Coworker ‘fun’ [MF]

So for some background I had been working at the restaurant for 4 years now. had my fair share of ‘dipping my pen in company ink.’ You know; the usual as far as the service industry goes.

Well 4 or 5 months ago we hired on a new employee. She has 20+ years in the industry and looks -great- for 4.
She works out daily, stays up on her dieting and vitamins. Honestly she is a dangerous woman! Puerto Rican with the ass and accent to match! Just a full package.

Me being 24 it was a little off putting to hear her 2 sons are within my age range but shoot.

I still want to blow her back out and I can feel a chemistry building between us with each day I see her.

It started off with a tapping the side of her hips when I am moving around her. The occasional running my hand across her back and asking her if she needs and help. Yah know, the ‘I like you and enjoy physical contact but we need to be PG at work.’ contact.

[MF] I 24m want to sleep with my 40f coworker.

Where do I begin on this woman?

She is intoxicating. 40, thick but slim at the same time. Shorter than me. Significantly shorter than me so her hugs are always that much more special.

I think what began this urge was her hands being on me. She’s petite with small hands so I know she would need both hands to wield my cock.

It is just so dangerous being in her area. The way she teases me and tickles me with her nails. Agh.

Maybe it’s her being Columbian and having a thick accent that helps my desires. The way she says husband and talks about her kids who aren’t too much younger than me.

Why do I want to have sex with women older than me??? It is such a sexy thought

[m] [str8] Us endowed u/

To keep it short and to the point. It is so hot when women peek at my soft cock outline. Working in the restaurant industry we follow the same dress code. Black everything and a few months ago I went to target and bought golf pants. Little did I know I was opening Pandora’s box! Gosh. My fellow men with big penis will know exactly what I mean when I say it feels -POWERFUL- to have women look at it and catch them looking. Eye contact after as if to say “Hey hon’ my eyes are up here” hahaha.

Is it exhibition if it is unintentional and it is just a naturally big penis? I’ve been wondering that. I mean, managers haven’t said anything and I’ve caught both M and W taking a peek and looking away. No one has said anything directly to me about it so for the time being I just assume it is fair game. So long as I stay soft when my apron is off and don’t walk around full hog it is fun.

Women are just as perverted as men. We stare at asses, they peek at bulges.

Categorized as sexystories

[MF] 21M affair with 26F

Where to start with that..

I guess I will start where the chemistry first began. Working in the restaurant industry as a server, her in the take out area, you begin to see faces often and at 21, her 26 it was hard not to take longer looks of her than I’d care to admit. Not in a creepy way, more of admiration. She was a full figure woman. Petite, a lovely ass, nice thighs and just a cute little thang. Now keep in mind she was married to one of our bartenders in the restaurant. It was cute to see them leave together, talk, eat lunch breaks or kiss. They were a cute couple for sure, I would never deny that. It’s just..I wanted to have sex with her haha.

Ranting / M24 Str8

Stand in front of me. Close. Close enough where you can feel the warmth of my body. Now that we are close, look up as I put a finger under your chin and lift your head up.
Close your eyes for daddy. Feel my other hand rest on the side of your jaw. One kiss. On the forehead, slow and lingering. Another, on your right cheek, just as slow and lingering. Finally another on your left cheek.
I ask you “Is baby girl ready for daddy to break her?”
You open your eyes and I can a slight worry in your eyes. You shakingly reply “Yes daddy..anything for you.”
I give you one more kiss, remind you that you are a good girl and lay you on the bed.
Now I begin to have my fun.
“You will close your eyes and only listen to my voice. Do not open them unless I tell you to, okay kitten?”

Before you could even reply my hand is slipping around your throat. A soft squeeze. Just enough pressure to start the circulation loss, you smile and let out a moan of reassurance. You are daddys girl, you know I wont hurt you.

Why I (24M) love to eat pussy.

When I think back to my fondest memories they include things such as sailing on my 21st birthday, seeing the Giants win the 08 Super Bowl over the undefeated Patriots..or the first time I ate a woman out with full intentions of getting her off.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am just 24 y/o with experience on only 2 separate women BUT I think my sensuality makes me good, if not great at the subject matter.

Where to begin on the art form? It really is art. The female orgasm is a tender thing. It is mind racing when you begin to learn their orgasms and how their body begins to react to stimuli. I’ll stand by it that the best foreplay is leaving soft, trailing kisses from the inner part of one thigh, down and up the other thigh.

Knowing someone’s body. Respecting it but always willing to test its limits. Invigorating. Seeing the gradual breaking of someone when their orgasms become a second nature to you and you know how to use it to both of your advantages…

Now 24M (Str8) mF reminiscing. (sex story)

It was 3 going on 4 years ago when I slept with my first coworker who, at the time was just turning 27. I was a fresh 21 year old, thin, inexperienced and looking to do nothing but fuck, really. Well fast forward 2 months after her and I officially started talking in more than “friendly coworkers” way and it started to pick up. I am a 6 foot tall guy with hands that belong in the NBA so it was exciting for both of us for me to put my hand on her thigh when we needed to move around each other. Softly squeeze her leg when I was reaching down to grab something. Whisper behind her ear something slightly naughty and see her smile light up and blush follow. It was intoxicating. The allure of nothing having slept with someone but you can feel tensions building. Well, the day we first did anything we were both ready. Both had our Tumblr mugs filled with alcohol and mixers and I remember we were watching a Documentary on the 9/11 Disaster on Netflix. Her head was on my lap and I was beginning to feel my dick rise. Out of fear of rejection I asked her to move her head and she politely refused. We both knew what was happening. My hand found it’s way to her throat as I softly started to press the sides of her neck. She softly sighed and took a deep breath. Hand reaching up to caress the tip of my penis through my shorts. It was in that exact moment I took a leap of faith. I remember telling her I need to taste you! She laughed as I turned her body over, hovered my face over the middle of her thighs and gave her a kiss through the shorts, right on the clit. Her breath became more shallow as I started kissing her inner thighs and running my thumb across her. She was wearing those Nike running shorts or “dick me down shorts” so it was stimulating for us both. I remember as I was pulling her shorts down I was telling her how much I longed to taste her. She was vegetarian so I was curious to know if they tasted any different -foolish I know- but still I gave it a kiss. It was like fireworks going off in my mouth. Not only did she taste good, it was just a great combination. Feeling her lips stretch as I sucked them. Whispering through breaks to tell her how good she tasted. It must’ve been too much because I remember her pulling my head away quick, stopping me. When I asked her what was wrong she told me she didn’t want me having her orgasm so quick.

Categorized as sexystories