[M]y one and only MMF experience.

“Get your ass up, we’re going to Topanga’s,” I said to my college housemate Cody.

“Nope,” he replied, not taking his eyes off that very captivating game of NHL 97.

“Turn that shit off. Get your ass up. We’re going now,” I insisted.

“Nope,” Cody snapped, cruising Teemu Selänne up the ice.

“Oh yeah?” I said and pulled out a huge bottle of Bankers Club rum I had with me.

“Yep,” Cody flipped like a switch.

Cody jumped up, shut off the PlayStation, not even bothering to quit or save, and we were off. Topanga lived about a 10 minute walk away, so we were there in no time. We stopped to pick up a sleeve of Coke while we were out.

Oh Bankers Club rum, it was always Cody’s weak spot. Ugh, if I even smelled that shit today, I don’t know if I could keep from puking. Cody couldn’t turn it down though. Although most of the people in our lives at the time were assholes, he was one of the good ones. Kind of a chaotic-good type of personality.

[M]y one and only MFF experience.

I had a lot of asshole friends in college. The kind of jerkoffs who don’t have a lot of friends, but for some reason insist on being assholes to the few people that do actually like them. I moved on from these shitbags after a while, but for a long while they were a big part of my life.

The group had these two girls who would get relentlessly made fun of by these assholes, but for some reason, always want to hang out. I liked them and always treated them nicely. One was nicknamed Jewcy, as she said to be Juicy and was a Jew. The other was Arb, they would say her pussy probably looked like an Arby’s roast beef sandwich. Jewcy was smart and funny, I liked her most. Arb was not as quick witted but was genuine and very nice. Both had great bodies though they only had average looks. They made me laugh, and they liked to have fun. We’d drink and hang out, smoke, take in an occasional party, typical college stuff.

wang on the wall [MF]

I’ve always liked nsfw art (and all art in general). I remember when I was in elementary school taking the N encyclopedia and looking up “nude” and being amazed by Marcel Duchamp’s Nude Descending a Staircase. I love all the classics: Rubens, Goya, Titian, Picasso, Botticelli, Gauguin, Freud, Schiele. I’ll even take in some Hentai from time to time. For some reason, I never really brought this up with any of my partners. I guess I was kind of embarrassed by it.

Then I found myself seeing someone who equally into art as I was. She shared an apartment with a long-term friend, so most of the time we were alone there was sex going on. One weekend she was away and we were hanging out, having some beers, smoking a little weed.

“Have you ever done a nude?” she asked.

“No, not really” I admitted. I had never taken an art class and never tried anything like that. “What about you?”

“I did paint a couple nudes but never from life. I’d get off painting dicks when I was a teen.” We laughed. “Well, you can give it a shot any time you want.”

Breaking in the office. Including her boss’s desk. [MF]

Jenni was without question the most sexually insatiable woman I’ve ever encountered. Day and night, she was as horny as a 15 year old boy. She loved all aspects of sex. I’ve never met a woman who enjoyed kissing and petting as much as she did. Never experienced anyone who craved giving and getting oral as much as her. And sex, holly shit… I thought all-night or all-weekend sexathons were just figures of speech, or shit people wrote about in crummy porn, but Jenni taught me otherwise. 4-6 times a day, day after day, were not uncommon. She just loved it and could never get enough.

I’ll start off by giving a bit of background. Jenni was my 4th partner and I had been coming off of a major heartbreak. I had been head over heels in love and was sure she was going to be my wife. It had taken me a full year to recover. I wasn’t sure I was ready for love again, but I wanted to at least put myself out there.

snow emergency [MF]

“Oh fuck me!” I said as I slapped my forehead. “Did you read this?”

I pointed at my laptop. About 20 minutes ago, we had received a company wide email titled “SNOW EMERGENCY.” All business was cancelled for the day.

“What? No!” Heather said. “I can’t believe it!”

It was certainly odd. I figured there was absolutely nothing that would ever shut the whole company down. But outside, there were already about 6 inches of snow with a forecast of up to 12 more before turning to freezing rain.

“Damn it! If we had only gotten this message before we left,” I said with a groan.

It would have been nice. We could have stayed in bed, slept late, then fucked all afternoon. Heather and I were coworkers and we had started sleeping together about two weeks before. No one knew (yet). I was the project manager and technically her boss, though I had very little real power. We had decided not to mention our relationship to anyone just in case people took some issue with it.

Sometimes that’s all it takes. [MF]

Premature ejaculation.

What a bitch. What a soul-destroying monster. What a horrifying, anxiety producing terror.

It had hit me bad recently. At this point it was probably going into its third month. Why? Where did it come from? How could I escape from it?

I had been dating Jenni for almost a year. The sex had started off amazing. I had been coming off my first heartbreak. She was my third partner. I had been riding a sexual high for the first six months we were together. I was back in the saddle after a crushing breakup and it felt great. It had taken me over a year to get there and Jenni had seemed just what I needed. Things had started off with a bang. The sexual awakening I had with my last partner seemed to be carrying on and it seemed like it would forever. I hadn’t missed a beat after my long sexual layoff. I had been absolutely blowing her mind and was loving it.

[MF] transcendent sex

If you read some of the subs like /r/sex, you know there are frequent questions that are thinly vailed requests for fap stories. Rather than spam any of those subs, I thought I’d write something up for here. It was prompted from thinking about if there was one particular experience where you started as a child and left a man. It’s been almost 20 years now, but I remember it like it was yesterday.

Me: Post-college, not a ton of confidence or experience. Living the dream.
Her: Post-college. Beautiful, confident, yet self-destructive. My dream girl for years.

It’s the afternoon on a leisurely early fall weekend. After waking up late, we’ve spent most of the day in bed. It started out just lounging, but only being a couple for a month or so, this inevitably led to things turning sexual. I’m sitting upright in bed, leaning against the flat backboard. We’re both naked. She has her head on my chest and is lightly, ever so slowly running her fingers over my stiffening cock. Across from us, I can see our reflection in her dresser mirror.

Humming dreamily, she says, “I’m going to have to get myself a new dildo. Mine doesn’t do anything now.”

Magical Silent Bed [MF]

A while ago, I was dating a woman who had a roommate. This was a new thing for me, but it never ended up being a big deal. One of the main reasons for this is that none of us were assholes. The other was that her roommate was in graduate school and worked at the school library. This meant that at least twice a week, she wouldn’t be home until 10:30-11:30pm. So we could always schedule my visits around what days she would be late. We would always have time to hang out, make dinner, fuck like wild, and then watch a little TV or go to bed.

The thing that sucked most about staying there was that she only had a single bed. A fucking single bed… What are we children? In most ways it was just as shitty as you’d imagine. I always ended up getting pinned against the wall at night, couldn’t twist or turn, had to crawl over her to get out. However, it did have one thing going, it made absolutely no sound. I swear, you could have three hyperactive six year olds jumping on it, and you’d never be able to tell. I have absolutely no idea why this was, it had box springs, and I’m sure that it was the cheapest out there. It was just the magical silent bed.

Christmas party [M/F]

I’ve been slowly pecking away at this story for a while. It’s a recurring fantasy about another Redditor.


“Let’s get out of here.”

God, I’ve been waiting to hear those words for months. We slip away without saying anything. It’s our company Christmas party, no one’s likely to notice anyway. The office is only a block from the club the company booked for the party, and we damn near sprint back. No one is there, and our lust can finally be unleashed.

All of this had been building slowly. About six months ago, I had relocated across the country to California. It was a huge change for me being a life-long East Coaster. I came here for work and while I had a few friends scattered throughout the state, none actually lived in my city. It wasn’t easy for me. I tend to be shy as a newcomer. The new job was fine. As the company’s research lead, it was my job to keep the various projects on track and on budget. This required quite a bit of travelling between sites. It was during one of my frequent trips that I was introduced to Cassie.

listening to (m)y friend’s parents (MC)

I wrote this up as if it was a /r/gonewildstories post. It is fiction, but has been a fantasy of mine since the times I describe.


This happened when I was a teenager. I believe it was my first year of highschool. My friend Sean and I been trying to make it through Mario 3. We took the bus after school back to his house, but when we got there, Sean realized he had forgotten something he had to get his parents to sign (for a club he was in or something). It needed to get done for tomorrow, so he decided to take his bike back to school while I got us past the first few easy worlds. I had my backpack with me, so I took out my walkman and started listening to some music while I played (Pearl Jam’s album Ten, I believe). Sean had just left when I heard the garage door go up. “Hummm… His parents are home,” I thought to myself. No worries, they knew me well, and I didn’t feel the need to yell down that I was there. Us sitting around playing Nintendo was not an uncommon occurrence. Sean’s room was upstairs, and I had the door open. From where he had set up his TV, you could only see if anyone was playing video games by sticking your head completely inside and around the door. So, I hadn’t set out to be a voyeur, I was just hoping to get to at least World 4 before Sean got back.