[M4F][Str8][bd][Mdom][feather][candle wax][ice cube][orgasm] …here’s Squirming Handcuffs

I wonder just how many goosebumps can be generated by slowly running a feather, from your chin, between your breasts and all the way down to your ever swelling mound, as it gets warmer and warmer. Then circling your breasts, in turn, running the tip of it through the crease that's made when breast joins chest. And then I wonder how much you'd wriggle as I produce the Ice Cube of Joy. Not to amateurishly smear it around. Oh no. Just hold it in my fingertips at first, just above your nipple. Letting it drip. Watching it stiffen. Then, and only then, would I lazily drag it across your skin, all around, from the pulse in your neck, to the heave of your breast, down to the soft skin just by your hip. I wonder if this heinous activity would produce such filthy words to be uttered from you, as I take what's left of it and terrorise your poor little kitty. And the beautiful thing is, you can wriggle all the fuck you like, but you are utterly powerless, and loving every second…

And then I reach for the candle. The lit. Candle. And drip molten wax, over your belly, watching each one congeal, and leave angry red marks, as I brand you with my initials, hearing you hissing and holding your breath at times, as you tense your muscles at the discomfort, knowing you can do nothing but just take it. A potent mixture of arousal and a little pain is currently racing around inside you, igniting further waves of desperate longing. A liberal sprinkle over your breasts, is the cherry on top, because I made absolutely sure that each nipple, each hard, stiff nipple was drenched, before returning the candle to the bedside table.

But you've been such a good little slut. You've called me such very rude names, each word almost spat out in a guttural and desperate tone of voice. So you deserve this present. Very gently, very slowly, climbing onto the bed, between your legs spread wide, and then I get into position. But I cant resist, bringing my mouth real close to kitty. And give it a slow and gentle, almost reverential lick. I'm such a terrible man, all the terrible things I've done, has made it so wet, it's glistening and pink. Your heady musky scent fills the room, and I fucking love it, wrapping it around me like a sheet.

But I withdrew, and made myself comfortable, before sliding one finger inside you, feeling you twitch, hearing you moan gently, as your breathing changes, becomes more ragged, sighing with delight as I add a second, just slowly moving up and down, letting you get used to the sensations this is creating. And then you give a mournful sigh, as my two fingers go inside, deeper inside, and I tilt my hand, palm up, as I slowly, oh so slowly, hook them to the roof, and press harder, as if I were trying to push my whole hand inside you. I can feel you arch your hips just a little, and you moan again, as my fingertips brush against the roof of you, moving and searching, never still, eager to find that little ruffled spot of textured flush, and as I brush over it, I hear you gasp, and clench your kitty for me, always surprised at the intensity of the sensation, when I find what I'm looking for. I smiled. This is gonna be fun…

As my fingers return to the golden spot, your breathing gets faster and urgent, deeper and with every exhale, a plaintive moan is dragged from inside you, trying to deal with almost literal sparks that are flying in your mind's eye every time I press and rub.As I match my rhythm to you, I can feel you begin to disintegrate, that familiar trembling of your hips, and random clenching of your floor, as I reach up to your breast, and smear my free hand over it, before taking your angry nipple between my thumb and finger breaking away the crust of wax.

Quickening my pace, as I begin to see the edge I want to push you over getting closer, the tension in your whole body building, as I squeeze that nipple as hard as I can, before rolling like a vice between my digits, knowing it's adding an almost blinding whiteness to your perceptions, hearing it make you scream now. It cant be possible, but fingers inside you press even harder, determined to wring that orgasm out of you, as your thighs lock up, your hips bucks crazily, your stomach muscles jumping and twitching, as you arch and hold your breath…

Because it was finally here. My fingers stopped moving immediately, you let out the deepest groan, and sucked greedily, more air is needed to quell the most intense waves of pleasure, your kitty clenches in spasms, tightening over and over, clenching against my hand over and over. Every muscle just burning, as you struggled to breathe, yet finding a way to giggle with each gasp. My thumb gently brushing against your swollen clitoris, making you jump and twitch, every time I did. And when I finally did remove myself, I put them in my mouth and sucked greedily, as you began to recover, each wave subsiding just a little more, each clench a little gentler, and giggles turned to laughter, soft and joyful laughter. You opened your eyes, those beautiful sparkling eyes, which locked with mine, sitting there tasting the joy I'd just created, smelling the musk of a woman, freshly fucked, and you simply uttered 2 simple words.

'You cunt…'

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/301hx2/m4fstr8bdmdomfeathercandle_waxice_cubeorgasm

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