Molly, Jacob, and Camden – Summertime Blues 3 [FF][oral]

Click on my username to see the previous story posts featuring these three. This is the last part of this story.

Molly split her time during the week between work and fixing up their new apartment. Jacob had avoided her after she'd pressed him about Camden. She knew he worked out at his gym or went to extra practices for the school soccer team tryouts coming up in a couple of weeks. Even though he had a scholarship for soccer, he was still expected to compete for his position.

Zoe mentioned seeing Jacob around the sorority house with Anna in the evenings. If he came home after she went to sleep, he was gone again before she woke up. It was almost like living alone in the apartment and left Molly far too much time with her thoughts.

Tuesday night, after she got off working a double shift at the restaurant, Molly fumbled the key into the lock and pushed through the door to their apartment. The quiet and darkness were welcome after her busy day waiting tables. After showering off the stink of food and grease, she put on sweats, grabbed one of the few ciders left in the fridge, and curled up on the love seat with her phone.

Molly, Jacob, and Camden – Summertime Blues 2 [FF][MF][oral]

Click on my username to see the previous story posts featuring these three. There will be more to come.

Early Saturday morning Molly and Jacob were dressed in grungy sweats and ready to move into their new apartment. Molly could still detect the faint aroma of Zoe's personal scent as she moved around the dining room packing the last few items in boxes. It kept a smile on her face and her thoughts away from Camden.

Jacob had just headed out with a large box when their father, Justin, appeared looking uncomfortable. "You're getting an early start," he observed.

"Hey Dad," Molly said as she taped the box closed she was working on. "You gonna miss us?" She knew he was worried about the empty nest, but there seemed to be something else bothering him. "You okay?"

"Camden stopped by last night," he said with a carefully neutral expression.

The official cover story had been that Camden and Jacob had been dating. No one had questioned Molly always hanging around her best friend and brother. Even though Camden insisted she wanted to be open about her relationship with Molly as well, they had never found the right time to come out.

Molly, Jacob, and Camden – Summertime Blues 1 [MF][FF][oral]

Click on my username to see the previous story posts featuring these three. There will be more to come.

When the charter bus from Camp Wikinoki finally pulled into the school parking lot, Molly looked at her twin brother Jacob who was licking his lips. He had a spray of colorful wild flowers in his fist. She knew they each loved Camden in their own way, so the six weeks she'd spent away as a senior camp counselor had been hard on them both.

"Why am I so nervous?" Jacob whispered.

"Six weeks of pent up sexual frustration?" Molly whispered back with a raised eyebrow. When he blushed she asked, "Don't tell me you cheated? Her instructions were very specific when she left."

"It would have been easier if you hadn't spent the whole time out at our pool in that black bikini. I swear you outgrew it in eighth grade." He gave her a dirty look.

She glared back. "Who kept walking around naked every morning?"

"Who cares? We made it," he sighed. "And there she is."

Molly's smile faded when she saw Camden's downcast eyes.

Molly, Jacob, and Camden 4 [ff][fmf][mf][inc][oral][bdsm]

"I don't know about y'all, but that just blew my mind," Jacob said.

Molly was still enjoying the afterglow sitting next to her brother and her best friend, Camden, on the sectional couch. Camden was sitting across his lap, with her face buried into his neck, nuzzling and making happy sounds.

Her brother had just taken her virginity, then finished inside Camden. From his perspective it probably was the high point of his life. It was hard to believe the three of them had all been virgins the day before.

Molly's mind wouldn't let her rest for long. "Don't leak on the couch. Stain proof Microfiber or not, it was a bitch getting your cum off yesterday before Dad got home."

"Buzz kill," he muttered at her. "I gotta go pee anyway."

Camden held the condom as she slid off next to him. "I'm gonna get a drink. Want anything?"

"I'm fine," he said as he stood. "Damn, my abs are killing me. I never knew sex was this much of a workout."

Molly watched his ass as he walked to their bathroom, smiling as his firm cheeks swayed until he passed into the hallway.

Molly, Jacob, and Camden 3 [fmf][mf][inc][oral]

The loud happy tune from Camden's phone woke them all with protesting groans. Camden climbed over Jacob to retrieve her phone from the night stand and swiped the screen to answer the call.

Molly listened as Camden confirmed she was fine, that she remembered her promise to help her mother, and that she'd be home in a few minutes. Hiding the disappointment she felt, Molly rolled over to face them both.

"Fuck," Camden said as she sat yawning with her hands straightening her tousled hair. "I wanted to hang out, but I forgot Mom asked me to help her today."

"Want us to come help?" Jacob offered. He rubbed her back with a relaxed familiarity and then yawned in turn.

"No," she sighed. "We're going through some stuff in the attic. There won't be room for more than the two of us up there anyway. It won't take all day, so maybe I can come back this afternoon?" She grinned at the end and reached out to touch them both.

"Good," Jacob said with a relaxed smile. "I'll grill steaks for dinner if you guys want."

Molly, Jacob, and Camden 2 [ff][mf][inc][oral]

Molly heard the garage door open and scanned the room one last time. They had dressed and sprayed air freshener, but the musky scent of sex still seemed too obvious for their father to miss.

"It's fine. We're fine," Jacob assured her. "Just relax. God knows I'm relaxed." The satisfied smile on his face made her chuckle.

He had his feet up on the coffee table with Camden's head in his lap. Molly was sitting with Camden's legs across her lap and was tracing her bare feet with trembling fingers. Camden had lovely feet, with perfectly pink nails. Molly had painted those nails a hundred times over the years, but touching them now created a new kind of flutter in her stomach.

Dad came in through the kitchen. "Hey," he muttered, sounding tense and tired. "I got some bad news. I'm gonna have to fly out tonight to fix a screw up in Atlanta. Jacob, I'm gonna need you to run me to the airport and pick me up again on Sunday afternoon."

"Sure thing, Dad." Jacob's eyes were wide as he glanced between Camden and Molly. He whispered, "You'll wait for me?"

Molly, Jacob, and Camden [fmf][inc][oral][first]

Molly and Jacob sat at their kitchen table for breakfast, each doing homework. The twins may have looked the same, but the outgoing Molly had established her dominating role early on, despite being born second.

"Hey shit head, what did you get for that polynomial factor question?" she asked without looking up from the binder she was scribbling in with a short pencil.

"Bite me, cunt lips," he replied.

"Did you figure it out or get bored half-way through and jerk off?" she looked up with a wicked twinkle in her eye.

"I jacked it to your friend Camden and spelled the answer on the shower wall."

"Just tell me!" Her impatience was showing in her red cheeks so he cracked open his binder to see.

"X squared plus Y squared minus 1," he said and slammed it shut again.

"I knew it."

"Then why'd you ask?"

"To make sure you knew."

He sighed noisily and returned to reading his history text.

"So what did they talk to you about in your health class yesterday?" She stuck the tip of her pencil between her lips.