My biggest fantasy is to be raped. I’m ashamed to say that because it’s not something a woman should *admit*.
My reluctance to say it out loud stems from a conversation I had once with a friend’s boyfriend in a pub. We were chatting about fantasises (you know the type, sex in public, Britney Spears in *that* school uniform) when he suddenly announced that it was every woman’s fantasy to be raped.
I thought it was the most misogynistic thing I’d ever heard because at that time, I saw rape as a woman being forced at knifepoint to have sex with a stranger in a dark alleyway somewhere. So why would any woman in her right mind want to endure that humiliation? No woman *wants* to be hurt and degraded like that.
But his words stayed with me and I was determined to prove him wrong in every relationship I had after that.
Every man I have been with knows that I’m no victim. I’m in control of all aspects of my life and I certainly don’t let anyone dictate to me what I should do: everything is done *my* way, especially sex.