[M4F][nc][Fdom][Opening my eyes] Here’s… Christmas Present

Fourteen… Fourteen? Fourteen is no age at all, you're merely learning how to function as a human being, while the hormones of puberty gather in the distance, waiting to approach, and knock upon the door. But Fourteen was the age I received my Christmas Present. Such a long time ago, but yet unforgettable.

Dad died when I barely knew him, and Kate lived alongside us. The neighbour from heaven. My mum's best friend, and my second mother, essentially. She'd scooped me up from the ground when I fell from the tree, and drove like a maniac to the Emergency Room. Her and mum waved me off on my first day at proper school. I even shared my first kiss with her daughter, Katie, and I'm not sure she ever knew that. She always called me 'Little Mister'. Even when I left for University, she stood there, on the driveway, with a warm smile and instructed me to 'Read books. Learn things. But have fun, Little Mister. Never forget to have that fun.'

Soft blue eyes. Wispy red hair, with a glint in her eye, and a minxy edge to her, she stood out, but never because she tried to. It's only now I look back, to realise just what a woman she was. Understated, modest, and yet… Sexy, in that way that only comes in the way that someone breathes when they stretch their neck. Attractive, when they spend four days of sickness hacking up phlegm, and apologising every time they sneeze. Having the right amount of perfume, every day; not too little, not too much.

I digress. I will confess. I promise. Writing my book of memoirs, I just find myself remembering her, remembering the joyous step on the sidewalk when she was happy. How the light in the sky changed when she smiled. How mum consoled her when she sobbed. But Christmas. Christmas was always a big deal in the house. Almost an open house, for the neighbourhood, everyone was welcome. Decorations and smells from the kitchen, laughter and smiles abound, as kids skittered and drinks were served. Christmas night.

And when I was fourteen, it was different. A miserable heap of languish, just because I hadnt gotten the present I'd wished for, I sat on the bottom of the stairs. Tears streaming down. Only to hear steps coming to me, hearing them above the hubbub. It was Kate. A wobbly Kate, but a Kate nonetheless. And she gathered me up, and hugged me, seeing how disappointed I was, and just wanting to smooth it away. As I held on to her, I could feel how unsteady she was. Looking back, I think I always knew how unhappy she was, and how she dealt with it. There's always a smell in the air, when an alcoholic breathes.

And when she let me go, with a sigh and a warm radiant smile, she said those words.

'You've been such a good boy this year. Do you want your real present?'

Confused a little, I just nodded. I couldnt tell what was happening, didnt know what was going on. Standing there, before my second mum, watching her smile. And then she reached down. And stroked me, between my legs.

Fingers pressing, fingers searching, my fourteen year old brain not knowing what to do, but my fourteen year old hormones knowing exactly what to do. And whatever piece of manhood I possessed at that age grew and grew, as Kate's fingers slid up and down. And then…

She defeated the waistband and slid her hand inside. Curled her fingers round me. And it felt incredible. Hearing her gasping, knowing it was wrong, hearing the party going on around, but feeling the moment was only existing for one thing, Kate clenched her hand tighter, as she gasped…

'Little Mister'

I stood there, feeling things I never had before, as her hand moved. I'd never felt the growl. Never felt the impending joy. Never felt the unload. But Kate had. She knew what she was doing. And she squeezed harder, as her hand went faster. Her breath ragged, and gulping, I still to this day dont know if she came when I did. I think so. But I'm not sure. All I know, is a fourteen year old boy spurted into the gripping hand of his mum's best friend, when she drunkenly took advantage one Christmas…

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2i3awj/m4fncfdomopening_my_eyes_heres_christmas_present


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