Molly, Jacob, and Camden 4 [ff][fmf][mf][inc][oral][bdsm]

"I don't know about y'all, but that just blew my mind," Jacob said.

Molly was still enjoying the afterglow sitting next to her brother and her best friend, Camden, on the sectional couch. Camden was sitting across his lap, with her face buried into his neck, nuzzling and making happy sounds.

Her brother had just taken her virginity, then finished inside Camden. From his perspective it probably was the high point of his life. It was hard to believe the three of them had all been virgins the day before.

Molly's mind wouldn't let her rest for long. "Don't leak on the couch. Stain proof Microfiber or not, it was a bitch getting your cum off yesterday before Dad got home."

"Buzz kill," he muttered at her. "I gotta go pee anyway."

Camden held the condom as she slid off next to him. "I'm gonna get a drink. Want anything?"

"I'm fine," he said as he stood. "Damn, my abs are killing me. I never knew sex was this much of a workout."

Molly watched his ass as he walked to their bathroom, smiling as his firm cheeks swayed until he passed into the hallway.

"He does have a great ass," Camden sighed, then got up to go to the kitchen.

Molly got up and followed her, enjoying Camden's softer curves just as much. "I don't know whose I like more." She rubbed her friends cheeks when they stopped next to the fridge.

"So how was it?" Camden asked with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

"Kinda rough at first. It didn't seem like it hurt you yesterday." The sore ache inside was bearable, but she hoped it got easier in time.

"It didn't but I think I'm a little bigger than you down there. It seemed okay for you by the end." Camden opened the cabinet to get out a water glass.

Molly took it from her and filled it with ice and water from the fridge. "That was mostly your fingers and kisses. I liked rubbing against your tits, too."

They eyed each other as they leaned against the counter to share the glass of water. Camden put the glass down and stepped close to rub her breasts against Molly's chest again. "You're right," she said and tilted her head for a kiss.

When their soft lips touched Molly had to shut her eyes. Reaching around to hold her closer, Camden pressed their bodies together and slid slowly to create a delicious friction. Molly felt light-headed and giddy, so she tickled her tongue along Camden's lips to let her know she liked it.

The moment heated up quickly as Camden reached into Molly's long hair to pull her head back, exposing her neck to more aggressive licks and nibbles. Being forced that way made Molly tremble and gasp quietly in the dark kitchen. "Oh, I think I like that," she whispered.

"What if I told you I want to hold you down and fuck you with my fingers," Camden said with an uncharacteristic growl.

"Holy shit, I wanna see that," Jacob whispered from where he had stopped to watch them with wide eyes.

"Go to your room, then, both of you. You've been a naughty boy and girl," Camden said, seeming to relish the dominant role. The idea of being submissive to Camden, a reversal of their normal pattern of friendship, put chills up Molly's back. ` "Yes, Ma'am," she whispered, hiding her grin as she walked past her brother. Jacob turned to follow Molly with the same subservient manner, but couldn't seem to help grinning.

They arrived in her room and stood by the bed while Camden stood at the door with a frown of disapproval and her arms crossed under her breasts. Her smile flickered for a moment, then she pointed at the bed. "On your back," she said to Molly, then turned to Jacob. "Your job is to keep her nipples hard. If I look up and see them soft I'm going to punish you severely."

Molly scampered up to the pillows and lay with her arms at her sides. Jacob followed quickly and immediately began to massage her rounded breasts, tweaking the nipples between his fingers. They gave each other a quick grin, then schooled their expressions to chaste obedience.

Camden climbed up from the bottom of the bed and pushed her knees apart with a rough thrust. She had picked up the lotion and last condom up at some point because she dropped the foil packet on the bed to squeeze a bit of the lotion in her hand.

"You will not make any noise," she told Molly with a serious expression. "I don't want to hear so much as a gasp or a whimper or see you move without my permission."

Biting her bottom lip, Molly nodded.

"Say Yes, Ma'am when I speak to you," Camden commanded, obviously trying not to smile.

"Yes, Ma'am," Molly whispered. She was on fire already from what Jacob was doing, but the idea of having to keep quiet while Camden teased her would drive her crazy.

"And remember, you both must ask my permission to cum."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Molly began to pant as Camden smoothed the lotion across her labia. Still sore from Jacob's cock, she forced herself not to wince or pull away.

Camden leaned over to look Molly in the eyes as she slipped her middle finger inside. Molly noticed she was being careful, but not tender. Then Camden pressed her palm down hard.

Molly had to bite her lip even harder to keep the moan in. The pressure of Camden's hand pushing on the outside coupled with the finger thrusting inside made keeping still and quiet a real challenge.

That was also the moment Jacob lowered his mouth to take a painfully hard nipple between his lips. His tongue circled as the suction pulled her skin up. It took a supreme act of will to keep silent.

"Good girl," Camden whispered. "Good, kitten."

The words made sparks shoot along her limbs and she felt her skin prickle, then she shivered from the sensation.

"Ah!" Camden exclaimed when she saw her move. "That broke my rule. And now you must be punished." She removed her hand and pushed Jacob away. "Roll over now and kneel across the bed."

"Yes, Ma'am," Molly whispered as she quickly obeyed. The irrational fear she felt added to her arousal, cross-circuiting in her brain until she felt a few drops of her arousal leak down her thigh.

"Face on the bed, hips in the air," Camden commanded and again Molly complied without complaint. "Jacob, go clean your cock. I only want clean meat for my kitten."

Then Camden gave Molly's bare ass two hard slaps, one on each cheek. Molly felt the heat rise and knew there would be bright pink hand prints. Going with the role she was playing she said, "Thank you, Ma'am."

Camden rubbed her ass then, almost petting her like a cat. "Do you like being my kitten?" she asked, then dragged a slippery fingertip between her cheeks.

"Y-Yes, Ma'am." Molly had to grip the sheets to keep from pushing back against that wonderful finger tracing down into her wet mess.

"Good." Camden sounded both pleased and amused. "To prove it you must let your brother fuck your mouth."

Jacob had just returned and was drying off with a hand towel. His sharp intake of breath at her words drew Camden's attention to him. "Stand in front of her and begin."

Molly was still trying to control herself from Camden's pleasant stimulation when Jacob approached her with his soft cock in his hand. She reached out to draw him closer, cupping his balls with her fingers as he guided his shaft between her lips. The only flavor was clean skin and a hint of soap.

He was still soft at first, but when she licked under his head and slid her lips down his shaft he quickly stiffened. She kept her jaw open and let him control the motions while Camden continued to tease her clit. It was hard to concentrate on two things at once, so she let them both have their way with her and enjoyed letting herself be controlled.

"I'm pleased, kitten. You're keeping still and quiet, but I haven't finished testing you yet." Her voice was strong, commanding, but the hint of amusement couldn't be entirely suppressed.

Molly felt Camden's breath first, a warning of what was to come. Then the warm, soft tongue began it's slow trip from her waist to slide down between her open cheeks. The tickle at first was just bearable, but when the tongue touched her puckered opening, she moaned around Jacob's cock and pushed back to open herself even more.

The stinging slap made her jump, but she forced herself to stillness again. The dribble of arousal she'd felt leaking out before was now a continuous stream of cool drops winding their way down her thighs.

"Keep still," Camden commanded, then bent to lick her again, still rubbing at the swollen nub with her fingers.

Jacob was like a rod of iron as he continued to move between her lips. He had placed his hands on her shoulders to steady himself, leaking a slippery precum that made her mouth water in response.

Molly's phone rang on the night stand and without changing his slow pace Jacob reached out to pick it up. "It's Dad," he said and answered the call while thrusting slowly between her lips.

"Hey Dad," he answered, sounding completely normal as she licked along his shaft. "She's in the bathroom, what's up?" Camden dragged her tongue around in circles. "Nothin', just hanging out." Molly's heart rate had doubled since the call came in, but the excitement added to her arousal. "Okay, I'll be there. See ya tomorrow. Bye."

When he put the phone back down, Molly wanted to sigh in relief but knew what would happen if she moved and made noise. So instead she forced herself to relax as Camden brought her along, letting the sensations flow through her without response or reaction. There was a freedom in being controlled like this, she realized. Being used and pleased at the same time created a satisfying symmetry in her mind.

"May I cum?" Jacob whispered. The slick feeling in her mouth was intensifying as he obviously was nearing his own end.

"No," Camden said between licks. "Withdraw and wait."

He slipped himself out of Molly's mouth with a sigh of frustration. Now with only one thing to concentrate on, Molly whispered. "Ma'am, may I cum?"

"Yes," Camden whispered and began to press her tongue harder against the puckered opening and increased the pace of her fingers probing her clit.

Molly pushed out and back, opening herself totally as Camden brought her to a noisy, squirming end. She collapsed, spent and happy. "Thank you, Ma'am. How may I repay you?"

"Lie on your back, head on the pillows." Camden climbed up on the bed with her and then lay on top of her with a pleased expression. "You will kiss me while Jacob finishes inside me." She raised herself up on her knees, then began to kiss Molly deeply.

Jacob needed no further instruction as he scrambled for the last condom and climbed on the bed behind Camden. Molly couldn't see what happened, but she could feel him pushing Camden down against her chest. They were sweaty and slid against one another as they kissed. Molly held Camden close, her arms wrapped around her back to allow her brother to fill her up and drive her along from behind.

Camden gripped the sheets and pillows tightly in her fists and whispered in Molly's ear, "This is even better than before. Thank you, kitten."

Molly reached down with one hand to massage Camden's swollen nub while her brother pounded against her hips. The pace was fast and frantic as Camden began to moan softly, then to cry out, finally bending to bite Molly so hard on the shoulder that she cried out in pain and happiness as Camden's orgasm broke over them both.

Jacob gave an answering cry and pushed Camden down to crush Molly against the bed. Molly didn't care at all, finding comfort in the pain and pressure and pleasure. They were together, like one living thing, eating and kissing and fucking. She reached up to touch her brother's back while she nuzzled against Camden's wet face.

When Camden's breath began to hitch like she was crying, Jacob rolled off carefully as Molly brushed the hair out of her face to see her expression.

"Hey, did I hurt you?" Jacob asked with a worried frown.

"What's wrong?" Molly begged, rolling Camden off to lie between them on the bed. "Hey…"

Camden had covered her face with her hands. "Oh my God," she sobbed.

Jacob and Molly shared a worried look, then both embraced her from either side to make soothing sounds and touch her gently. Eventually she calmed down and wiped her eyes.

"Sorry," she muttered. "That was a little intense for me."

"I thought we were just playing. Did I do something wrong?" Jacob asked.

"I never thought you'd just keep doing what I said! I kept waiting for one of you to say no, or tell me I was being stupid. I was so afraid I'd hurt you." She touched the bite on Molly's shoulder with gentle fingers.

"Fuck! That wasn't stupid," Molly confessed with a chuckle. "I loved every second of it, even the parts that hurt a little."

"Next time you have to spank me too, damn it." Jacob complained with a laugh. "And I'm definitely going to fuck someone's mouth again. Holy shit, that was hot. And then Dad called in the middle of it." He laughed again and rubbed Camden's back.

"So you didn't mind I kind of took over?" she asked in obvious bewilderment.

"Actually, I found it freeing," Molly whispered with her face heating to a flush. "It was weird, but really felt afraid of you and it made everything so much hotter."

"Exactly," Jacob said. "All I wanted was to make you happy."

"That's not exactly out of the ordinary for you," Molly said with a raised eyebrow.

He chuckled and said, "No, it felt different. I loved Camden bossing us around. You on the other hand…"

Molly gave him a playful punch in the arm, then looked at Camden again. "When you called me kitten and petted me, I could have purred. Seriously, I didn't know I'd react that way, but I loved it."

"I came so hard it scared me," she confessed. "Kissing you while Jacob fucked me. I never imagined it would be as intense as that."

Jacob rolled over on his back and sighed deeply. "Watching you two kiss like that. So wild and passionate, like you were eating each other's mouths. That got me off more than anything."

Camden's phone rang and Jacob got it for her from the night stand. During the brief call it was obvious she was being summoned home by her mother. She hung up looking extremely disappointed. "Sorry guys, playtime is over, for me anyway."

"You smell like sex," Jacob said as he conspicuously sniffed along her back.

"Let me clean up and get my clothes on. I gotta go or she'll get suspicious."

Camden went into the bathroom while Jacob went to gather their clothes from the living room. Molly intended to get up, but the bed pulled her deeper until she fell asleep.

She woke alone and smelling of sex. The musk permeated the room, giving her heady flashbacks to the night before. Getting out of bed, she padded to the bathroom and sat on the toilet with a sigh.

Jacob must have heard her and came in the bathroom naked and yawning. "Sup."

Molly glanced up at him standing there watching her pee. "This is so weird."

"So does the pee just come out from between your lips and splash everywhere?"

"Uh… yeah."

"So where's the pee hole?"

"Google it, you freak." She muttered and wiped herself. After getting up, Jacob lifted the seat and proceeded to piss a long stream, making bubbles in the toilet water. "I always wondered how it felt to pee standing up like that."

"Now who's the freak?" he asked with a laugh and flushed. "You gonna shower?"

"Hell yeah, I smell like sex. I'm gonna have to do laundry again to clean my sheets and spray the room down or Dad will smell it."

"Want me to scrub your back?" he asked with an arched tone.

"Fuck off and make me breakfast." She said as she opened the curtain to start the hot water.

"What do you want?" he asked without seeming bothered by her gruff tone.

"Toast, juice, maybe a poached egg if you can manage to leave the yolk runny this time." She stepped into the shower and pulled the curtain as he left.

This was the last day of their allotted play time and Molly was suddenly uncomfortable. It had been an mind expanding experience for her, but this morning her perceptions had shifted. The world seemed different even though nothing really had changed.

Being with them both had intensified her feelings for them, both good and bad. The fact that Jacob was comfortable just walking in on her peeing signaled how much things had changed. He was always more comfortable with his body, but now she found herself sharing his nonchalance.

Camden was the harder problem. That last time with her playing the dominant role had taught her something about herself and her feelings for her friend. Love was an overused, nearly meaningless word, but when Camden called her kitten the surge of emotion she felt rocked her completely. If it wasn't love, there wasn't a word for it at all.

After dressing and joining her brother in the kitchen, Molly couldn't find anything to say to him. Small talk seemed pointless. Discussing what had happened without Camden being there felt wrong. So she ate in silence as Jacob gave her nervous glances.

"You want to do anything today?" he asked.

"No," she whispered as she continued to stir the toast in her runny egg.

"Are you okay?"

"What happens tomorrow?"

"We catch the bus and go to school. I've got a test in geometry and soccer practice after school." He shrugged. "Don't make this more complicated than it has to be."

"Are you can Camden gonna go out now?" Molly ate her last bit of toast and sat back. "I mean, in public?"

He grinned and nodded. "I'd like that. I think she would, too. Maybe I'll ask her."

"I think I love her." Molly confessed it quickly, getting the words out before she lost her nerve. Jacob was silent for a long time.

"I know I do." He finished his last bite and picked up both their plates. He was still naked, she realized, as he carried the dishes over to the sink. "Good thing I love you, too."

"Don't be an ass," she growled as he trivialized the way she felt.

"I'm serious. I don't feel jealous of you two. It's not like love runs out or anything. Do you think Dad loves one of us more than the other?"

"No," Molly looked down as she considered what he said.

"Are you jealous of us?"

She thought about it hard. She had been at the beginning, but playing together that last time the thought hadn't crossed her mind. "Not anymore."

"So stop trying to put this in one of your little fucking boxes. It's okay if I love her. It's okay if you love her. Maybe it's still weird we mess around with her together, but it doesn't feel weird to me anymore. Honestly, I could get used to this. Long term."

The doorbell rang and Jacob looked at Molly. "You may want to answer the door." He wiggled his dick at her as he danced across the living room towards their hallway. "I'm gonna shower."

When Molly opened the door, Camden slipped her arms around her neck and kissed her deeply. The door was open and a car drove by while they were kissing, but Molly didn't care. Camden's lips tasted like cherry lip gloss and her tongue of mint.

"I missed you," Camden whispered at last.

Those three words made everything right in the world. "Want some breakfast?"

"I ate already."

They wandered back to the kitchen where Molly rinsed the breakfast dishes and loaded them in the dish washer. Camden sat on the stool opposite the sink while Molly worked, smiling at her in a distracted way.

"What's that smile for," Molly asked.

"You. This. Us. All of us." She rested her chin in her hands and gave a happy sigh.

"I've got to wash my sheets and spray in my room. It's kinda funky in there. Wanna help?"

"I'd rather make it a little more funky before we do. What time does your Dad get here?"

"Three. We don't have much time."

"I'll help you do it when Jacob goes to get him. Let's play some more while we can." Camden was practically begging, so Molly started the dish washer and led her into her room.

They climbed up on the tangled sheets and came together to kiss. Camden had on black leggings under a plaid skirt, but her white shirt opened easily to Molly's fingers. The lacy bra opened in the front, so Molly pressed her to lie back and explored her breasts.

Lying back, her breasts spread out, but the nipples in the center of her aureola beckoned kisses. With her shirt and bra open, Camden kept Molly's hair back so she could watch. "That's nice."

"I always wished mine were this big. I've always thought yours were the perfect size."

"I'd kill for your ass, though." Camden said as she smoothed her hair.

"You certainly proved that last night," Molly chuckled. "I never thought about my ass being that sensitive."

"Was that too weird?" Camden was beginning to shift around and bite her lip.

"No," Molly confessed. "You should let me show you."

The idea caught fire and they both shed their clothes in a moment, Coming back together to kiss before Molly pushed her friend to lay on her back. She stuck a pillow under Camden's ass, then proceeded to kiss her open.

"How did I ever live without this?" Camden murmured. "Sleep overs could have been this fun for years!"

Molly teased her open with her tongue, pushing her thighs up for Camden to raise her knees. Licking lower in stages, Camden finally hooked her hands behind her knees to open herself completely. Molly explored down, licking around the tight pink opening.

"Oh fuck, you were right," Camden moaned.

The shower went off and Molly heard Jacob gasp from the bathroom doorway. She was too caught up in feasting on Camden to care, but she still jumped when his hands pulled her to lift her hips higher at the edge of the bed.

His fingers opened her, releasing the pent up arousal and making her gasp into Camden's wet flesh. In moments he had bent down to do the same to her that she was doing to Camden. It was too distracting doing two things at once, so she slipped a finger inside Camden to hurry things along. Her cry and pulsing muscles announced her orgasm, allowing Molly to focus on what Jacob was doing to her.

He was holding her open and eating her with a rough passion. She pressed her face against Camden as the moment sped closer. Her gasping cry and sudden sensitivity made her pull away with a groan. "That's it, you're next."

He climbed up on the bed with a bright laugh. "Yes!"

"On your knees," Camden commanded, assuming her dominate role again.

Jacob got on his hands and knees with his hard cock swinging free. Camden slapped him ass cheeks hard. "T-Thank you, Ma'am," he whispered.

"You milk him," Camden directed Molly. "You may use your hands or mouth."

Molly got the lotion in her hands and began to pull on his shaft while Camden opened his cheeks to inspect him. "You certainly cleaned very well, but there is only one way to be sure."

She bent to lick him with the tip of her tongue. He let out a shuddering breath and Molly felt his shaft pulse once as a bead of precum leaked out. In moments Camden was licking in a wild display as she massaged his cheeks to keep them open. Jacob was straining hard to keep from crying out, his face flushed a deep red.

Molly continued to pull on his shaft and used her other hand to massage his balls, doing her best to make him completely lose his mind.

Camden felt on the bed for the bottle of lotion Molly had just used while she continued to lick and play. When she got some out, she reached up to replace her tongue with the slippery fingers.

"M-May I cum, Ma'am," he groaned.

"Not yet," she insisted, then slipped her fingers around his hairy hole once, twice, then she began to penetrate him slowly. "Now you may cum," she said as he cried out and sprayed an amazing amount of cum on the sheets of Molly's bed. Molly couldn't help laughing at his reaction and the insane mess he'd just made.

"Oh God!" he shouted as Camden got her whole finger inside him and began to fuck his ass. He pushed back, then another amazing flow of cum poured out. "Don't stop," he begged as Molly continued to pump his hard cock.

Eventually it slowed to a trickle, then Jacob collapsed to the bed, his hair wet with sweat more than water. "I'll do anything you want as long as you promise we can do that again someday. I swear, anything," he panted as he recovered.

Camden chuckled as she walked to the bathroom. "I'll have to think about that."

It felt like years had passed as Molly sat at the bus stop on Monday morning. They had been able to clean up everything and Dad came home to a meal Molly and Camden had prepared. They laughed and talked together around the table, their shared secret bonding them with ties closer than blood. It had been hard to let Camden go home without the affection they'd gotten used to displaying, but sleeping alone was even harder.

"Sup," Jacob said as he joined Molly sitting on the curb.

"Sup, yourself," she said giving him a sideways grin.

"How's them boxes?" he asked, hinting at the question he was really asking.

"Don't need 'em anymore," she answered. It was going to be okay. Whatever they had going had worked itself out in her head and she was fine with it.

Camden's door opened and she walked towards them with a spring in her step and bright smile on her face. She ignored the other kids standing around waiting for the bus and squeezed in between Jacob and Molly.

"Good morning," she said, then bumped shoulders with them both. Over the weekend she seemed to develop a new confidence and it suited her. Molly resisted the urge to kiss her, but Jacob leaned over to give her a quick peck.

"'Morning," he said and actually blushed. Molly chuckled to herself and shook her head.

"So I've been thinkin'," Camden whispered to them both. "You know that place that sells adult toys and stuff over on the freeway?"

Molly felt her stomach flutter as she nodded. Jacob's eyes got wide and he said, "Sure."

"I've got Mom's car on Wednesday afternoon to get home after rehearsal. How about we head over there and see if anything looks… interesting."

"I did say I'd do anything," Jacob whispered back. "I'll pick up the tab. Anything you two want is on me."

"Good idea," Molly said and leaned into her friend's shoulder. "I love shopping."



  1. Not right now, but you never know! This was the story I set out to tell. Hope you liked it!

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