She apologized for sucking my dick [FM]

After the bars started to close, I saw a tall beautiful blonde woman sitting alone. Her hair was up and she wasn’t wearing makeup. She had a top that exposed one shoulder and pants. She was wearing flat shoes. I think they are toms brand. I immediately walked up and told her I thought she was so gorgeous and if she had a moment to talk. She seemed very flattered and happy to talk to me. She had just finished her shift as a cocktail waitress and was going to get an uber home. I suddenly remembered seeing her earlier in the night, in a dress uniform that I see all the cocktail waitresses wear. I told her I could drive her home. She joking asked “You’ll give me a ride even if I live in southern california?” (We were in northern california). I said “thats awesome, after I drop you off I can go to disneyland.” She laughed.

The red-haired mermaid and the prince

The prince saw a red-haired mermaid on the beach. Her breasts covered by purple seashells. He had not shared a bed with a woman for a long time. He had spent many days at sea, and he wondered if this was just a hallucination. They made eye-contact as the prince walked toward her. Their blue eyes did not blink until she spoke, “Hello land dweller. I am from a kingdom under the sea. I have never met anyone of your kind before and I wish to learn the proper greeting among your people.”

The prince asked, “How do your people normally greet each other miss red-haired mermaid?” The beautiful mermaid explained that her people usually shook hands and introduced themselves by name, just as his people would have. However, he sought to mislead the mermaid and satisfy his sexual desires. “My people a very different. The females usually greet the males by getting on their knees, closing their eyes, and opening their mouths”, said the prince. “Like this?”, said the mermaid, closing her eyes and opening her mouth. “Yes. And now I will present my penis, as is my custom, and insert it into your mouth. And you must suck on it, and try to fit as much of its length as you can.” The prince lowered his pants and revealed his rock-hard cock to the crisp sea-air. He slowly entered the mermaid’s mouth. This is a rather odd custom, she thought, as she sucked on the head of the prince’s cock.

[m/f] She said ‘I want you to fuck my face’

I got into a huge fight with my girlfriend, got kicked out, and drove to a motel. I sent a text to a friend asking if they were renting a room in their house. I got in line at hotel reception. They asked me to fill out a form, which included my car license plate number. I was filling out the form when she responded.

I asked if I could stop by and chat. It was about 9pm. She said she could talk a little while so I drove over. It was dark outside but not too cold. She lead me to her yard were we sat on some lawn furniture and she offered me some wine.

She wasn't offering any room to stay the night and I had to work the next day so I decided to pass on the wine. She didn't even let me in her house, because she didn't want us to wake her daughter up. Gina was a single mom. A tall blonde I'd known since high school.

Ask we talked about my breakup, we started sitting closer and closer to each other. She started giving me comforting pats and shoulder rubs until pretty soon we were holding each other. It wasn't long until we escalated to kissing.