The innocent cute girl.

A long time ago there was a cute girl who i couldn’t keep my eyes out of her, every time i attend her classes i don’t focus on what she says, i keep looking at her, sometimes she looks at me and my face get all red and i try to avoid eye contact with her, this sweet girl was my teacher, she wears a black leather jacket, with a red T-shirt, and black mid skirt, with high black stocking. One day she kept looking at me and didn’t take her eyes put of me, i was like always my face turns red and i avoid looking at her eyes, when the class ends she called me by my name and told me to stay, i was shocked, why me? Did she notice me looking? Have i done anything wrong? When the class dismiss, she came to my table while i was putting my books into the back-bag, she lent forward, i can still smell her perfume until now, she looked at my eyes and said: “You don’t focus in my class, you don’t do your homeworks and you keep looking at my breast and butt you are in huge trouble young man.” I got shocked, couldn’t move or say anything for a minute, i felt like a cold water has been spilled on my face, after a minute she put her soft warm hand on my cheek and got close to my ear and gently whispered: “I’m sorry sweet boy, i may went far by raising my voice on you, i will help you with your problem, tonight you will come to my house and i will help you with your study and your homeworks, ok?” Her soft warm hand made me feel safe, i looked at her eyes for the first time without turning red and i nod my head by saying yes.

[MF] The day i knew my place.

I was lying on the bed playing on my phone, my wife was calling from the living room saying: “Honey dinner is ready, come eat before it gets cold.” I heard her but kept playing on my phone, she called me 3 times and i didn’t answer her, i heard her feet steps coming to the room, she got closer to me and suddenly grabbed my ear, she looked very angry, i haven’t seen her this angry my whole life, i couldn’t talk or do anything i just froze and kept looking at her, she took me by my ear and dropped me to the floor making me be on my knees, and in an angry and dominant tone she said: “how many times have i called you? Every time i call you, you ignore me, but this attitude is going to change from now on.” I have felt somethings that i have never felt before, i felt that i should have listened to her, i felt that i wanna do everything she’d say, and i also felt submissive and my cock getting harder, she looked at me from down to top and said: “I don’t wanna hear a word from you be quiet, from this day everything will change, i will make you my sub, you will answer me whenever i want however i want, if you understand nod your head.” I felt something inside of me something that felt so good i felt weak, i felt that i need to be controlled by her, i want to be owned by her, i nodded my head several times waiting for any word that will come from her mouth, she suddenly smiled moved her hand and placed it on my head and in a comfy voice she said: “good boooy, now stand up, kiss me, hold my hand and let’s go eat our dinner.” I did as she told, stood up, kissed her on her cheeks, held her hand and we went to eat our dinner.

[MF] The amazing message.

When i was at work i got a message that says:
“when it gets 8 P.M. get naked, put your blindfold and gag on, lay on the bed and be quiet, we will have a lot of fun my sweet little thing.” I instantly felt weak and nervous, my heart was beating fast, my cock got hard but it was crying because of the cage.