Jen’s University Chronicles Part 17-Flashback to my First Time [MF]

Hey everyone! Sorry for the delay, getting back into the swing of class while everything covid related is leaving schools in total uncertainty plus Emily really gearing into indoor season has really left me in a bit of a writers block mood, but I’ve persevered and today you have my story of my first time. If you’ve read my Q&As you know what answer I’ve given for when this event happened, but for the purposes of reddit terms of service, all persons in this story are 18 and it is written as such. I hope you guys enjoy, and plan on getting another Chapter in in the next few days now that I’m back in my writing mood again! As always, feel free to drop a message in our DMs or leave something in the comments! We try to respond to everyone! And if you have something specifically for me or Emily, just say so and we’ll be sure to get to you! ♡ Jen

Emily’s University Chronicles Part 1-Webcam Fun [F18]

Hey everyone, it’s Emily! The runner girl roommate/girlfriend from all of Jen’s stories. I’m trying something new in the new year and joining in Jen’s writing (with her help). I don’t intend to recap anything you’ve already read with her, but I will give my thoughts on them quickly before sharing a story of my own. If this is something you enjoy, please let me know and I’ll keep trying my hand at writing. If you’re completely uninterested…well, I might just keep trying anyway.


1. Yes I have been with three men. One in HS and one in college while I was struggling to be “normal” before ultimately deciding to come out, which is a decision that ultimately cost me my family but gained me Jen, the absolute most wonderful woman I’ve ever met. It hurts and I wish I could share our love with my family, but I can’t change what’s in their hearts, I can only take care of my own. The 3rd man I’ve been with was a nonconsensual event that I won’t write a chapter about, but will discuss in private if you’re struggling with sexual trauma and need someone. I’m here for you.

Jen’s University Chronicles Part 16-Yuki’s Virginity [M/F]

Hey everyone! Jen and Emily here with a little Christmas Eve treat for you! Another Chapter! This one includes full on sex, don’t worry. I know the last few have been slower. Be sure to leave a comment or shoot a DM if you’re in the mood to chat or if you have any constructive feedback! <3 Jen & Em

The end of January was now upon us and I had been hanging out with Yuki pretty much every day. We hadn’t done anything sexual besides some makeouts since the day he had dry humped me in my black satin panties. I asked him over coffee if he had thought about taking things further and he admitted he was still nervous, but didn’t think I’d feel like he was just using me for sex if we went all the way now….Yuki, if that’s what we’ve been waiting for I should slap you, I would have had sex with you 2 weeks ago. Your girlfriend is horny damnit…

Jen’s University Chronicles Part 15-Next Steps with Yuki [F19]

Hey everyone! Hope you’re having a great holiday season! Emily and I are with my family, so the focus has been on them but I promise we’re still here for your enjoyment as well (;

Today’s chapter is a 2nd story with Yuki. I promise there is more to come with Emily, but at this phase of our life, our sexual routine had become fairly routine. Occasional makeouts, some mutual masturbation to an interesting porn clip and yes, some sex. A fair bit of sex actually. But nothing that makes the list of things to write about quite yet. Yet. Like I said, much more of her and I to cum! As always, we hope you enjoy this chapter, feel free to comment or DM us if you have any questions or critiques or just wanna chat! <3 Jen&Em

Still in January, 2nd semester of freshman year, a few days after Yuki’s premature conclusion to our fun, he and I were back out on another coffee date. What I adored about Yuki was his focus on doing things away from the bedroom as much as it was in the bedroom. Too often, guys in college just wanna come over and fuck. But Yuki knew I love getting coffee and would make it a point to take the time to go get coffee with me and just sit and talk and get to know eachother. So sweet. Be like Yuki.

Jen’s University Chronicles Part 14-Meeting Yuki [MF]

Hey everyone, I’m back!! Sorry I’ve been off the grid, finals really kicked my butt and I needed to focus on grades vs my reddit karma. Overall they went well and Emily and I are both on track to graduate in one more semester. We’re both currently on vacation at my parent’s house, so I promise to write but not Uber frequently because you know…holidays with family.

This chapter takes us into 2nd semester of freshman year. After our return from break, Emily and I had had a few makeout sessions and had has sex, but nothing “chapter worthy”. Nick and I had also reunited, quickly discovered a lot of the passion had kinda died after a few weeks apart, and he let me know he was leaving our school to transfer closer to home at the end of the year, so we ended up parting ways pretty amicably after like 2 weeks.

Jen’s University Chronicles-Giving Nick My Bum for Christmas [MF]

Hey guys! Reposting this chapter as part of the Monthly Contest Submission! ♡Jen

Following my experience with Emily, allowing her to explore my bum with toys for the first time, I decided I’d give Nick the present he asked for for Christmas. My butt. It’d be another first for me and something he’d been dying to try and all it would cost me would be a fresh bottle of lube. Winning!

I texted Nick the weekend before finals kicked into full swing, Emily was away, and told him to come down to our room for his Christmas present. I decided for a little sexy suprise that I’d present myself naked on all 4s with a stick on ribbon on my butt with only that and a Santa hat on when Nick came down. He opened the door and I got a “holy shit that’s hot”, noting that my outfit was not unappreciated. I stayed bent over, my back arched in doggy with my breasts pressed into the bed, my face resting on a pillow and I told Nick that I was his to use tonight, as long as he used lube and fingers first, pointing to the bottle on my nightstand.

Jen’s University Chronicles Part 13-Nick’s Christmas Present in My Bum [M/F]

Hey guys! Sorry for the delay posting, like I said, with the mad rush to finals, it’s been hard to find time to sit down and write. I promise to keep giving you a few chapters a week, so hang in there with me! Emily and I truly love reading your comments and DMs so keep them cumming…coming…you keep cumming(; see what I did there? I hope you enjoy the story and keep following us! ♡Jen and Em

Following my experience with Emily, allowing her to explore my bum with toys for the first time, I decided I’d give Nick the present he asked for for Christmas. My butt. It’d be another first for me and something he’d been dying to try and all it would cost me would be a fresh bottle of lube. Winning!

Jen’s University Chronicles Part 12-First Time in the Bum [F/F]

Hey guys, Jen here! Sorry for the delay in writing…the rush towards finals is completely real and you know, school over sex stories. Butttt tonight you get a good one…the first thing to go up my butt ;) we both had a lot of fun with the Ask us Anything post last night and I’ve pinned it to the top of our page, so if you have anything you want answered, that’ll stay up forevaaa! Lol seriously, as always, hit me up in the comments, DMs, the AMA post, anything. We’re always happy to chat or reply! Hope you enjoy tonight! ♡Jen

We find ourselves coming down the wire towards the end of our very first semester of college, Nick and I were kinda sorta dating/more like fuck buddies and I was still learning and growing with Emily. I asked Nick what he wanted for Christmas since we were in the awkward are we dating or just fucking idk and he was like “I don’t need a present, I want your butt”….okay, save me some money, let me think about that one. I’d obviously had him do the whole “thumb putting pressure on my hole” while we did doggy before, but I’d never actually put anything in there before. Again, let me think on that one and I’ll get back to you…you might just get some shaving kit or something, you might get my butt…we’ll see.

Jen’s University Chronicles Part 11-Sixty-Nine [FF]

Hey everyone, Jen and Em coming to you from our bed back in the dorms. Yes, for all of you slightly confused by the timeline presented in my comments vs the actual story, she and I just started dating openly even though we’ve been messing around for almost our entire college career. To clear things up, here’s a little timeline:

College Year 1: where we start in the story and where Emily and I start experimenting/having sex
College year 2: still to come in the story, but where Emily publicly comes out as a lesbian, has her family completely oust her, and she begins coming home with me over break
College year 3: Emily tries dating someone, it crashes and burns and I’m there to pick her up and be her friend. Also when I begin to seriously consider the prospect of an “out” relationship with Emily, despite seeing the struggles she’s experienced
College year 4: the year we got an off campus apartment together only to get holed up in the great rona shutdown and remote learning for a year. We privately transition to being “a thing” somewhere partway through when we decide 2 beds in 1 bedroom is a waste of space and go for just 1 bed.
College year 5: present day, Emily gets selected to be an RA and I move into her room with her. At Thanksgiving break (this past week), Emily publicly asks me to be her girlfriend and we both step out of the closet together and live happily ever after.

Jen’s University Chronicles Part 10-Cumming Together [MF]

Hey everyone! Jen and Emily here, Jen’s still the only author but Em is currently snuggled against my shoulder in bed as I write, so she claims you get a story from both of us today. As always, I am super open to feedback and the comments and my DMs are always open! Tomorrow we start back class in the mad rush to finals, so if I’m just on in the evenings or miss a day here and there, don’t be suprised, I pay a lot of money for my education and reddit just gives me karma lol seriously though, the goal while I’m finishing up the semester is 4 sometimes 3 chapters a week, with replies to messages and comments every day. It takes time to write these and some days I just won’t have it. I hope you enjoy today’s chapter, which welcomes back Nick! ♡Jen…and Em(;