[FM] The first time I was fired

I’m in a weird position because I am supposed to inherit a business that I am not allowed to go to, you see my dad made a mistake when he listened to me and my mother when we said it would be a good idea to let me walk away from university and work for him. Two years and eighteen thousand pounds wasted, consider the fact he funded my life in London and I got to keep everything I made from opening my legs then whoops… that’s closer to eighty thousand pounds that went *poof!* Gone. I’m probably not the best investment he made!

So he gave me a shot, reluctantly, to join the family enterprise. And it was the most boring day of my life because I sat had to sit down in the reception next to someone who I thought at the time was to simply smile and say *Hello!*, *Good morning!*, *Welcome back!* and *How was your weekend?!* to everyone who came through the door!

Running guy is mine and I don’t care what anyone thinks [MF]

*This is cheating, I know many of you don’t approve but it is what it is and we all make our own decisions. You can choose to hate, move on or read.*

I had woke at 5AM to shower because the heatwave is stifling, I looked at my bed to see my daughter cuddled into her father and I felt for him because I had the best place on the mattress that night. It wasn’t nice waking up as I was on the outside without a little radiator making everything that much hotter, it’s his fault for letting her in.

After spending a bit more time in the shower than normal to let the cool water bring the core temperature down I went downstairs to get my sports bra and shorts out of the dryer. My mum was already up and again she wasn’t coming with me because she’s not feeling good, I was thinking about how interesting that was going to be when she takes a test.

Exchanged more than a number [F]

*Reposted after taking it down because he is back in my life*

I went on our morning run alone and someone who caught my eye a couple of times finally made a move, I saw him coming the opposite way and stopped to tie my shoelaces. There was absolutely nothing wrong with them but he always looked, smiled, said hi and never stopped so I took it upon myself to force it.

As he was about to pass me I looked up at him and commented about how hot it is and guess what, he stopped! We had some small talk that I am not going to bore you with because it was just that but then we started to get a little bit flirty, and then the floodgates opened and become very flirty!

And why not? We were on a gravel road on the middle of a forestry, nobody was around to hear us including the wife who put a ring on his finger. He tried getting my name but I played a little coy because I wasn’t interested in anything going long term.

[FM] It’s genetic

I’ll keep this short and it’s not about me, it’s about my mother.

Not long before I gave up on University I was in a class via Teams because as many of you know we had to do this at home, I was in my dad’s study and I could hear that my mother had just come home from shopping.

I could also hear that she wasn’t alone so muted my lecturer and I have no idea to this day who he is, as they walked passed the door the sound of my mums boots and their voices grew louder till they went into our sitting room at her bequest. And yes that is spelt correctly because she was offering.

A few minutes later I could hear his voice shouting the word fuck albeit a little muffled and I wasn’t able to pick up the rest, not long after that I didn’t need to know what my mother was saying because I know when she is having sex.

Teacher [F]un

There’s two teachers I know of who I’ve had sex with, one is female who I am not writing about here but she is fucking wild and the other is male but is no longer in my life. Obviously it’s him I’m focusing on here.

On the last day, graduation, we received our exam results and our entire year went to the sports field for our last time together. Some of us started drinking on the grass and it was a nice farewell to so many of my friends. It was the last time I saw some of them and in a way I probably didn’t belong, I had to resit my final year because I had a baby. Yeah awkward, and some of girls really didn’t like me for other so there was a little tension!

Within a few hours the groups started to disperse with goodbyes and I hung around until the end because I was in short walking distance from home, a lot of us planned to go to pubs that evening to celebrate and I just went because so many others were and my closest friends demanded I be there.

[F] Running guy is mine and I don’t care what anyone thinks

I woke at 5AM to shower because the heatwave is stifling, I looked at my bed to see my daughter cuddled into her father and I felt for him because I had the best place on the mattress last night. It wasn’t nice waking up as I was on the outside without a little radiator making everything that much hotter, it’s his fault for letting her in.

After spending a bit more time in the shower than normal to let cool water bring the core temperature down I went downstairs to get my sports bra and shorts out of the dryer. My mum was already up and again she wasn’t coming with me because she’s not feeling good, that’s going to be interesting when she takes a test.

I started my run from the front door and made it to the gates, I left the remote in the mailbox on the pillar and made my way up to the woods. Normally the sea breeze cools me down in the summer but not today, not yesterday and only a little bit on Sunday. Today I was sweating before leaving our grounds and looking forward to the shade.

[F] Interesting morning. Exchanged more than a number!

I went on our morning run alone this morning and someone who caught my eye a couple of times finally made a move, I saw him coming the opposite way and stopped to tie my shoelaces. There was absolutely nothing wrong with them but he always looked, smiled, said hi and never stopped so I wanted to force it.

As he was about to pass me I looked up at him and commented about how hot it is and guess what, he stopped. We had some small talk that I am not going to bore you with because it was just that but then we started to get a little bit flirty, and then very flirty.

And why not? We were on a gravel road on the middle of a forestry, nobody was around to hear us including the wife who put a ring on his finger. He tried getting my name but I played a little coy because I wasn’t interested in anything going long term.