Alternatum, an adult ‘choose your own adventure’ project in which you’re transported to an alternate world where your sexual fantasies are the casually accepted norm.

Hey, everybody! I'm a brand-new CHYOO writer, known there as Squelchapron. The story I call home is called Alternatum, a casual/free-use fetish tale told from a 2nd-person male perspective:

It was created by the incomparable ChaosMuramasa, who also moderates /r/borednignored. Anybody can add to his tale as I have, with your submissions being edited and (hopefully) approved by him.

Alternatum is my first experience with making my writing public, and my first foray into erotic literature in general. Since late August I've been plugging away at my own branch of the story, which takes place in the 'Free Use: D-cup+ / Sex-Hungry Virgins' universe, and begins here:

I'm posting because, although my chapters have around 6000 views combined (squee), I haven't gotten a lot of comments. I would love your feedback, including criticism and suggestions; you can reach me here on reddit, or leave more specific notes by commenting on the submission they're regarding.

Thanks, guys and gals; I look forward to hearing from you.



  1. I really liked it! Though I hope there’ll one day be a greater selection of choices and maybe a little more of that cocky Charles. Great job!

  2. Thanks, that’s good to hear! Did you read through the whole thing? It’s quite an ordeal trying to read it cover-to-cover with all the branching.

  3. No, sorry, I was too tired to do so I only went through the [Free Use: A-Cup to D-Cup (1A+1C), Occasional Absentminded Dressing, 2C] path, but I will try some other paths tomorrow when I’m not too exhausted.

  4. No problem! That path is the work of a brand-new contributor, even more recent than me, and it’s coming along nicely. I’d love to see what you think of mine.

  5. Never fear, many if not all of the branches are actively growing. Personally, I have a backlog of about 30 that ChaosMuramasa is working on editing and approving. By the way, I’d reccommend skipping past the first Amy scene and continuing with that branch; it splits again, and one of the routes has nothing to do with her, and has a ton of content on it. Happy reading, and be sure to comment with suggestions and reviews!

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