“Just Plain Hal” 2 [BD]

Part 1 Part 3

My mouth has gone suddenly dry so I take another sip of tea. I stare transfixed as Anabelle moans again and her thick lashes flutter open, her vibrant sapphire eyes dazed from her drug-induced stupor. When Anabelle’s eyes finally clear, she notices me sitting there and springs up. Swaying with the after-effects of the drug, she puts a hand to her temple as she is momentarily disorientated.

"Easy now," I say, putting my tea cup down and going over to kneel beside her. I reach out a hand to rest on her shoulder, steadying her, and another to check the pulse at her neck. "You’ll be fine. It will take a while for the effects to wear off but there will be no permanent damage."

"Where am I?" Anabelle asks groggily.

"You’re in my home, my dear," I answer. I watch her intently as she looks around the room with vague bewilderment.

"Why am I here? I thought I thought you were taking me to the recital "

I sigh heavily and put my tea down on the table. Then I take off my sunglasses and remove the thick wig from my head. It has begun to itch and I am glad to be rid of it.

Anabelle starts as she suddenly recognizes my face. "Mr. Halek? Why why were you wearing that? I do not understand."

"You will, my dear, you will. And, please," I say, moving to sit down next to her, "call me Hal. It was what my mother used to call me. Tonight I will call you Annie and you must call me just plain Hal."

Anabelle is too stunned to notice how close we are, our knees bumping into each other as we gaze at one another. "Mister Hal," she says finally, "why did you bring me to your house. Where is my mother? She will be waiting for me."

"Your mother is still in New York," I inform her, "and will be remaining there for the next few days."

"But–but I thought she had come to watch me play."

"I lied," I say bluntly, shifting comfortably in my seat.

Anabelle is momentarily rendered speechless. Then she asks, haltingly, "W-why?"

I smile at her. "How else was I going to get you alone, my silly duck?" I reach behind her head and playfully toy with her hair. It feels like spun silk.

Anabelle continues to just stare at me, trying to understand. I watched the emotions play over her features, amused at her confusion and growing fear.

"Why do (she pauses here and swallows hard) why do you want me alone. Is this about school?"

I let out a soft chuckle which sounds dreadfully sinister even to my ears. "Not in the way you think, my dear," I reply as I shift closer. "Although I am truly hoping to teach you something new tonight. I want to show you the true meaning of passion. What it means to love and to want, to crave the touch of another on one's body." I watch with fierce satisfaction as her breathing grows shallow at my words and in the matter-of-fact manner in which I speak them. Her eyes have darkened almost to violet.

"I don’t understand" she says in a breathy whisper.

I lean forward until our faces are nearly touching, until her whole world is filled with me and me alone. "I’m going to make love to you, ma fifille," I murmur into her ear

A strangled sound emits from Anabelle and she tries to stand but I hold her in place with a firm hand on her shoulder. I lean back and look into her terrified eyes and smile. "There, there, my love, what’s all this now? There’s no need to be frightened. It will be wonderful, I promise you, how could it not be? You are so sweet and succulent. And I love you so much. Do you understand, Annie? I love you." I wipe away the single drop that escapes from her brimming eyes. "Hush love, it will be alright, now stop those tears."

"Please, Mr. Halek "

"Hal," I snap, the sharp tone of my voice cutting her off. "You must call me Hal. Do you understand? I will not tell you again."

"Please, Hal. I do not want to do this. Can’t you … can’t you just take me home now. I promise I will not tell. Not anybody. Please.

"I will take you home, but only after I’ve shown you how much you mean to me. You mean so very much to me, Annie, you must know this." I trail a light caress down her cheek. “I’ve loved you for a very long time now. I cannot wait any longer; I will not. I must have you, tonight. We have to be together."

I try earnestly to make her understand my feelings, the sincerity of my words but she remains silent with her head bowed. I sigh again then reach for my now cold tea and pass it to her. "Here, drink some of this, Anabelle."

I put the cup in her hand and watch as she takes a calming sip. She quickly finishes the cup then she looks up again. She appears somewhat calmer, so I smile and pat my knee. "I think it would be rather nice if you sat on my lap, don’t you?"

At this suggestion I see the panic swiftly return to her eyes. She shakes her head. "Trust me, it will be," I say, and without further ado, I draw her to me until her firm, young bottom is perched pleasantly on my knee. Anabelle holds herself very still, or tries to, but I feel her tremble as her soft thighs bump the hard ridge of my manhood. The very foreignness of it shocks and appalls her and she stares down at the tea cup in her hands. I notice that her knuckles around the cup are white from gripping it so hard. I take the cup from her before it shatters in her hands and set it down on the table.

"See, this isn’t so bad," I say. Anabelle doesn’t reply. I put a finger under her chin and lift her face to mine. "I’m going to kiss you now Annie but you must not be afraid. You will like it. Girls all over the world like to be kissed, it is quite common, and it feels good too, I can assure you. Will this be your first kiss?"

A slight nod at that.

"I’m glad," I say with satisfaction, although I already know this to be true. "The first time is always special for a young girl. I will be as gentle with you as I am able, my dove, you deserve all of the pleasure I can give you."

I lean in and brush my lips against her. Her eyes close but mine remain open so I can watch her. I move my lips over hers while lightly caressing her upper thigh with my palm. I pull back then run quick, feather-light kisses from the corner of her mouth to the freckle by her ear. Anabelle shivers as I kiss the small imperfection than flick it with my tongue. I kiss her closed eye lids then return to her mouth. As my hands move to her hips and gently massage her, I open my mouth and lick her trembling lips. Anabelle stiffens and opens her eyes. They are round with shock at the intimacy of having her mouth licked by another person.

"It’s alright," I say, reassuringly, "just keep your eyes closed and everything will be fine."

Anabelle tries to protest but my mouth is on hers again and my tongue is suddenly in her mouth. Her hands push helplessly against my chest but my strong arms are around her, holding her fixed against me. I swallow the moan she makes and thrust my tongue deeper into her mouth. With a deliciously helpless sound, Anabelle’s fragile defiance dissolves as she slumps into my arms. I lick and nip and suck on her tongue while she meekly submits to my passionate embrace.

Finally. Finally I had her here, to touch and to taste as I had dreamt for nights beyond count.

Her taste fuels the fires of my desire and her shattered resistance fans the flames. After several minutes of ravishing the sweet wetness of her mouth I draw back and gasp for air. We both try to catch our breaths and I notice that Anabelle’s eyes are filled with confusion at the novel sensations surging through her. She shifts on my lap, her heated buttocks rubbing deliciously into my thighs. Her pink lips glisten from the wet kisses and I cannot seem to tear my gaze away from them. When we both finally catch our breaths she says quite suddenly, "I have to use the restroom."

I notice she has begun to squirm on my lap and I nod absently, lifting her up onto her feet. I motion for Anabelle to follow me and show her into my large bedroom. As we will shortly be using this particular room momentarily in any case, she might as well use this bathroom. "Just right in there," I say, pointing to the door across from the large four-poster bed.

Anabelle enters and closes the bathroom door with a faint click. I make my way to the bed and sit down, crossing one leg over the other. I listen intently but there is only silence in the next room. Then my lips curve as I hear the distinct sound of Annie emptying her nervous bladder.

Eventually, as I am loosening the buttons at my collar, Anabelle comes out of the bathroom. She stands there, leaning back against the closed door and waiting for me to speak. "Come here," I command, motioning her over. She hesitates, then walks over to me, keeping her eyes trained on the carpet. I wait until she is just in front of me than raise my hands to her arms, running them up and down, trying to sooth her disquiet.

"Feel better?" I ask.

Anabelle nods without looking up. I smile. She is so timid, wondering what I am going to do, what nefarious things I have in store for her. My pulse quickens as I imagine how frightened and confused she must be feeling, here, alone with me in my bedroom. I gently draw her closer until she is caged between my thighs and I can feel the warmth of her breath on me. I lean my face against her soft tummy and inhale deeply the sweet, fragrant scent of her young body. Anabelle stiffens and her hands grip my shoulders as if to push away, but she just stands there.

"It’s all right," I say drawing back and looking up into her eyes, "you don’t have to be afraid of me, Anabelle. I would never hurt you, do you understand?"

Anabelle’s eyes sparkle with fresh tears and she sniffles, still not looking at me. I reach up and tilt her chin, forcing her eyes to meet mine. "You know I shan’t hurt you, don’t you, Annie?"

She shakes her head. "Please, I just want to go home." Her voice is barely above a whisper.

"I will take you home, eventually," I say, "but first, I want to show you how much I love you. How much I yearn to give you pleasure, my little Anabelle, ma bichette."

I pull her down until she is sitting on my lap and wrap my arms around her. She is small and light, I can hardly feel her weight on my knee. Unconsciously, she leans in against my chest, ironically seeking the protection my strength offers from the grim reality of her plight. I lean in and kiss the top of her head, then her temple, then down her cheek until her lips and mine reunite. Her lips are soft and warm, beyond anything else in the world. I kiss her harder, opening my mouth so I can pass my tongue into hers. She gives a muffled protest, but I have my hand at the back of her head and simply hold her still while I sample and explore her sweet softness.

The kiss seems to go on for what feels like hours but is probably only a few minutes. By the time I pull away I am breathing heavily and Anabelle’s face as flushed red. I reach for the buttons of her shirt and begin to undo them. When she realizes what I am doing her hands come up to object. I simply push them aside and finish the last of the buttons. "Stand up," I order her and Anabelle reluctantly complies.

I work quickly pulling her shirt off of her and tossing it to the floor. Her tie follows next. Then goes her plain white bra, her skirt and shoes. I let her keep on her white stockings; the sensuous way they cling to her skin and ascend her shapely calves captivates my imagination. My breath catches when I see her pink panties with frilly, white lace-work. There’s something about that small, erotic triangle of cloth between a women’s legs that can mesmerize a man. Such a tiny thing but it seems to taunt and tease, playfully daring a man to tear it away and reveal the forbidden secret within. I am beginning to loose control and I hurriedly yank it down her legs. After hastily removing my own clothing I pick Anabelle up and lay her down on the bed.

For a moment I do nothing, just look her up and down in wonder, running up a hand along the slight curves of her hips, the smooth contours of her inners thighs and over her flat tummy. I cup her small breast, feeling the nipple harden under my palm and squeezing gently. I bend down to take her other nipple into my mouth and relish the moan of humiliation Anabelle makes.

Resting on one elbow, I eagerly suckle her nipple while I pinch and prod the other. Anabelle is crying again, her breath catching every time I suck especially hard or pinch her soft flesh. When I take a nipple between my teeth and lightly bite Anabelle arches her back and cries out, trying to push me away.

"Ow! Please, that hurts Hal," she gasps. "Please stop it."

I release then kiss the tender bud. Rolling off the bed, I walk over to my closet and get out two of my thin, silk ties. I return to the bed and shift Anabelle onto the pillows so that she is propped up against them. Then I proceed to tie her hands, first one then the other, to the ornate oak headboards.

"What are you doing?" Anabelle asks, her voice quivering with fear.

"Don’t worry; I’m just securing your hands to the headboards. It will make it better. Trust me."

"Make what better?"

I don't answer. When I finish, I climb back on to the bed before my captive. "Now spread your legs apart for me, my darling Annie," I say smiling at her. She doesn't move, but when I put a stern hand on her leg she half-heartedly parts her thighs. "Wider," I demand. "Wider!" I grab her knees and impatiently draw them farther apart, pulling them up so I can get a good view of her little, pink cunny. With a sob at the degrading position, Anabelle turns her head away, hiding her tear-streaked face behind a dark curtain of hair.

I shift down until I am comfortably settled between her spread thighs and lower my face to lay a light kiss on her nether lips. She flinches when my mouth comes into contact with her delicate flesh. I grin up at her, mischievously, and then kiss her again, harder this time. Anabelle squirms and shifts her hips in agitation. I settle down to enjoy myself. I take a long, loving lick, beginning low and moving up to her clitoris. Annie cries out and tries to close her thighs but only manages to trap my face between them. I hold her hips firmly in my grasp and begin to work into her velvety moist flesh, lashing and stroking her with my tongue. I lick and lap at the sensitive petals of her cunt, then drive deep into her hot pussy, swirling my tongue around in the sweet, warm nectar of her body. Distantly, I register the loud, gasping cries Annie makes as she twists and turns, trying to free her hands, trying to push me from between her thighs. However, the silk bindings hold and I continue to ravish her mercilessly.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/31em66/just_plain_hal_2_bd