“Just Plain Hal” 4 [BD]

Part 1 Part 3

When I pull back into my garage, the mouth-watering aroma of food fills the SUV. I walk into the house with two fast-food bags and set them down on the kitchen counter. I open the fridge to see what the beverage options are. Beer. I shrug and grab two cans. I start to head to the bedroom, then suddenly thinking of something, I turn back and open a draw. Inside are neat rows of towels and I pick one up and soak the tip with warm water from the sink. I go to the bedroom but pause at the doorway to just look at her.

She looks so small, my Anabelle does, her sleeping head peeking out from underneath the enormous, lavender bed covers. I walk to the bed and pull back the blanket to expose her body to me. I gently push her thighs apart and apply the wet corner of the towel between her legs, fondly wiping her sex clean. She moans ever so slightly and shifts her hips as I mop up the evidence of my passion from her. Anabelle wakes whilst I am untying her wrists and I lift her into my arms. Leaving the bedroom, I take her into the living room and set her down on the love seat in front of the television. I retrieve our meal from the kitchen and set it down on the glass coffee table.

“Just Plain Hal” 3 [BD]

Part 2 Part 4

I commence moving my tongue in and out, rhythmically, as if I were fucking her with it. Then I move my attentions up and clamp my lips around her clit, sucking hard then nibbling on it. Anabelle cries out and violently twists her hips from side to side. "Oh, Hal! No, you mustn't. Stop, what are you doing?!"

I do not pay mind to Anabelle’s pleading, I know I’m not really hurting her–I would never truly hurt my precious Annie, she is just unaccustomed to feeling these sensations. She tastes so damned good, sweet and tangy and irresistible. I can not seem to get enough of her. I enthusiastically lap up the juices that leak from her pussy and thrust my tongue deeper inside of her until I feel her cherry. I wriggle my tongue against it and Anabelle whines pitifully, struggling so wildly that I have a hard time holding her hips down. My face is mashed against her crotch as I use my lips, my tongue, my teeth on her. My nose is filled with the pungent scent of her sex and I wonder that I don't go mad with lust. I bring one hand up and thrust it in and out of her sodden pussy, not far enough to breach her hymen but enough to get my finger thoroughly bathed in her secretion.

“Just Plain Hal” 2 [BD]

Part 1 Part 3

My mouth has gone suddenly dry so I take another sip of tea. I stare transfixed as Anabelle moans again and her thick lashes flutter open, her vibrant sapphire eyes dazed from her drug-induced stupor. When Anabelle’s eyes finally clear, she notices me sitting there and springs up. Swaying with the after-effects of the drug, she puts a hand to her temple as she is momentarily disorientated.

"Easy now," I say, putting my tea cup down and going over to kneel beside her. I reach out a hand to rest on her shoulder, steadying her, and another to check the pulse at her neck. "You’ll be fine. It will take a while for the effects to wear off but there will be no permanent damage."

"Where am I?" Anabelle asks groggily.

"You’re in my home, my dear," I answer. I watch her intently as she looks around the room with vague bewilderment.

"Why am I here? I thought I thought you were taking me to the recital "

I sigh heavily and put my tea down on the table. Then I take off my sunglasses and remove the thick wig from my head. It has begun to itch and I am glad to be rid of it.

“Just Plain Hal” 1 [BD]

This is a fantastic story I read a loooooong time ago on xhamster. The original author has since deleted their profile and no longer exist with no continuation that I know of. It's a long read (will be split into 4 parts) but worth every second. Just a little warning this story is not for the faint of heart. Read at your own discretion. Enjoy!

Part 2

  • Present day –

I poke two fingers between the venetian blinds and peer out through the gap into the night. The sights of the city are accompanied by the erratic flickering of blue and red police lights and several harsh white beams coming from the encircling SWAT helicopters. I look down and see that the parking lot and streets below are blockaded off by cop cars and police barricades. There also appears to be snipers placed strategically on all possible rooftops. Amid the whirling lights and lethal guns, poised with careless magnificence in the very centre of the parking lot, stands a slim brunette, clad in uniform black with a megaphone to her mouth. She stares up at me, and even from this distance, I can make out the smug, self-satisfied expression twisting her features.