe, he knew he wouldn’t last long. Sure, fucking little Bella had gotten him close, but what was really driving him mad was the insane, naughty taboo of it all. His own daughter, transformed into a sex doll version of herself. His cock, enlarged and enhanced to the perfect tool to tempt and defile women and girls. The massive loads of cum he knew were lurking in his balls, and the risk that their incest presented if he came inside her. It was all too much.

“Fuck…Jeni…” he gasped. “I’m close, baby.”

Hearing it, Jeni pushed her ass back onto him. She’d been having risky, unprotected sex the last two days, but this was the pinnacle – her own father. She knew she should stop there, turn and take his load in her mouth, on her tits, anywhere but in her fertile little body. But she knew as well that she simply couldn’t.

“Yesssss, Daddy! Cum in meeeeee!” she squeaked as her own orgasm crashed over her. She pushed her ass back into him one, two, three times before he held her tight to him and let out a passionate roar, and with it, a torrent of cum flooded Jeni’s insides. The two were frozen in a rictus of passion as father’s potent cum filled daughter’s willing womb to both their mutual pleasure.

As Jeni’s head cleared, she slid forward off her daddy’s massive fuck tool and collapsed in ecstasy on the floor. Bella came to cuddle her and lap up the leaking rivulets of cum from her snatch while Amber eagerly sucked their fuck juices from Kyle’s cock.

After a period of silence, Kyle said, “Girls, Jeni’s mom will be home soon. We should get out of here.” Although none of them had discussed going anywhere, the girls were all more than willing to do what the man said. They got dressed as best they could while Kyle called and arranged a hotel room. In a matter of minutes the foursome was on the road, all wondering what the night and days ahead might mean.


1 comment

  1. GRO cream is such a wonderful, wonderful product. I’d be intrigued to know the negative side effects, if any. The story is so hot and sexy and just RAW. Its hard to concentrate on your actual writing, because the material is just so distracting. Its like trying to talk to a girl with massive tits. I stopped caring about analyzing your work to give you feedback, instead I let myself become lost your masterfully written tale of lust and depraved sexuality (but incredibly sexy because of it). This is some damn fine erotica, sir. Some damn fine erotica indeed. Keep at it. I am excited to see you GRO as a writer.

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