[M4F][Str8][Opportunity][Sex][Teasing][Yearning][Slow Burn][Orgasms]… Flickering Firelight pt2

She leaned forward a little, reluctant to pull away from me, but anxious to have more. And turning slightly, she unhooked my legs from her hold and turned to face me, legs tucked under her. With flushed and heaving skin, she whispered something under her breath, and reaching forward, she set to work on my shirt, unbuttoning, kissing, unbuttoning another, and planting warm, wet kisses. She took her time undressing me, enjoying the slow burning heat that was building. And before long, she wanted nothing more than to run her hands over my chest, to trace every place with her fingers, to then follow that same trail with her lips. And gradually, she returned to my mouth, teasing a little before actually connecting, all the while running her hands up, and over my shoulders to shrug off that inconvenient shirt.

[M4F][Str8][Opportunity][Sex][Teasing][Yearning][Slow Burn]… Flickering Firelight pt1

The pounding effervescence of music, began at last to fade just a little, as I tried to remember the instructions of where the bathroom could actually be found. Having stolen the chance for a smoke outside, in order to pause and reflect, it had indeed been a good night so far, a chance to unwind from the rigours of a hard week at work, with a growing flock of like-minded conspirators, determined to take a deep breath, and just at least, have one fucking good night to escape the grey and dull mundane frustrations of everyday existence. And what better way, than a friend of a friend having whispered that their best friend’s cousin’s girlfriend knows a colleague, whose brother is having a surprise party for his sister, and it’s going to be an open house. Just remember to bring a bottle. Or two.

OK… Let’s go.

[M4F][Mdom][lust][almost sex]… Here’s Clitorisation

Clitorisation… I know, I know, I do have a tendency to make words up, but bear with me this time. In its simplest form, Clitorisation is a way of turning any part of the body into something delicate, something tangible, something tantalising. You simply pretend that you’re touching, kissing maybe, or nibbling the innocent part of the body, as if it were that mysterious little fold of flesh that usually stays hidden away, all wrapped up warm in its own set of blankets, but which occasionally peeps out to make sure it doesnt miss ALL the fun that’s going on, when fun is being had. And it is, of course, the perfect way, to share some intense moments with a playmate in public.

So, imagine a scenario. It’s 10 o’clock in the evening, you’ve just gone to see Force Awakens, but the snow is falling, and beginning to bite, and it’s getting late, so you dive into the bar across the road and wait for Brother in Law Mike to fight his way across the highway in his armoured ex-military 4 by 4, to come and pick you up, and get you home safely. Apparently it has bi-lateral Xenon axle torsion alignment settings to the drive shaft, so not only will it get you home to your bed, you could notionally choose if you want, to invade Kansas, and they wouldnt even see you coming. And it’s also a big white thing, so it hides well, in the snow, like a polar bear. Only, it growls louder than a polar bear. Maybe a polar bear with a headache.

[M4F][Str8][bd][Mdom][feather][candle wax][ice cube][orgasm] …here’s Squirming Handcuffs

I wonder just how many goosebumps can be generated by slowly running a feather, from your chin, between your breasts and all the way down to your ever swelling mound, as it gets warmer and warmer. Then circling your breasts, in turn, running the tip of it through the crease that's made when breast joins chest. And then I wonder how much you'd wriggle as I produce the Ice Cube of Joy. Not to amateurishly smear it around. Oh no. Just hold it in my fingertips at first, just above your nipple. Letting it drip. Watching it stiffen. Then, and only then, would I lazily drag it across your skin, all around, from the pulse in your neck, to the heave of your breast, down to the soft skin just by your hip. I wonder if this heinous activity would produce such filthy words to be uttered from you, as I take what's left of it and terrorise your poor little kitty. And the beautiful thing is, you can wriggle all the fuck you like, but you are utterly powerless, and loving every second…

[M4F][Str8][bd][Mdom][Handcuffs] …here’s Happy Handcuffs

I still remember that friday night, when a bottle of red was demolished with ease, as we both relaxed after the demands of the week, and such a long, long week it had been. Sipping the next red, we both relaxed and sighed again, as you nuzzled into my neck, lazy hand rubbing my chest, my right arm around you, holding you closer. And then, as the music played, in your little quiet voice, you said something, I'll never forget.

'Have you ever had a pair of handcuffs?'

'Excuse me?'

You smiled, 'Have, you, ever, owned, a pair of handcuffs…'

I stretched a little, so I could turn slightly, and catch your eye, to see you smiling warmly. And I knew that smile. It was mischief, personified. So I said softly,

'Would it surprise you if I said, yes?'

Her fingers tightened a little on my chest, in response, and she giggled, softly, feeling my heart race a little, the red wine loosening her tongue.

'Mary told me a story today…'

'Oh really…'

My thoughts were in disarray. Was she about to say what I think she was going to say?

[M4F][cuffs][rope][pain][sex] …here’s No Hands

In the candle-light, hissing an intake of breath, your chest heaved, as warm waves of pleasure rippled out from your indigging nails, and I felt you personify absolute and undiluted desire. I could feel the heat seeping from your wet cunt, as you tried to grind away, giddy with frustration, but knowing that you were the one making my cock, so thick, and angry, and red, filling with cum.

'I want you, so… fucking… much…', you gasped, 'Just inside me, you fucker. I need you inside me…'

The frustration is even making me, growl now, as I know you're going to leave such marks. But it feels so good, like you're trying to send orders into my brain, orders that ricochet through my chest, imploring my hips to make it happen. Maybe you're simply willing my cock to transform, trying to make it follow orders. It's good that it's the weekend tomorrow, so I'll have time to heal. The pain is almost blinding, as if you want to crush my head.

[M4F][nc][Fdom][Opening my eyes] Here’s… Christmas Present

Fourteen… Fourteen? Fourteen is no age at all, you're merely learning how to function as a human being, while the hormones of puberty gather in the distance, waiting to approach, and knock upon the door. But Fourteen was the age I received my Christmas Present. Such a long time ago, but yet unforgettable.

Dad died when I barely knew him, and Kate lived alongside us. The neighbour from heaven. My mum's best friend, and my second mother, essentially. She'd scooped me up from the ground when I fell from the tree, and drove like a maniac to the Emergency Room. Her and mum waved me off on my first day at proper school. I even shared my first kiss with her daughter, Katie, and I'm not sure she ever knew that. She always called me 'Little Mister'. Even when I left for University, she stood there, on the driveway, with a warm smile and instructed me to 'Read books. Learn things. But have fun, Little Mister. Never forget to have that fun.'

[M4F][Str8][When ex-es reignite] …Here’s The Reignition

I'm not the brightest penny in the vault, not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I have a gift, a superpower if you like to think that way. The ability to tune into the moment, hearing the desire that's let loose as the sun comes up, and the aching nakedness of two people that find themselves in a situation where they just want to meld and share their secrets. Or, at least, share the yearning that wells from the core. Those thoughts that manifest, making pupils dilate, flushing the skin in a way that makes you think 'I hope they cant see that'. And yet you secretly hope that they will. Humans doing human things :)

After a thousand encounters, there was always one that tugged away, unable to forget. A chance crossing of paths, and a volcanic expression of lust, and we explored each other, doing terrible things that made the neighbours angry, as each touch created an expression too loud to suppress. She loved to arch her back as my teeth slowly pressed against her swollen clitoris, wriggling to escape, but never doing so, before I unhinged her, and watched her clench, and clench, and clench, breathing raggedly… There's no better vision of a woman undone, when she is as naked as an orgasm rattles through every pore of her skin, laying there, and happy to be so.

[M4F][Str8][Late night adventures][The tale of a woman’s desire][From a man’s point of view] Here’s Stupid O’Clock…

The windows were open, as the Fall beckoned. A fitful breeze motioned through them, almost coaxing a movement of air, just to remember the stillness of summer, when the atmosphere seemed obsessed with shine and sun…

She woke and glanced in the moonlight.I think the gentle snoring of the naked man next to her probably woke her abruptly, but dont quote me on that. A usual dig in the ribs made the mammal shift to the right, and he growled softly, before rolling, and settling in a quieter stance. But the presentation of a neck, as he levered a hand underneath the pillow was too much. And then you decided to have some fun, in the moonlight.

We both need to work, and it's Stupid O'Clock, as the time ticks away, but there's no limit to being a human being. And at stupid o'clock, your fingertips try to rouse me, feeling that twinge between your legs, and wanting to share that. So your fingertips gravitate to the back of my neck, stroking, and circling ever so softly. And then you drag your nails, revelling in the notion that I am slowly waking.