Sex in a Car is the Best Sex (M/F)

Let’s start with the boring stuff. My name is Ryan and I’m about 6’4” with a strong build and blonde hair with blue eyes that I like to call my best feature. I’m 23 and this story happened when I was 18. My college summer job was as a baseball coach for a sports camp. We would go around to different parks and teach skills and life lessons and all that fun shit to kids and I loved it. There was however one park I liked the best out of all of them. It had a nicer field, better kids but most importantly there was another camp that I dropped some of the kids off at after. This sounds like a stupid reason until you meet the director of the other camp whose name was Kati.

When I first met her I could tell Kati was older than me but not by how much. She was tall with blonde hair always in a ponytail. She was thin with a smaller chest and one of those butts that are the reason yoga pants exist.

For the first two weeks at this camp I would talk to Kati just a little bit every day and learn more and more about her. After those weeks I got reassigned until the very end of summer when I got one last week back at that camp. And sure enough whenever she was there every time I dropped the kids off and slowly our conversations got longer and longer. On the Friday of that week I knew I should’ve asked for her number but it just never came out. I was about it and I froze and just said goodbye and walked away. I got about halfway across the park before I heard her yelling after me. I turned and she said “Hey idiot” and handed me her phone number on a piece of paper. I’ve never been so lucky.

I returned to multiple high fives from my coaches and I was on cloud nine.

We ended up making plans the following week and met for coffee and just talked for hours. She then suggested we go to a bar where some of her friends were. I had a fake ID but was obviously always nervous about using it. Anyways we go to the bar and she starts rubbing my leg under the table as we sit and talk and have a few beers. After about two hours she decides it’s time to leave and go back to my car. When we get in she says “I’m not going to have sex with you tonight. But if you ask me out again your chances are good.” I took that as my cue to kiss her. Just softly at first but soon her tongue was sumo wrestling mine for position as our hands explored each other’s bodies. I squeezed her perfectly small tits through her shirt bit hard on her ear as she let out a soft moan. Biting always does it for me.

The night ended rather uneventfully until the following weekend when we decided to hang out again. We went and saw a movie (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes…is that the one with James Franco?) and she immediately grabbed my hand and took me to the back of the theater where we started making out again.

This girl always knew what to say when she whispered “I wish there was a hole in your pocket so I could rub your dick the whole time.” Is that weird? Because it really turned me on and I went from pretty aroused to rock freaking hard.

Yada yada making out and fondling during the movie. I think I fingered her for a second but that’s not the fun part.

After the movie we are driving around in her Civic and she says she wants to find a place to bang. This is the night I learned that I love car sex and if you haven’t tried it then you are severely missing out. Go do it.

She parked at this lookout point area and told me to get in the back seat. She basically dove back on top of me and before you knew it her shirt was off and her perfectly pointy nipple was in my mouth. Her moans were to this day some of the hottest I’ve ever heard. She quickly pulled my shirt off and I had my hand down her pants slowly massaging her dripping wet pussy. I softly rubbed her clit and she undid my pants and began sliding them off. She had a firm grip on my dick through my boxers and stared to softly stroke up and down as we locked lips again. I don’t know how I did it but with one quick movement I pulled her pants off with one hand. Fuckin magic trick.

She swung her leg around and started straddling me. I really wanted to go down on her because at this point in my life I thought I was actually good at it. When I tried she quickly said “I’m not a big fan of that, but I will suck your dick dry.” Fair trade to me.

And then she proceeded to do just that. Holy shit her mouth was talented. She smiled as she informed me she didn’t have a gag reflex and proved it by fucking her throat with my penis. That actually kinda hurt.

Alright I had enough of this amazing bj, I needed to be inside of her.I spun around and she straddled me again and I slid inside of her. I thought we were going to start slowly at first but she had other ideas, just jackhammering away right out of the gate.

The best thing about fucking in a car is that you can get leverage from anywhere. I bent her over the middle console and stuck it in her from behind. Again her moans rung out and turned me on even more. She laid on her side in the back seat and we went to town, granted she did most of the work. This only last a couple more minutes before I told her I needed to finish and she rolled onto her back and I shot a load all over her stomach.

We sat up and talked for about 5 minutes before an awkward silence caused her to say “So…when can you go again” And that’s how I got another boner almost immediately. Before you knew it we were back at it. Her pussy just dripping juices all over me as we forced ourself into position after position inside her tiny car. After another half an hours of riding each other like monkeys and her moans engraining themselves into my brain I finally finished again, this time all over her back and somehow much bigger than the first time.

We sat down again both breathing heavy and exhausted. After a girl has had a couple orgasms if you really want to drive her crazy just nibble on her nipple a little bit and she is putty in your hands. Literally. Try it.

But yeah we decided it was getting pretty late that night and decided to call it a night. We did get to go out one more time where we went bowling and had a quickie in the parking lot. Sidenote, not the best place to have a quickie.

After I went back to school we kind of fell out of touch and I’m pretty sure she got married last year. So yeah if you’re reading this Kati, god I hope you’re not, good luck with your husband.

That’s it for this time, and I look forward to sharing more of my exploits in the future. As always, thanks for reading.



  1. I’m sad you didn’t just finish inside of her both times. Your cum would have gotten in her anyways when you went in again haha But i agree with you: the one time i had sex in the car (in the parking lot of a state park) with my ex was the hottest experience of my life

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