From Sucking a Latte to Sucking a Dick

I knew in the back of my mind that it was gonna happen. To be honest, I was hoping it would.
We sat somewhat across from each other and we talked about ourselves. We hadn't gotten much time at work to do so, so I was eager to learn more about him. He had a lot to say and I didn't mind.
His supervisor was there too..which was a huge set back. They chatted for a while and I quietly sipped my latte and waited patiently. We had to keep things pretty PG-13 due to our close-quarter company but as soon as his Super left, he encouraged me to scoot closer. I was nervous of course, not convinced that he'd gone, but I did scoot closer. He immediately reached over to try and slip his fingers into the back of my pants. For what, I don't know. I was sitting and there was nothing back there to touch. Then again, oddly enough, just feeling his fingertips against my lower back…it made me excited. I was nearly leaned into him and we spoke lowly to each other. When his super popped back in, surprise surprise, I immediately tensed up. My arms were crossed and I tried to look as casual and non-solicitous as I could sitting practically against this man who I had no business hanging out with outside of work what with him being nearly three times my age and in a relationship.
He asked if I was okay because my body language seemed uncomfortable. I assured him that I was. I was just a little chilly.
We continued to talk quietly and we didn't get to talk about much. At least nothing I really wanted to talk about. Truthfully, I wanted to hear him say what this was to him and what he wanted but, that didn't happen. He invited me out to his truck and I gave him a very apprehensive look. He assured me that it'd be okay because of the arm rest that would be between us. I relented. I don't even remember why we reasoned that we should leave. I followed him out, he used the bathroom first..hmm..and we were out in his truck before I knew it. We started to chit chat but his phone rang and it was his girlfriend. I sat silently as he chatted with her completely nonchalant about dinner and whatever the hell. When he hung up, suddenly his hand was on my thigh.
A complete novice at sex, nevermind infidelity in a truck sitting in the parking lot of a coffee shop, I shifted my legs around awkwardly. He unbuttoned my jeans and delved his hand in then complimented my choice of intimate wear. I told him it was the same pair from in the photo I sent him..well..not that SAME pair but-
I didn't realize I was prattling on like I did when I got nervous. I don't know if he plopped my head in his lap to shut me up or if he was just wicked hard and was eager to get sucked. No matter the reason, I had my face in his lap and this uncut dick in my hand and I didn't know what the fuck to do or what he was expecting. I've had one dick my whole life and it was a six inch cut cock attached to a tall, skinny Viet guy my age.
I did what I normally did. I slipped my mouth over it and down to the base pressing my tongue against it (I would have liked to have been facing him but-) I swirled my tongue around it and sucked on the end slowly. He was very vocal and encouraging, something I wasn't used to at all and it turned me on. It definitely made me want to continue. Now..again, I've never had an uncut dick before but if I had, I might have known to slide down the extra skin and give his head axtra attention, but maybe my bobbing was sliding the skin against it anyway which apparently is something that felt good too (or so I read)
Anyway, I sucked away, nervous but excited. He groaned and moaned and called me things, things I don't remember but they were generally things like 'baby' or whatever, and I couldn't remember the last time I actually enjoyed having a dick in my mouth.
At some point, maybe I was taking too long, maybe it was out of habit, he put his hand on my head and encouraged me down further. He assured me that sucking him wouldn't be hard given his size but I could still feel his tip nearing the back of my throat.
Before I knew it, he got sorta quiet then there came a warm, familiar fluid rushing into my mouth. It wasn't as much as I was expecting, or hoping, but maybe that was normal for him. Maybe I hadn't done very well. Or maybe it was all caught in his skin. I swallowed then rose my head taking a peek at cock mostly out of curiosity. I sat up and immediately I had not idea what to do then. He thanked me though.
Wasn't sure if I should have been offended or not. I just said 'of course' and buttoned up my jeans. He said he enjoyed and he asked something about work or whatever. It was time for us to part ways so I got out. He thanked me again then quickly said for meeting up with talking with him, not the blowjob. He also complimented my ass and I just acted modest. He insisted then I proceeded to embarrass myself myself by feigning arrogance and agreeing with him. I quickly walked back to my car and tried not to think too much about it. Maybe it was the last time we'd get to do anything.
It was just the beginning. We haven't done much of anything since given our situations..but I came into the store he works at one day to deliver a coffee and walked out with my panties all screwed up.
No, he didn't rail me in the store room, though that would have been awesome, but we managed to sneak in a little bit of fingering during my ten minute break. I was too nervous to really enjoy it but I did get a little rush while walking back to where I worked. I'd gotten to grab his boner and feel his fingers between my lips and it had been a while since our meet up in the cafe so..I was more than happy with that.
If all goes well tomorrow, I might get to suck him off in the employee parking lot before we head in to work. Maybe this time the steering wheel won't be literally in my face.