[m4a] looking for a good writer to help me out with a plot I have.

I was kind of looking for a writer to write a sort of celebrity sex story for me(about billie eilish). I have the plot, character descriptions, structure and also an inspiration story for it. I just needed someone to articulate it well for me in whatever style. My kinks are rather vanilla so don’t expect something weird

But it’s not a one way deal either. I seriously can’t afford the writers here on reddit so I thought this can be a sort of a trade off? I myself have written a really good sex story about a fan’s encounter with Scarlett Johansson. It has really good reviews and I’m sure you’ll like it.

So basically the deal I’m offering is for you to write the previously mentioned (billie eilish) story for me and when you’re done with that we trade our stories so that both of us benefit from the deal.

Let me know if you’re interested.