[MF] Letting Go and Giving In

The sky is bright with stars that stretch from horizon to horizon.

You are full. Full of thoughts, full of worries, and full of anxiety over unknown days. It’s inevitable and far too easy to sink into.
We sit in a boat in the middle of the lake that lies hidden just a short walk from my cabin. I love it here. I brought you here for a reason.

The lake is glass. Under the sky we see each other and watch the small ripples appear from unknown sources in a murky darkness. It is amazing how little noise can be made by the silence of a warm night. The distance seems to both carry the sounds of the forest and absorb the motions we make.

I take your hand and smile. I can see you’re about to speak and so much of me wishes to hear it. Hear your mouth round out my syllables one more time. Watch you draw in your precious breath and exhale the thoughts I hold so dear.

For our words are magic spoken into balloons that rise from our mouths and float to the sky.

You open the mouth I’ve studied well. The motions of which I follow and desire. I hold up a gentle hand to stop the potential and you heed it. Instead I stand in my boat and cause it to waver. My eyes are mirthful and I look at you with a grin. A patient smile that you know only exists because you do. I hold my hand open for you and you think I’m crazy.

You study the water that reflects the endless sky and then look at me again. But I’m so sure of myself. Even if it ends in disaster you know you wish to be disastrous with me. You take my hand in your own. A natural strength that I’ve come to adore. The boat is suddenly slippery.

My laughter bubbles out of my mouth as we are on uneven footing. You know what will happen even as it unfolds. What you don’t expect is my eagerness. No mere resisting the inevitable but choosing to jump fully into places unknown. A sharp and violent movement that shakes you from the safety of the place you stood upon and you find yourself tipping into water that is surprisingly warm.

Your clothes drag you down as you find your way back to the surface in time to see me swimming away toward the shore and leaving the boat behind us.

I know you almost as well as I know myself. I call for you “leave it!” as I know you debate bringing it responsibly to shore. You still pause for a moment as you consider the ramifications of such a youthful thing.

You sigh deeply as you turn toward me and you can see the shifting reflection of your smile in the moonlight of the water. Tiny fish tug softly on your clothes and you think briefly about how twisted you look in the water. You point yourself toward me, already halfway to a distant shore and begin to power away from the boat. The sanctuary from trial. The safety of the known.

As if every stroke of your arms pull you further away from the shell of who you used to be and closer to who you are now, you can feel the anxieties you held on to begin to slip away. You move faster and the ache of your muscles is cathartic. Actively giving up the hardships that lay on your shoulders.

It doesn’t take long to reach me, who now stands with just my chin above the water and tiptoes along the bottom of the lake. It is only us, in our special place. For the first time since we’ve been together in this place I feel as if I’m looking at the real you again. Eyes so clear and chest heaving from the exertion of leaving it all behind.

The air changes and everything feels different now. The only sounds are of our breathing and how our clothes move through water. We don’t need to say a word to know what happens next.

Our movements are slow and weighted by the baggage of our clothing now. This close to the edge of my perfect lake the water is nearly clear but for the way our feet shift the sand. You can see the distorted image of my body just as I can see yours and I wonder if you can see the ripples that my skipping heart creates.

I begin to unbutton the dress I wear that fans about me. My skin glows almost translucent under the moon and my fingers are sure as I move along my own skin. Revealing first the top and then the entirety of the pale bra I wear. My nipples peak through the fine fabric and I blush for a private moment as I always do at this juncture. The amazement that you chose me. The unabashed desire that we share.

I awkwardly and in slow motion pull my legs out of the dress and expose the matching panties that cover the triangular shadow between my legs. The paleness of my muscular and healthy thighs. The almost porcelain complexion of hard working calves. I ball up the soaked dress and throw it as hard as I can toward land and I laugh when I hear a loud splash and feel the returning push of the water when I miss. My chest tightens with joy when I hear you chuckle under your breath and you are still watching me.

By the magic of the night I have become your mermaid. Your siren. The embodiment of desire. I slip off my soaked flats and throw them one by one toward the shore that actually lands with a thud this time. I stand before you exposed and desiring only you. My beautiful one.

The water gives us cause to move in slow motion as we follow the cord that pulls us together. I marvel at the way your wet clothing hugs every line of your skin and my heart aches for the beautiful way you were made. As we come together our bodies move slowly into the motions we have become accustomed to. Your strong arms open for me and simultaneously open my spirit. I jump slightly and lift my strong legs to wrap around your waist and you pull us chest to chest.

I am raised higher to be wrapped around you and the water suctions barely between my breasts that are halfway above the water. I look into your eyes and study the depth of those colors I adore. My favorite colors live in your eyes and you cause my breath to catch in my throat. Your wet skin and hypersensitive skin can feel the shuddering exhales as we draw close together and despite the chill of moisture the heat of you is as powerful as the sun that is sleeping.

When you kiss me it is as it always is. The world falls away from me and electricity passes from your body to mine. With one single motion my soul is awakened and my body moves almost of its’ own volition. My legs tighten around you and as you hold my head carefully and as my tongue tests the surface of yours, my fingers fumble through the cumbersome buttons of your own shirt. It takes effort to peel the wet fabric from your skin and we don’t even pause to toss it away from the water as our skin comes together again. Your knowing fingers find the clasp to my bra and suddenly I am released from the binding. As you move from my mouth to my neck you tilt my head upwards and like a wolf would howl to the moon I find the persistent “O” of my mouth gasping air to the great and shining glow. My lashes flutter as your teeth carefully scrape and taste the skin at the most sensitive place on my neck. Your fingers knead and massage the pale and soft flesh of my breasts. All at once I am cold and burning up from the inside.

I can feel the hard length of you inside your jeans and I know how you ache for me. I don’t protest or complain as you begin to walk me to the shore. Both of us kissing and panting for one another. Your name on my lips as I beg for you to please finish me the way you do. Such need and wanting coursing through my system as I work the muscles at my midsection and grind into you.

You pull me insistently off of you as we come to the water’s edge and you lay me in the dark sand. I look up at you with bright eyes and a swollen mouth. Water laps at my bottom half and you are still partially submerged as you begin to remove your pants. I wait for what you will do. How you will touch me.

You are silhouetted by the moon as you move through the arduous task of undressing yourself. While I can hear the grunt of effort as you pull the waterlogged material off yourself, again I am struck by how masculine and perfect you are. Not in the traditional sense of the word, as it could never encompass what you mean to me. But the curves and angles that come together to make you uniquely you.

It doesn’t take long before you stand before me naked in the water and I almost don’t want to move despite wanting you so. For how could I compare to such perfection? You come toward me again and pull the soaked and now sand covered panties off of me and now I lay beneath you captured. Yours to keep.

You gently pull my knees apart as you fall to yours before me and take your place above me. It is incredible to witness time and time again how you fit me. How we come to this place. You position yourself where I begin and my breath catches. It’s hard to encompass the sheer scope of emotions you bring out in me. Hardly has the world seen a love like mine for you. I am trembling with need and also that familiar fear. A fullness of awareness and my body is entirely alive. Commanded by you.

Time seems to stop in this moment and briefly as I await the impending completion before you thrust into me with a heavy gasp of the heat and moisture I carry. My arms encircle you and my fingers dig in as my face freezes for a moment in the vision of ecstasy that I share with you. Our bodies shift and the great and beautiful rhythm of our impending crescendo begins. You move against me in painful slowness as my body shifts to accommodate you and I find myself lifting against you and encouraging you to do more. Go faster. Be deeper. Finish me entirely.

You are controlled in your response it seems. I watch your face carefully as you move within me and I admire the way your expression contorts. You grit your teeth occasionally and for a moment our eyes meet as you pick up speed.

Ripples expand from our source of motion and grow larger as you move faster and I begin to beg you. Please. Please. I need this. My wet fingers slip on your skin as I try to drag you closer to me and fail. My body pushes harder into the sand to grant purchase and faster movement as desperation begins to set in. No longer am I controlled by my mind that ever seeks you but a body that relies on yours. My hips rising to meet every thrust and our breath that rushes and pants mutually.

I can sense the end approaching as your thrusts become shorter and faster and our chests come together. Your hands come up to rest on either side of my face as we approach the completion of our mutual selves. I, who is in the habit of losing my vision to endless pleasure, am now forced to look into your gaze as the end grows nearer. You see the pupils of my eyes dilated and dark for you. My life seemingly written to please you.

The muscles of my thighs and groin grow tighter and tighter until I recognize the cliff that I will dive from. Pants turn into moans. Moans into whimpers. Whimpers into a loud cacophony of your name and my body surrendering itself. My cries echoing over the water and bouncing of the branches of my trees. My head thrown backwards and my eyes filled with stars as I feel you suddenly seize sharply and your hips pump hard into mine. You cry out for me too and our voices blend together as you empty into me.

We slow and still in this position. You still inside of me as our gazes are drawn back together and we know once again that this is what we were made for.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/5n2xyu/mf_letting_go_and_giving_in

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