This Day. [M,F,F] [voy]

Today is nice. It is a warm Spring day and there is a light breeze to the air. Work has been good, relationships with family and friends are excellent. Part of my life balance for sanity is spending time to enjoy myself by going on walks, gardening, being with the Earth. My home is a small, cute corner lot. There are many willow trees in the area and lots of wildlife that you can see hanging around, feeding on the foliage.My kitchen has a small cafe table with two chairs, and an embroidered runner that was made for me by a dear friend. I came across my idea for the morning over a cup of coffee and outdoor observation.

'I'll break a sweat today,' I think to myself and dress in a pair of leggings and running shoes, sports bra and a tee. I stop to look in the mirror as I am changing…. I assess my breasts and bottom, and think to myself, 'You're beautiful, keep it up.'

Saturday Morning in Early Spring [M,F]

The sun and birds wake me up. I rub my eyes, stretch, yawn, and walk to the coffee pot and pour myself a cup. The kitties are playing and purring next to me to remind me to offer them treats for being so well behaved… What to do today?, I think to myself…. no prior commitments, nothing pushing me out into the world.. a blessing these days. I turn on the jazz station and open some windows. The breeze that comes through reflects a leaving winter.. it's cool and crisp, and optimistic. Or maybe that's just me…

I walk through my home and acknowledge my plants. Running my hands over their leaves, pruning back stems that have come and gone. I light the candle in the living room, that quickly delivers an aroma of warm cinnamon buns.

I put on shorts, a button down soft denim blouse, and a bandana rolled and tied to keep my hair back. I continue the rhythm I have naturally fallen into of caring for my home on this Spring Saturday.

As these tidy things go, I find myself scrubbing the shower caulk feverently, bending over and breaking a sweat…

Staying up late at night. [M,F]

He grabs me underneath our blankets. He pulls me toward him and thrusts his half-hard cock into my ass. There is no need for wondering, he wants me. His hands rub my inner thighs and he thrusts again as he bites my neck, igniting shivers.

Please don't let it stop, I think… and it doesn't. He is steadily rocking into my ass through our underwear, which no sooner, he pulls off, his with mine. 'God I want you' he says as he is licking into my ear. He can have me, my pussy is wet and I am his for the taking. He massages my tits as he inserts his hard, hot cock into my pussy. He fucks me, and oh he knows exactly where to go in the darkness, under the sheets. He knows. Like clockwork we cum together, his fingers in my mouth. He pulls me toward him again, as if possible to be any closer, and kisses me hard and exhales in relief. I let his cum keep my pussy wet all night. We fall into the deepest of sleeps, together, side-by-side.