I’m an 18yo gay boy who got seduced by a MILF[mF]

Even though I’m 18, my parents don’t trust me enough to leave me alone at home. This is probably because last time they did, I made a party with a lot of people and several things were broken/damaged… Anyways, they had to leave for a few days and decided to hire a babysitter (lame, I know) mostly to make sure I didn’t throw any parties or make a chaos while they’re gone.

So, the day comes and the new babysitter, let’s call her Dianna, arrives. She’s a woman on her 40s, blonde and light green eyes. Very curvy (I didn’t notice this until later on). As soon as she met me, she winked at me, in a flirty way. I’m gay so I just didn’t give it much thought. That night, I was making dinner on my own, listening to music with my airpods on. When I turned around to serve my food, I see Dianna almost naked right behind me. She’s wearing very thin leather, which basically let me see everything. I asked her what she was doing, but she put her finger on my lips and then started massaging my crotch. I pushed her off and told her I was gay, although for some reason I had unconsciously gotten incredibly hard, even before she had touched me. She smiled at first and blushed, so I thought she was just embarrassed. She apologized and said she just thought I was a very attractive young man and that me being gay was a “waste”. I smiled back uncomfortably and pat her on the back. I went to eat my meal and then headed upstairs.

The night a sexy succubus stole his virginity.

Alec was laying down on bed, thinking about how amazing his 18th birthday was gonna be. He had already planned seeing his boyfriend that day, so that they could have some steamy sex, since he was still a virgin. He had also planned to see his sister and his dad, since they promised they had a special gift for him. Alec was a tall and fit young gay man. He had beautiful hazel eyes and an amazing brunette hair that every girl in his school died for.

Well, 00:00 hit. It felt different. He was no longer a kid. He was… An adult now. It didn’t feel differently just because of that though. There was something else, something was shaking under him. He heard some weird noises, but chose to ignore them, since it was his 18th birthday, who cares whatever the fuck there’s under his bed.

“It must be some annoying insect.” He thought to himself, as he scrolled through his Instagram feed, waiting for his sister’s post congratulating him on finally being 18.

The day my boss managed to seduce me. [MF]

I work as a surgeon in a well-known hospital in the south. I am currently doing my specialty in gynecology and I’m the only man. Every other doctor doing the specialty is a woman, and the head of gynecology is also a woman. I’m gay and I’ve had some of my female co-workers flirt with me and try to seduce me numerous times. It gets lonely in here and I’m the only guy, so they see me as a source for pleasure. Of course, nothing ever happened. Today my boss, let’s call her Samantha, called me urgently to assist a birth. After doing a C-section, the baby was born. I left the O.R. and she did too. As I approached the changing room, she walked right behind me. I knew she wanted to have sex with me, because she’s been trying to get in my pants for the past month. I was standing on the entrance of the changing room and I turned around. I see her looking at me and smiling seductively. She’s a very curvy woman with ginger hair and light blue eyes.

The sexy asian chick turned the hot gay jock straight.

Tina and Blaine were sitting down, on her sofa, watching an episode of “Friends”, when she turned to him, and said.

“Blaine… There’s something I’ve gotta tell you”. She looked very willing to say what she had in mind, so he nodded, and let her continue.

“Since we met, I’ve wanted you. Not in a romantical, hopelessly in love way, but in a “i-wanna-fuck-you-so-bad” way. You look so fucking amazing. And I haven’t had sex in such a long time. I need you Blaine, I want you.” She said, getting closer and closer to him, running her hand up his thigh. He was wearing a black short-sleeved button up shirt, with a red bowtie, just like during his performance of “it’s not unusual”. He had black tight jeans on, and nice

“Tina, we’ve talked about this.” He says. “First off, I’m ga-“. Tina cut him off putting her finger on his lips.

How I lost my virginity to a MILF as a gay teenage boy [MF] [Pizza Delivery] [Seduction]

During my late teens (19yo), I used to work as a delivery boy. It was in a small town, filled with lovely and well-decorated houses. I worked for the main pizza company in town, so we got a *lot* of customers from all over the place. At the time, I had a boyfriend. We had been together for a couple months already.

Anyways, I used to work the night shift, and during a hot summer night, we got a call from a house I had never delivered to before. It was on the outer side of town, but didn’t feel creepy or dangerous, I didn’t give it much thought. So, I got the pizza, and drove all the way down to this place. It was a very big, white and brown mansion, with a pool and a huge garden. I ringed the bell, and a lady answered, and told me to wait while she looks for the keys. She opened the door, wearing only a bathrobe that outlined the edge of her breasts. She was tall, light brown hair, thick lips with red lipstick on them, and makeup on.

A sexy secret agent and her mysterious mission. [Seduction] [MF]

Sasha was a secret agent, trained by the government. She was a tall, blonde, 48-year-old curvy woman. She had soft, big and rounded breasts. Even though her fighting abilities were amazing, her body played an important part in defeating her male enemies. She seduced them with her incredible beauty, and distracted them. This time, she was on a mission to defeat and capture Alec Lightwood. He’s a professional fighter, and knows how to use a bow and arrow like no one else. This is the time to show her skills, this is the time to prove herself. Alec is a part of the opposing political party. The government is malignant, and trying to exterminate any competence for their next candidate. Alec was the son of the biggest competitor against the government, and therefore was the key to defeating his father. However, would Sasha be able to defeat him and capture him?

The new girl… (Part 1) [MF] [SHOWER SEX]


Blaine Anderson, a dreamy, curly-haired and hazel-eyed pretty boy, was a part of The Warblers, a choir group formed by 17-18 year old male teenagers who loved singing. One fine evening, as they practiced for the next competition, a new member joined the group. However, this member was different from every single one of them. This member… was a girl.

She was tall, blonde and had green eyes. She was wearing a female uniform, that adjusted to her breasts perfectly, making them stand out. As she entered the room, every guy stared at her, doomed by her sexyness. Every guy except, well, Blaine. He was as gay as it gets. He had a very handsome boyfriend who he fucked every day of the week, keeps him sexually satisfied. He had never felt any attraction towards girls, and according to him, he never would, not in the present nor in the future.

Seducing your brother’s husband. [MF] [Sister-in-law]

James was married to Samantha’s brother, Charles. The brother and sister duo looked a lot alike. A male and female version of the other. They looked very much alike in their faces. The eyes, the nose and the lips. And both of them had the same shade of golden honey brown hair. While Charles’s hair just about covered his ears when wet, the tips of Sam’s hair reached her shoulders. They both had glowing sun-kissed complexions, which only added to their appeal for James. Sam was 3 years older than Charles and James, both 28, but she was the least successful of the three, and still hadn’t managed to settle down with someone and make a home of her own.

Charles had nabbed James while they were seniors in college. James was a very successful entrepreneur and made over $400,000 a year now. But what attracted James to Charles was his confidence. He never tried to hide who he was, or apologized for the way he was. It was when they officially announced their engagement, when James finally met Charles’s sister Samantha.

Penny would do ANYTHING to pass this class. ANYTHING. [MF] [Student and Professor] [Seduction]

Blaine is a very renowned college professor. He’s the best at what he does. His class is the most difficult of them all. Not only that, he’s the most lusted upon professor in University. Every girl enjoys the eye candy everytime they visit his class. Unfortunately for them, he’s gay, and has a loving husband. He’s tall, brown curly hair, light green eyes. His abs are very noticeable through his button-up shirts.

Penny was one of his worst students. She was annoying, extremely talkative and always interrupted him with some dumb question. Penny is a tall, light brown hair, very voluptuous and curvy 19 year old. She’s basically fucked every guy in the class… Except, well, Blaine. As the end of the term approached, Penny got called to office hours by Blaine. There was no way that was good news. She knocked on the door, wearing a tight blouse and a thin, checked skirt.

“Come in…” Started Blaine. “Penny, I’m afraid you didn’t make it to the next semester. I’m gonna have to fail you, and you’ll redo my class with another professor in summer” Blaine continued, as he adjusted his tie.

Today is your 18th birthday. Your succubus will get you her very own gift. [MF] [Seduction]

Alec was laying down on bed, thinking about how amazing his 18th birthday was gonna be. He had already planned seeing his boyfriend that day, so that they could have some steamy sex, since he was still a virgin. He had also planned to see his sister and his dad, since they promised they had a special gift for him. Alec was a tall and fit young gay man. He had beautiful hazel eyes and an amazing brunette hair that every girl in his school died for.

Well, 00:00 hit. It felt different. He was no longer a kid. He was… An adult now. It didn’t feel differently just because of that though. There was something else, something was shaking under him. He heard some weird noises, but chose to ignore them, since it was his 18th birthday, who cares whatever the fuck there’s under his bed.

“It must be some annoying insect.” He thought to himself, as he scrolled through his Instagram feed, waiting for his sister’s post congratulating him on finally being 18.