[MF][Romance][Striptease] Very Cold then Very Hot

The day is bitterly cold and freezing rain falls slowly and steadily as it has all day. Millions of icicles dangle off of millions of surfaces that sparkle in the muted light of the low clouds. It is my favorite kind of day. Sweet and slow, warm in this place we inhabit. I am holed up in the spare room that is filled with my art supplies.

On this day of ours, while you are reading on the couch beside the fireplace, we are full of rhythm. Life is average and in that—is beautiful. The washing machine hums a unique beat accompanied by a dish washer. The muted hush of dancing white noise against the steady dripping of the rain outside the windows. The fire crackles and reflects the warm and wavering glow on the skin I’ve loved hundreds of times before.

[MF] Letting Go and Giving In

The sky is bright with stars that stretch from horizon to horizon.

You are full. Full of thoughts, full of worries, and full of anxiety over unknown days. It’s inevitable and far too easy to sink into.
We sit in a boat in the middle of the lake that lies hidden just a short walk from my cabin. I love it here. I brought you here for a reason.

The lake is glass. Under the sky we see each other and watch the small ripples appear from unknown sources in a murky darkness. It is amazing how little noise can be made by the silence of a warm night. The distance seems to both carry the sounds of the forest and absorb the motions we make.

I take your hand and smile. I can see you’re about to speak and so much of me wishes to hear it. Hear your mouth round out my syllables one more time. Watch you draw in your precious breath and exhale the thoughts I hold so dear.

For our words are magic spoken into balloons that rise from our mouths and float to the sky.

Sweet Sentiments [fM, Str8]

I had only known you for only a matter of months, but it felt like years. When we met I was wrapped up in my own life, as you were in yours, and I hadn’t the slightest suspicion of what you would become. Hardly had I imagined myself drawn to someone so much older than I, but it happened without effort. Inwardly I prayed often that my youthful thought patterns wouldn’t betray my affection for you.

We met on Reddit of all places. Not as bad as some areas but certainly out of the realm of acceptable as a married woman and a married man. But some things happen so naturally it’s not as if I could have resisted. Pulled toward you like polar ends of a magnet. Individual moves that propelled us forward into a future unknown. I can’t even recall who suggested we meet in person first. Only that my feeble attempts to decline melted in my mouth like cotton candy.