Alternatum, an adult ‘choose your own adventure’ project in which you’re transported to an alternate world where your sexual fantasies are the casually accepted norm.

Hey, everybody! I'm a brand-new CHYOO writer, known there as Squelchapron. The story I call home is called Alternatum, a casual/free-use fetish tale told from a 2nd-person male perspective:

It was created by the incomparable ChaosMuramasa, who also moderates /r/borednignored. Anybody can add to his tale as I have, with your submissions being edited and (hopefully) approved by him.

Alternatum is my first experience with making my writing public, and my first foray into erotic literature in general. Since late August I've been plugging away at my own branch of the story, which takes place in the 'Free Use: D-cup+ / Sex-Hungry Virgins' universe, and begins here:

I'm posting because, although my chapters have around 6000 views combined (squee), I haven't gotten a lot of comments. I would love your feedback, including criticism and suggestions; you can reach me here on reddit, or leave more specific notes by commenting on the submission they're regarding.

Thanks, guys and gals; I look forward to hearing from you.