Saturday Morning in Early Spring [M,F]

The sun and birds wake me up. I rub my eyes, stretch, yawn, and walk to the coffee pot and pour myself a cup. The kitties are playing and purring next to me to remind me to offer them treats for being so well behaved… What to do today?, I think to myself…. no prior commitments, nothing pushing me out into the world.. a blessing these days. I turn on the jazz station and open some windows. The breeze that comes through reflects a leaving winter.. it's cool and crisp, and optimistic. Or maybe that's just me…

I walk through my home and acknowledge my plants. Running my hands over their leaves, pruning back stems that have come and gone. I light the candle in the living room, that quickly delivers an aroma of warm cinnamon buns.

I put on shorts, a button down soft denim blouse, and a bandana rolled and tied to keep my hair back. I continue the rhythm I have naturally fallen into of caring for my home on this Spring Saturday.

As these tidy things go, I find myself scrubbing the shower caulk feverently, bending over and breaking a sweat…

…A strong and cool hand grabs me from behind.. down my pants and '?!!' …I turn around and it is my husband, he has a fierce look in his eyes… 'What are you doing home..,' I start.. 'Hello my love. I am here to fuck the love out of you and into me. Now turn around and bend over.'

At that moment there were no options, just the way. Do what the man says. After all, I promised before God to obey…

He is so hard. He is god forsaken hard. He is tearing down my shorts as he is unzipping his jeans. 'I have been thinking about this all day, I need to explode myself inside of you,NOW.'

Ready and willing, I grab the ledge of the tub and brace myself, 'I am yours' I whisper.

He grabs my hips and thrusts his cock into me, and, slowly but continuously, pulls himself out. He grabs my left breast and thrusts me again. I am no longer in control of my body yet I feel every movement, every single point of contact. I look back and see him looking down at my ass, we catch eyes.. this is where I always want to be. We are panting together as he glides in and out of my wet, wet pussy. He runs his fingertips down the center of my back and lowers me onto the bathroom floor and flips me onto my back, strong & gentle.. the ultimate masculine. 'You are a good girl,' he says 'and you make my dick ache for you, I cannot control myself any longer.' I put my arms across my belly as he continues to fuck into me. We both watch my tits bounce as the rhythm continues until my pussy can't take any more. 'Ooo… I am going to cum, baby…' …he slides his finger in my asshole as he continues to fuck me and watches me arrive. I thank him with my eyes the whole time, climaxing into peace. He kisses me and smirks. He wants to let his cum out now too and I can feel it… 'baby give it to me,' I say as he speeds himself up, grabs my waste, pulls himself in as deep as he can, and exclaims 'I am ready……' …. I feel myself fill up with his hot fluid, as he exhales in relief and his eyes roll back.

The moment is complete, we are complete, we have each other, and until we are together this way again, I am grateful.

'How about you let me buy you lunch, baby?' I say, =] After all, it's a Spring Saturday. ♡ ♡♡



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