My husband Rocket and I were visiting Taiwan with his brother and one night we hit the town with about 10 of his friends who were in his language school. At dinner and at the bar it was a little bit awkward for the group because there wasn’t one language that we all could use, so someone was always having to translate the conversations and jokes. But regardless, within the first few hours we found our groove and were having an excellent time.
We decided to go from the bar to an Asian karaoke club. I had no idea how much fun they are. You get a private room that comfortably fits a group our size, a private bathroom and they will bring you a literal platter, stacked like a pyramid, of beer. Then they just leave you the fuck alone. This is when the true shenanigans got started. Rocket is a very large man (6’6, 240lbs) and his brother is about the same size, and they did a top notch rendition of Call Me Maybe. I got fully wasted and, as I’m a bit of a dancer, was fully getting down and flirting hard with a cute girl from Italy.