A service call not to forget [MF]

It was midway through a pretty boring working week around midday of a slow and boring day when I got a text that was destined to change things.

It was from a friend that I’d known a very long time and was always happy to hear from. “Hey, I’m at the flat just checking everything over and can’t seem to get the heating to come on. Do you think you’d be able to pop over and take a look for me please? x” read the text. She’d had the flat on the market for a while and I guess she maybe had a viewing arranged or something so was making sure all was in order. As my day was going nowhere, I of course agreed. I have a bit of technical knowhow with these types of things so hopefully I’d be able to fix it for her.

I got to the flat and knocked on the door. It wasn’t a particularly cold day but I was both surprised and shocked when she opened the door in a black satin gown and a smirk on her face! The heating was clearly working fine! I wasn’t one to pass up an opportunity like this however!

The commute ended up more than fun [MF]

I’d known her nearly all my life, our parents were friends and we’d pretty much grown up together. Nothing much had ever happened in the past, I was always attracted to her but tried my best to hide it. It all came out one drunken night which was pretty wild, as best as my memory serves, but since then we have moved our separate ways. We still spoke now and then and saw each other at various functions. That was until we both got jobs in London and saw each other on the train quite regularly which brought us closer again in more ways than one…

Meet me…

Your phone goes off, it’s a text from me totally out of the blue. We haven’t spoken in a long time, not for any bad reason, we didn’t fall out, quite the opposite. We have a deep and exciting history but it couldn’t carry on, truth is we were probably bad for each other.

You’re surprised to hear from me, though you smile as you open your phone, intrigued. The message reads “Do not reply, just meet me at the Hilton Park Lane next Friday if you want to see me again. I’ll text you a room number on the day.”

You’re not too sure what to think of it but then you notice the butterflies in your stomach, you’re excited by the mystery and also to see me again. Your smile grows looking forward to what might be.

As the week goes on you’ve debated with yourself if you should go or not but each time you think about it you can’t stop smiling and imagining how fun it might be.

Lamborghini’s really are fun!

A little while ago I was invited to an exclusive launch event for the Lamborghini Urus. The event was of course a very fancy black tie event, all the usual high flyers would be there and was probably as much a social event as it was a product launch. 

Anyway, I decided to go and to go alone. I mixed in some of these circles so knew I’d probably know people there. I decided to opt for a more casual look instead of a tux so wore a nice tailored charcoal suit with a clean white shirt, I didn’t go for a tie either and just had the collar open.

The event was being held at the flagship showroom, a full champagne reception and free bar, canapés etc. In the centre of the showroom was the Urus, covered in a black cloth waiting for the big reveal! I was mingling around and networking, catching up with a few old friends and probably taking advantage of the free champagne maybe a little too much! 

A summer I’ll never forget

Back when I was 17 I had a summer I’d never forget when my cousin came to stay in London with us from Canada. I’d never met her before but my mum told me all about her family over there and that she was coming for the summer holidays. She was 20 but as I was the oldest of my siblings I was charged in making sure she settled in. I didn’t really have many expectations of my cousin, figured she’d probably be boring or stuck up with one of those annoying accents.

My mum went to the airport to pick her up while I stayed at home to look after the younger ones. They arrived back home late afternoon and when she walked in my jaw nearly hit the floor! She was absolutely gorgeous, she had long flowing brown hair, deep brown eyes and her body was incredible! My heart raced and my mouth suddenly turned to a desert when I tried to say hi, mumbling my words like a fool! She was my cousin damn it! What was I thinking, I needed to get these thoughts out of my head, it was all kinds of wrong but I couldn’t ignore how hot she was! 

She was young and needed to learn a lesson

She was just 21 when we met, I was considerably older but still young enough at heart to be in the club that night. 

I was out with some friends celebrating in the VIP area with champagne all around, she was like a flirtatious fly looking for the sweet spot to land. Something told me this probably wasn’t her first time scouring for rich older guys to take advantage of, she picked the wrong one tonight! 

I watched her dance seductively close by, her constant glances back ensuring I was still transfixed. Blonde hair and dark eyes were a combination I was fond of and the way her white dress showed her perfect body certainly did have my attention.

It wasn’t long until she found her way over to our table, it was late in the night and most of my friends had left by now, she sat on the edge of the couch close to me. ‘looks like you’re in the need of some company’ she said with a flick of her hair.

I already knew the way this was going to go.

My Boss’ naughty daughter brings out a side of me I didn’t know was there!

I hadn’t long started working at a new office, it was a relatively small company and I was keen to make my mark and impress my new boss.

I’d always been a hard worker and focused on the job in hand but lately my attention has been elsewhere! 

It all started when one day my boss’ daughter visited the office to drop something off for her dad, it was the first time I met her. She was petite with blonde hair and I was instantly attracted to her. I kept my head down trying not to be too obvious but on her way out she stopped by to say hi and I could feel myself burning up! 

“Hi, you’re new here right? I haven’t seen you before when I’ve been in. I’m going to start working here soon for my dad so hoping I’ll fit in with the team! You can show me around when I start!”

I could barely summon a word with a very awkward ‘er yeah…..sure….I can do that…no problem”.

First attempt at writing

Thought I’d give it a go, first time trying to write a short story;

One Saturday Afternoon

It all started one Saturday in the autumn. I woke up late and needing to run some errands, I quickly threw on some clothes and ran out the door.

While I was out I needed to stop for some petrol and it was at the garage that I bumped into an old friend. We had some history, nothing serious, we’d had some casual fun a couple of times in the past after drunken nights and it was just one of those things that fizzled out and we carried on with our lives.

It had probably been a couple of years since we saw each other and she hadn’t changed a bit, she was stunning, her hair blew gently in the wind and her eyes were deep pools I could get lost for days in. We stopped to say hi for a minute, the usual ‘what you been up to’ chat but I was seriously pressed for time and needed to get my errands done before closing time. I said it was great to see her but really had to dash and she suggested calling by hers after I’m done so we can catch up over a cuppa, ‘it’d be nice to catch up with you again’ she said. At this point I had to agree and my heart skipped a beat at the thought, she lived not too far away and so I said ‘sure, I’ll give you a call when I’m done and see if you’re free’.