I’m in a weird position because I am supposed to inherit a business that I am not allowed to go to, you see my dad made a mistake when he listened to me and my mother when we said it would be a good idea to let me walk away from university and work for him. Two years and eighteen thousand pounds wasted, consider the fact he funded my life in London and I got to keep everything I made from opening my legs then whoops… that’s closer to eighty thousand pounds that went *poof!* Gone. I’m probably not the best investment he made!
So he gave me a shot, reluctantly, to join the family enterprise. And it was the most boring day of my life because I sat had to sit down in the reception next to someone who I thought at the time was to simply smile and say *Hello!*, *Good morning!*, *Welcome back!* and *How was your weekend?!* to everyone who came through the door!