Sex in a Car is the Best Sex (M/F)

Let’s start with the boring stuff. My name is Ryan and I’m about 6’4” with a strong build and blonde hair with blue eyes that I like to call my best feature. I’m 23 and this story happened when I was 18. My college summer job was as a baseball coach for a sports camp. We would go around to different parks and teach skills and life lessons and all that fun shit to kids and I loved it. There was however one park I liked the best out of all of them. It had a nicer field, better kids but most importantly there was another camp that I dropped some of the kids off at after. This sounds like a stupid reason until you meet the director of the other camp whose name was Kati.

When I first met her I could tell Kati was older than me but not by how much. She was tall with blonde hair always in a ponytail. She was thin with a smaller chest and one of those butts that are the reason yoga pants exist.

A First Time I Will Never Forget (M/F)

Let’s start with the boring stuff. My name is Ryan and I’m about 6’4” with a strong build and blonde hair with blue eyes that I like to call my best feature. I’d like to start with the day I lost my virginity and then if there is still interest just continue on through the years. I’m currently 23 and this story happened when I was 17.

Every year since I was a young kid I went to this stay away camp where you went hiking, swimming and all of that fun shit you see in movies. As I got older I began working there during the summer. The second year working there I met this extremely cute girl named Megan.

Megan was pretty short, about 5’3” with big blue eyes and boobs that could not be hidden. Her runner’s legs gave way to a smaller, but very grabbable, ass.

Over the two weeks she was there we got to know each other really well to the point where our coworkers began making fun of us but also telling us to keep it low key in front of the kids. As the flirting evolved it didn’t take long before we were sneaking away and hiding out to make out.