Early to Rise [M/F]

(sort of chronicling the sexual adventures of an inexperienced and sexually starved 22 year old and her much older, experienced, ravenous partner. Not really meant to be erotic or fapped to)

Due to how things were going for us, I didn't expect our plans to actually go through. Funnily, the day before we'd decided to keep things strictly 'friendly'.
We sorta talked about it jokingly but the next morning we were both parked in employee-parking and well..
I got there first and parked near the back then I waited to see if things would really happen. Every time a car pulled in, I looked up to see who it was. An older truck pulled into a parking space along the fence and I thought it was him but he was still borrowing a car from a friend while his was out of commission. I found this out when he texted me with the color and make of the car he was in. Moments later, a car matching the description rolled by and I waited for him to pull up next to me but it kept going. I knew he knew what my car looked like so either it wasn't him or he somehow missed it. I couldn't tell if I was more nervous or excited but oddly, if something happened that prevented us from going through with it, I'd be okay. Maybe even relieved.
He suddenly his ringtone went off and I picked up. He asked where I was, he sounded tired..or maybe he was speaking lowly for some reason. Whatever it was, I kinda liked it. I wanted him to use that voice when he fucked him and said dirty things to me.
Anyway, I told him I was in the same row as him but back on the other end. He quickly came back around and pulled up next to me. I wasn't sure of what to do next so I fumbled around with my bag and phone after texting to see if he wanted me to just hop into the car he was in. I was getting impatient, or just anxious, so I looked over and could see him wave for me to come over. It looked like he was holding something and I thought maybe it was something to cover me with which struck me as odd. I got out, peeked around and saw nobody in the lot, nobody pulling in, no lights on..nothing..so I quickly hopped into the passenger side of the car he was in.
The seats were pleather and cold but I'd soon forget that. We idly chattered for a moment or two, I don't even really remember what about, and I watched him move the seat back and ready himself. I leaned in and asked if he was ready to which he replied with something along the lines of "oh, you know I am." and it was then I noticed, in the dark of morning (3:30ish dark) in the dim cabin of a window-tinted car, that he was already out and erect. I couldn't help but sort of smile/smirk out of anticipation and excitement. This time I wanted to do better. I wanted to try some things I read about and I didn't want to be the worst he's had.
The moment I placed my lips over his tip and sank own over him, he was urging me on and I loved it. I had his entire length in my mouth and sucked and swirled and pressed my tongue against his shaft. I bobbed my head and used my lips to pull the extra skin up over his head and back down, uncovering it. Once exposed, I eagerly took his tip just past my lips and sucked and ran my tongue over it. I made sure to run the tip and the flat of my tongue over every bit of skin, especially his head and just beneath it and the part that was normally against his head while he was covered. He slid his hand down my back and into the back of my pants. It didn't immediately occur to me what it was he was going for. I shifted to get closer to him and to allow him to reach whatever it was he specifically was going for. He ran his fingers between the lips of my pussy then delved one or two in, deep. It wasn't as rewarding as having his cock shoved deep inside it to the hilt, or so I would it imagine it would be, but just having him touch me, never mind my pussy and having his fingers inside me, felt amazing. The anticipation had been driving me nuts. Up until then it had only been groping and running his fingers between my lips for barely a minute. I felt him withdraw and slide back and I knew what was next. Before I could even form any expectations, he was pressing his fingertip against my tight anus and deftly slipping it inside. I expected pain..discomfort..but the obvious upside of having such an older, experienced partner was that they knew how to do things and the best way to do them. I was already wet from getting to have his cock in my mouth, but I became more so when he began to tease my sex and penetrate it. The clever old bastard used my vaginal wetness to lubricate my anus. This might seem like an obvious route to take for some but it didn't really come together for me until later in the day.
He had his finger planted within me and whether or not he moved it, I don't recall..somehow. I was so focused on giving him a worthy blowjob that I essentially forgot it was in there. I do know that it felt so good, that for all the time after during work, all I could think of was how amazing it would be to have him assfuck me which he was quite keen on getting to do at some point.
I took all of him into my mouth again and sank down as far as I could go without triggering my damnably sensitive gag reflex. I bobbed and suck, yaddayadda and again his hand was at the back of my head urging me down forward. I did my best to comply and tried to be quiet as I fought my gag reflex though I'm sure he could the back of my tongue struggling against him. He began to to pump his hips, essentially fucking my face and I tried to move in harmony but that was proving difficult. I ended up switching between bobbing and just letting him ram my mouth.
I must have accidentally let my teeth get loose because he said something like 'tongue and lips, tongue and lips'. I corrected myself and tried to make up for it with more hard sucking and tongue pressing. He groaned that he was about to cum and and I hummed in acknowledgement. We both moved quicker, furiously. His next utterance was something about slow and easy so I interpreted that into directions the best I could sliding my lips slowly up and down his length a little more gently. Once again I had a mouth full of this mans cum. After he'd finished, I continued to carefully run my tongue over him while keeping him inside my mouth for a few reasons.
I didn't really wanna let him go just yet, for one. If you'd read my previous post, you'd know it's been a while since I enjoyed having a dick in my mouth. I just really enjoyed having his hard cock pressed against my tongue.
I swirled my tongue around him again for his benefit as well as to make sure none of his cum had escaped me..for both of our benefit. As I lift my mouth from him, I used my lips to pull the skin back up over him and I sat up. My mouth felt oddly dry after I swallowed but I didn't pay that any mind. Most of what happened after is a blur. He made it known that he really wanted to fuck me and if we had the time, I would have coerced him into the back seat. Whenever he asked for the time and I gave it to him, he commented something along the lines of "that's it?" and maybe that should have been a cue that he was game for more action. I kick myself for not trying to find out.
We chatted on the way in and I hope that unevenness in my voice..he attributed to the chill. I wouldn't ever have ill will towards his relationship or girlfriend, but if things didn't work out, the one thing I'd be thinking of is the soonest we could meet up, ideally at his place, so he could fuck me numb from the hips down. For all the rest of my shift, I could smell him on me and it nearly drove me nuts. At one point I became lightheaded when I was hit by an oddly strong gust of his scent as I was fantasizing about riding him.
Life sure has a fucked up sense of humor.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/302kym/early_to_rise_mf