Staying up late at night. [M,F]

He grabs me underneath our blankets. He pulls me toward him and thrusts his half-hard cock into my ass. There is no need for wondering, he wants me. His hands rub my inner thighs and he thrusts again as he bites my neck, igniting shivers.

Please don't let it stop, I think… and it doesn't. He is steadily rocking into my ass through our underwear, which no sooner, he pulls off, his with mine. 'God I want you' he says as he is licking into my ear. He can have me, my pussy is wet and I am his for the taking. He massages my tits as he inserts his hard, hot cock into my pussy. He fucks me, and oh he knows exactly where to go in the darkness, under the sheets. He knows. Like clockwork we cum together, his fingers in my mouth. He pulls me toward him again, as if possible to be any closer, and kisses me hard and exhales in relief. I let his cum keep my pussy wet all night. We fall into the deepest of sleeps, together, side-by-side.



  1. Thanks for replying. I appreciate you calling it direct, opens my mind to the play with words possible. This scene must have corresponded to my less than patient mood at the time. It is my first… thanks again!

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