Carmen & Alyssa – Part 2 [FF] (my first erotic story! please comment!)

Carmen looked up at Alyssa, happy that she decided to retreat from her bliss to watch this angel unwrap her most precious gift. Carmen wanted to reach out and bring Alyssa close so she could kiss her but she couldn’t move; she was too captivated in Alyssa’s gaze. She was so captivated that she hadn’t noticed that Alyssa snuck her hand towards Carmen’s pussy. Carmen did notice when Alyssa’s thumb began gently rubbing the top of her pussy, massaging Carmen’s clit.

“Oh my god,” Carmen managed to get out. She closed her eyes again and leaned her head back, giving a long, eager sigh.

“I want to hear you say it again,” Alyssa whispered.

“Wha—,” Carmen couldn’t get the words out and she barely heard what Alyssa said.

“Say it. Tell me how much you want me.” Alyssa was in full control now; she knew she could make Carmen do almost anything.

“Uhhhh…I want you. I…mmmmm.” Carmen reached one hand down to feel Alyssa’s thumb as it continued to massage her clit. The other reached down too but Alyssa grabbed it with her free hand and brought it to her face. Alyssa licked Carmen’s fingers and stuck them, one by one, into her mouth.

“Tell me what you want me to do to you. I want to hear you say it again.”

Carmen thought she would explode. Her moans weren’t enough for Alyssa. She had to beg.

“I want you to taste me,” she said breathlessly, “I want to feel your tongue inside of me.”

As if that was the password, Alyssa stopped massaging Carmen’s clit and leaned down to kiss Carmen’s inner thigh, closer to her knee. She pushed Carmen a little farther up the bed so that she could lie on her stomach. Her face was inches away from Carmen’s pussy, but she didn’t want to give Carmen the satisfaction yet. Alyssa mildly blew on each lip, pretending like she was cooling off hot tea.

Carmen knew Alyssa was teasing her and it made her go crazy. “Please.”

Alyssa ignored her cries and moved her head back up. She licked Carmen’s inner thigh again, moving her tongue down to Carmen’s pelvis. She kept doing this, not realizing that her hair was slightly sweeping the top of Carmen’s pussy each time she moved her head up and down. Carmen giggled which caught Alyssa off guard and made her pause to look up at Carmen.

“I’m sorry,” Carmen, still giggling, propped herself up on her elbows and looked down at Alyssa. “That tickled a little.”

Alyssa smiled. “You’re so cute.”

She moved up and kissed Carmen quickly then went back to her position facing Carmen’s pussy. Alyssa didn’t want to tease her any longer. She flipped her hair so that it fell to one side and out of the way. Alyssa slowly kissed Carmen’s outer pussy lips, first pecking them as if they were just friends then including her tongue signaling that the friendship was over. Carmen was so wet that each time Alyssa kissed her, some of her juices got on Alyssa’s lips. Alyssa licked her lips a few times, tasting how sweet Carmen was. She wanted to taste more.

Carmen didn’t have the strength to keep herself propped up anymore and lied back down. She slipped back into her torrent of ecstasy as Alyssa continued to kiss her pussy.

“No parar,” she whispered not realizing she spoke in her native language. “Mmmm…no se detenga, por favor.”

Alyssa heard Carmen mumbling but couldn’t make out the words. No matter, she wasn’t concerned with what Carmen was saying. She could tell Carmen liked what she was doing because she’d grind her hips up closer to Alyssa’s face whenever her lips parted from Carmen’s pussy. Alyssa reached both her arms around Carmen’s legs and pressed down on her hips to keep her steady. She finally kissed Carmen’s clit, first pecking it then amorously kissing it with her tongue, making sure it was as passionate as when she kissed Carmen’s mouth.


Carmen grabbed and pulled her bed comforter, squeezing it as she continued to grind her pussy on Alyssa’s face. She was getting hotter and hotter. Carmen shuddered as electricity shot through her, trying to find an outlet since her body couldn’t contain it.

Alyssa began doing suction on Carmen’s clit, sucking gently as her tongue still moved up and down just below. Because of the suction, Alyssa’s mouth never parted Carmen’s pussy and some of Carmen’s juices began spilling into her mouth while the rest dripped down Alyssa’s chin. Carmen’s hips writhed some more and her moans grew louder and louder. Alyssa aborted her suction and lifted her head up.

“I don’t want you to cum yet.”

“Uhhhhh, mami, I was so close.” Carmen bit her lip, grabbing her breasts and pinching her nipples.

“Not yet baby,” Alyssa whispered as she smiled seductively at Carmen.

Alyssa brought one arm back around Carmen’s leg keeping the other wrapped around her hip. Alyssa took her free hand and gently rubbed it on Carmen’s whole pussy. She then took her index and middle fingers and glided them on top of Carmen’s clit. Alyssa kept gliding and pressing her fingers down until the clit was between the two fingers. Her fingers continued the fluid motion and she used her other hand to reach down and pinch the top of Carmen’s pussy. This made Carmen’s clit protrude out a bit more and Alyssa kept massaging it between her fingers.

The sensation sent Carmen into a frenzy and she moaned so loudly it seemed more like a scream.

Alyssa stopped pinching and slid her fingers down. She wasn’t sure if Carmen would appreciate internal stimulation after she seemed to be blown away by Alyssa’s clitoral conquest. Alyssa gently slid her index finger inside Carmen’s pussy anyway, pressing down lightly and moving it in a semi-circular motion. She was met with more of Carmen’s sensuous moaning.

“Do you like that?” Alyssa didn’t really expect an answer.

Carmen responded, “Mm-hmm.”

Alyssa smiled. She moved her index finger back just enough so that she could insert her middle finger. This time she pressed down harder. Carmen thrust her hips up and Alyssa could feel her pussy muscles contract. She released her pressure. When Carmen’s hips went back down, and her muscles relaxed, Alyssa pressed her fingers down again. This continued as Carmen kept thrusting up and down. At one point, Alyssa turned her fingers up and pushed them deeper into Carmen’s pussy. She hooked them and could feel a ridged, fleshy mound. When Carmen shrieked again, Alyssa knew this was her g-spot. She pressed and pulled as Carmen thrust her hips.

Carmen felt like she was being fucked.

“Right there. Don’t stop!”

Alyssa had no plans on stopping. While she kept applying pressure with her fingers, moving them in and out only a few times, she placed her mouth back on Carmen’s clit and resumed her suction.

Carmen reached one hand down to touch the top of Alyssa’s head while the other kept massaging her breast and pinching her nipples. The heat surrounding her was more intense. The electricity shooting through her body traveled faster. She bit her lip, trying to stifle another whimper. Carmen’s thrusts became so forceful that Alyssa could no longer press her hips down. Alyssa’s head moved up and down with Carmen’s hips but her mouth never left Carmen’s pussy. Alyssa sucked on her clit, moving her mouth up at times so that the suction was right above and her tongue massaged the clit. Alyssa made sure she kept her two fingers inside Carmen’s pussy, alternating between applying pressure to Carmen’s g-spot and then to the base of Carmen’s pussy.

Carmen couldn’t take it anymore.

“Uhhh! Unnhhh! I’m gonna cum!”

Her hip thrusts were faster, more intense. Alyssa had to move her knees up, positioning them below her chest, giving her a few more inches of height off the bed to accommodate for Carmen’s hips going up. But her mouth never left Carmen’s pussy. She wanted her to cum this time.

Carmen definitely had an orgasm before. She was sure of it. It was like waves of pleasure flowing through her body until she exploded, feeling like an erupting volcano. Her pussy throbbed and tingled. Her body quivered. She had an orgasm before.

But it wasn’t like this.

The waves were more intense; she felt like they violently rocked her body. The electricity shooting through her finally found an outlet through her fingers, her toes, and her clit. She felt like she was trapped in a tinfoil cocoon since her body was engulfed in heat. Her legs shook and she arched her back as the quiver shot up her spine causing her whole body to spasm. She tried to open her eyes but her surroundings seemed blurry so she quickly shut them.

It continued. The waves. The electricity. The heat. The spasms.

Waves. Electricity. Heat. Spasms.

Carmen thought her heart was pounding as loudly as the beating of a bass drum. She couldn’t quite hear either, so she wasn’t completely sure.

Alyssa continued sucking on Carmen’s clit as she orgasmed. She had to remove her fingers from Carmen’s pussy so that she could use both hands to keep Carmen’s hips steady as she shook. Carmen’s knees had closed trapping Alyssa in between her thighs. Carmen was holding Alyssa’s head in place, pushing it into her pussy. Then suddenly, Alyssa felt Carmen gently pushing her head away.

“Uhhh. Wait. Stop. Wait, don’t st— ahhhh.”

Carmen didn’t know what she wanted. The waves began to subside and the heat waned. But the electricity kept shooting out of her clit. The feeling of Alyssa’s tongue on it sent a shock up her body that wasn’t unpleasant but wasn’t entirely comfortable either.

Alyssa moved her head up and looked up at Carmen. She stuck her tongue back out and flicked Carmen’s clit, which made her spasm again then move her body up away from Alyssa. This gave Alyssa an evil grin.

“Your pussy is sensitive.”

“What?” Carmen was still trying to catch her breath. She opened her eyes, the room less blurry, and looked down at Alyssa.

Alyssa sat up and looked down at Carmen, the evil grin still on her face. She took the same index finger that was still lubricated with Carmen’s juices and gently ran it down Carmen’s outer pussy lip. Carmen shuddered again when her pussy throbbed where Alyssa had just touched and the electricity shocked her clit again.

“She’s super sensitive.”

Alyssa knew not to touch Carmen’s clit because it wouldn’t feel as good as it did before. She just leaned down and kissed the top of Carmen’s pussy, making her tremble once more. She made her way up this time, kissing and licking Carmen’s bikini line, then navel, then just below her breast. She paused at Carmen’s breast but decided this time not to lick them, just to kiss them gently. She did lightly suck on each nipple but only briefly. Alyssa brought her mouth up towards Carmen’s lips and kissed them. Carmen didn’t kiss her back as she was still recovering.

When Carmen finally opened her hazel eyes, she looked up at Alyssa who was smiling.

“Are you okay?”

Carmen couldn’t help but laugh and Alyssa joined her. Carmen covered her face with both hands, feeling a little embarrassed but not sure why.

“Oh my god,” Carmen chuckled, “that was…intense.”

“I see.” Alyssa teased and they laughed again.

Alyssa moved Carmen’s hands away from her face and admired her beauty. She stroked her cheek and leaned in to kiss her. This time, Carmen returned the gesture and their tongues caressed each other once more. Carmen paused and pulled away. She frowned a little at Alyssa.

“What?” Alyssa worried that she had forgotten something. What she had forgotten she didn’t know.

“Is it always like that?”

Alyssa smiled and giggled. “It can be. Although,” Alyssa began to tease again, “you’re pretty ridiculous.”

Carmen jokingly plucked Alyssa on the shoulder and they both giggled before joining their mouths in passion once more.

Alyssa slowly moved her body from under Carmen’s arm and she climbed out of her bed as gently as possible. She looked over at the clock on the wall just above Carmen’s nightstand.

Shit. It’s almost three o’clock. Alyssa had to start getting ready for work in just three hours.

The night was definitely longer than Alyssa expected. Popcorn and a movie turned into hot, steamy sex, hotter than anything Alyssa had ever experienced. After she gave Carmen the best orgasm of her life (according to Carmen), Alyssa was surprised when Carmen required almost no direction on how to please Alyssa. “First-timers” rarely ever get it all right but Carmen— or maybe something else was clouding Alyssa’s judgement. Either way, it was intense. They weren’t sure if they could stop until their bodies eventually grew tired and they collapsed onto each other, falling asleep.

Alyssa quietly got dressed. It took her a moment to find her panties as they were somehow thrown under Carmen’s dresser across from the bed. She tip-toed into the living room to get her shoes, cell phone, and keys. She quickly put on her leather jacket and gathered her belongings. As she made her way towards the door, she paused and looked over at the bedroom door. She placed her phone and shoes on the floor along with her keys so that they wouldn’t jingle when she walked. She tip-toed back into Carmen’s room.

Carmen was lying on the bed, her arm still outstretched over the empty space where Alyssa just left. Her naked body was still and Alyssa looked for something she could cover it with. She spotted a blanket hanging on a chair in the far corner of the room. She tip-toed again, grabbed the blanket and gently lay it on top of Carmen. Alyssa was certain she’d move a little or even wake up. But Carmen didn’t move an inch and Alyssa noticed that she was snoring quietly.

How are you still so gorgeous even when you’re sleeping? Alyssa thought with a smile.

Sneaking out felt wrong. Leaving without saying something seemed to only cheapen what this night was. Carmen was more than that to Alyssa. She didn’t deserve to be treated like an inferior one-nighter.

“Carmen?” Alyssa whispered. She didn’t want to wake her; she just wanted to make sure she was in as deep a sleep as Alyssa thought. “Carmen?” Alyssa softly stroked her cheek. “I love you.” She bent down and kissed Carmen’s forehead before turning to leave Carmen’s bedroom again.

She put on her shoes at the door and put her keys and phone in her jacket pocket. She slowly unlocked the door and turned the knob, still trying to be quiet as she left the apartment. Alyssa walked down the hall, thinking back on the details of the night which made her smile. When she finally made her way to the elevator, she stopped smiling. As great as this night was, Alyssa knew it could never happen again.

It was the only way she could make sure her heart wouldn’t be broken.

(full story awaiting approval on literotica but I am a bit impatient and wanted to see if I could get a little feedback on here. Thanks for reading!)
